Godly Student

Chapter 5194: The Underworld is coming!

Every once in a while, the underworld army of the underworld is sent from there. Obviously, the underworld does not know that this channel is already under Cheng Yu's control at this time.

As a result, all the ghost cultivators who emerged from this passage were wiped out by Cheng Yu in the blink of an eye.

As for the army of hundreds of thousands of ghost cultivators who had already escaped, he couldn't control that much. There were only so many troops in the underworld.

If he destroys the passage now, then the underworld will naturally know that something has happened to the human world.

They may send the troops that did not arrive and the troops that were sent to the Human World from other channels.

At that time, their ghost repair army may have killed more humans elsewhere.

Since so many armies will come to the human world anyway, instead of letting them run to other passages, and then he has no way to kill all those ghost cultivators at once, it is better for him to guard this passage first, Kill all the troops they originally planned to transmit from this passage.

The loss to the underworld in this way will be much greater, because the underworld is no different from sending those armies to death directly.

Although Cheng Yu killed the ghost cultivators in this way of guarding the corpse, it was very enjoyable and happy, but the army of more than 200,000 ghost cultivators who escaped was also a big threat to the human cultivators.

When Cheng Yu was still happily guarding the corpse, the army of more than 200,000 ghost cultivators who escaped was approaching Nanwu City.

At this time, when Nanwu City heard that there was indeed a large army of ghost cultivators approaching, the entire city was already panicking.

Other things may be concealed, but this one is obviously impossible to conceal.

The north gate has already been closed, and it doesn't matter whether the people outside the city have not yet entered the city.

Nanwu City Lord stood above the North City Tower, looking worriedly at the dark army of ghost repairmen outside the city rushing towards Nanwu City.

"Is there any news from Cangluo Waiwang?" Nanwu City Lord asked.

"Not yet, it is estimated that it will take three days at the earliest." The deputy city lord said with a bitter face.

"There are at least hundreds of thousands of ghost repair troops outside the city. City lord, we are afraid that we won't be able to wait for reinforcements from the Cangluo Wai Wang." Deputy City Lord Huang said worriedly.

"City Lord, the people in the city are panicking now, and the army of ghost repairers is approaching the city again. Do we have to open other gates and let them escape from the city?" Deputy City Lord Qin looked back at the chaos in the city, and couldn't help but feel even more worried.

Although the Holy Dynasty and the Rebellious Dynasty had more troops than today's ghost cultivators, human cultivators and ghost cultivators were very different.

So even though the number of ghost cultivators was smaller, they felt more threatened.

Especially Ghost Xiu has no humanity at all. Once he is allowed to break through the city, the entire city will be wiped out, and may even be slaughtered by him.

Even if the Holy Dynasty invaded the city, they would not kill innocents indiscriminately, so when the Holy Dynasty army came, they would at most consider whether to surrender, but they would never let everyone abandon the city and flee.

But now it is the enemy of another world. Ghost cultivators have always killed humans when they see them, but there is no mercy.

So seeing so many ghost cultivators, he naturally had to think about the people in the city.

If the city is broken, the consequences are really unimaginable.

He didn't want all the people in the city to be slaughtered by ghost repairers.

"Open the city! Ghost repairers are different from humans. They are **** and brutal. Once they are allowed to enter the city, it is estimated that there will be no survivors.

Since we can't stop them, we can't kill them in vain. "Nanwu City Lord naturally understands this truth, so he will definitely not forcibly lock people in the city.

Normally, the importance of the people to the city cannot be expressed in words.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to easily let all the people in his city let go.

Once the people are gone, the city will naturally die.

But now the army of hundreds of thousands of ghost repairers is definitely not a joke, so his small Nanwu City must be unstoppable.

Since he can't hold it, he doesn't need to think about whether the city can still develop.

Now let the people go, and in the future, when all these ghost repairers are killed, maybe he still has a chance to rebuild Nanwu City.

In this way, those people who were originally Nanwu City might still come back if they knew the news.

Therefore, nothing can be done, and now letting them go is a kindness to the people.

After all, the common people can't fly. If they don't escape from the city sooner, they will wait until the ghost cultivator enters the city. Even if the commoners let them run away, they won't be able to escape the ghost cultivator's hunting range.

At this time, the other city gates were already crowded with people, and everyone was very excited.

"Ghost repair is calling, let us go out!"

"We don't want to die, open the city gate!"

"I beg you!"

The people inside the city gate had angry cries, collapsed cries, panic cries, all kinds of complicated voices mixed together.

But no matter what emotion or voice, their purpose is the same, that is, they hope that the city lord's mansion can open the city gate and let them out of the city.

These city gate guards are also very embarrassed.

They already knew that there was an army of ghost repairers attacking at the north gate, and that Nanwu City was about to face a disaster.

But as the sergeants of the city's main mansion, their duty is to obey orders.

Therefore, although they also wanted to open the city gate, they did not dare to do so.

In the face of the angry people, they can only be embarrassed and stick to their posts.

When they got the news from the guards, opened the city gate and allowed the people to leave the city, the general defending the city was also relieved.

"Kaicheng!" I saw the general who defended the city roared, the city gate slowly opened, and all the people rushed out, frantically rushing out of the city.

Although the ghost repair has not yet hit the city, they seem to feel that the ghost repair is behind them, and the outside of the city is their place of hope. As long as they can escape from the city, they can survive.

Except for the North Gate, the other three city gates were all open. Knowing the news, almost everyone in the city ran towards the three city gates.

With the hope of life, who wants to stay in the city and live and die with the ghost repair army?

Although the ghost repair army has not yet rushed to the city to attack the city, human beings have a kind of terror to ghost repair.

Not to mention ordinary humans, even human monks, they are very afraid.

Because of the ferocity of ghosts, ordinary humans are completely defenseless in front of ghosts, but in fact they don't know about ghosts.

The human monks are different. Even if they didn't understand it before, now that ghost monks have appeared, many human monks will hear other human monks mentioning the special features of ghost monks.

Therefore, many human cultivators feel more distressed about ghost cultivators, and ordinary methods can't kill them.

In this case, they themselves are very dangerous.

Therefore, not only the ordinary people, but even the weak human monks fled the city.

On the contrary, there are some who think they are stronger, or there are some who really want to see whether the ghost repair is really as strange as everyone said.

There are also some that may have some means to deal with ghost repairs, so naturally they are eager to try.

In addition, since ghost cultivation is a soul body, it is helpful to spiritual power cultivation or some other similar exercises.

But even if the ghost cultivator is caught, it is impossible to directly use the ghost cultivator for cultivation, and it has to be refined or other methods.

Just like the Chen family of the nine major cultivation families, the Chen family cultivated soul refiners, and they had soul refining techniques, soul control techniques, and so on.

If they wanted to capture the ghost repairers, they had to let the ancestors open the channel of the underworld, but this was a very dangerous thing. That was how Chen Hongyuan stayed in the underworld back then.

Now that Ghost Xiu had come to the human world, if the Chen family knew the news, they would be very happy.

With so many ghost cultivators, why do you need to venture to the underworld to capture ghost cultivators?

Of course, Cheng Yu has already told the news to Chen Ruiyang, the ancestor of the Chen family, and asked them to send family disciples to find the whereabouts of Ghost Xiu.

It's just that although there are some monks who are willing to stay at this time, there are not many who actually stay, and they are basically the monks of the City Lord's Mansion.

"City Lord, we are afraid that we are going to leave Nanwu City~www.readwn.com~ We are the only people, and not everyone has a way to deal with ghost repairs.

If we really want to fight hard here, our losses will be huge! Deputy City Lord Huang looked at the army of ghost repairers who were getting closer and closer. Even though they were so far apart, he could already feel the powerful Yin Qi, and he couldn't help but shudder.

Although he had long known about the special nature of ghost repairs, this was the first time he had encountered a ghost repair, and he couldn't help but feel a little unsure.

After all, knowing is one thing, but actually fighting is another.

"No, the people in the city haven't completely evacuated. If we leave, wouldn't none of these people escape." Nanwu City Lord shook his head and refused.

"Isn't this still a large defense formation? If this large protection formation is broken, even if we rush up, it will be useless.

And we only have so many troops, if we really want to fight them, it is probably just a waste of life! " said Deputy City Lord Huang.

"Then let's leave now?" Nanwu City Lord looked at his city with some reluctance in his heart.

This is the city that I have been running for so many years, and now I have to give up directly. It is really impossible to say that there is no nostalgia for it.

"City Lord, I think what the Deputy City Lord Huang said is not wrong. Although we still have some troops, it may not be useful to deal with ghost repairers.

And we can predict that with so many ghost repair troops attacking, the defense formation of Nanwu City is absolutely unstoppable.

So we save our strength now, exiting Nanwu City first and going to Qingyun City, perhaps the best way. At that time, we can discuss with the City Lord Qingyun to see if we have the ability to fight the ghost repair army, and then make plans. " said the deputy city lord Qin.

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