Godly Student

Chapter 5198: What is he doing?

Above the tower at the north gate of Qingyun City.

At the moment when the great defense formation broke, Nanwu City Lord hurriedly prepared for battle.

Just when the army of ghost cultivators outside the city thought that Qingyun City was broken, they rushed towards Qingyun City frantically.

what! what! what!

But just as they were about to enter the city, a hemispherical wall of fire suddenly rose up in Qingyun City, which had already lost its defense.

How could those ghost monks think of such a thing?

Therefore, he simply rushed toward the city regardless of whether he was in it, but as soon as he rushed up, the flames suddenly appeared, and the ghost repairers were instantly set on fire.

What's even more terrifying is that these flames didn't burn for a long time, and those ghost repairers were completely swallowed by the flames. In the end, not even a little bit of scum was left, leaving only the screams of countless ghost repairers.

"Retreat! Immediately retreat! This is the true fire of Samadhi!" The nearby ghost masters reacted immediately and shouted in ghost language to all the ghost cultivators.

The ghost cultivator who had not been hurt by the flames stopped quickly, but so many ghost cultivators rushed up behind him, and he suddenly reacted.

They didn't know what happened in front of them at all, so they slammed into it directly, and the ghost repair who finally stopped in front of them slammed into the Samadhi True Fire Wall again, and suddenly screamed again and again in front of them.

But after such a thing happened, the ghost cultivators at the back finally stopped, but the ghost cultivators in the front were completely lost.

Seeing that these ghost masters lost tens of thousands of ghost cultivators in such a sudden, they were immediately worried and did not dare to let these ghost cultivators rush forward like this.

I saw this group of ghosts rushing to the front of the Samadhi True Fire Wall and forcibly attacking the Fire Wall. Although Yang can overcome Yin, Yin can also overcome Yang.

When yang prevails over yin, yang overcomes yin. But if yin is prosperous in yang, then yin can overcome yang, which is mutual generation and mutual restraint.

It's just a pity that the strength of these ghosts is still weaker. If it is just an ordinary samadhi fire, these ghosts may be able to extinguish this samadhi fire.

But with such a large Samadhi true fire wall, just relying on these ghosts, it is obvious that Yin is weaker than Yang, and there is no way to break through this Samadhi true fire wall.

Even if the army of hundreds of thousands of ghost cultivators will help these ghosts to attack together, although this Samadhi True Fire seems to be weakening, they still cannot break through this Samadhi True Fire Wall.

above the castle.

"City Lord Nanwu, you understand now, with this Samadhi True Fire Wall, it is impossible for them to enter the city, so why should we abandon the city and flee!" The City Lord Qingyun saw this situation, and his heart was settled.

"I didn't expect City Lord Qingyun to have such a trump card. It really opened my eyes." City Lord Nanwu was really shocked when he saw that the great defense formation was broken just now.

But I never thought that at this time, another Samadhi True Fire Wall appeared.

Especially seeing those ghost cultivators who rushed up, as long as they were burned by the true fire of Samadhi, they would be completely burned down in a short time, and even the scum was not left, and the heart was still very shocked.

I was finally relieved a lot, at least City Lord Qingyun did not lie to him, he really had his own means.

But what made him even more curious was that with such a large Samadhi True Fire Wall, he was really curious about how the Qingyun City Lord did it.

You must know that the true fire of samadhi is not only useful for evil things.

He believed that the Qingyun City Lord chose to set up this Samadhi True Fire Wall not necessarily to deal with ghost cultivators, after all, ghost cultivators do not often appear in the human world.

Many humans don't even know the existence of ghost cultivation.

Therefore, the city master of Qingyun arranged such a large Samadhi True Fire Wall to deal with human monks.

It's just that it's just right to deal with ghost repairs now, and it's extremely lethal.

Just now, they had killed tens of thousands of ghost repairers with no effort.

Although it was said that the ones killed were ghost guards and ghost envoys, but there were only so many ghost repairers, one less one was killed, and one more human being was safer.

"This is indeed the biggest trump card of my Qingyun City. I have never used it. I didn't expect to use it to deal with ghost repairs for the first time. The effect is not bad, and it can be regarded as a contribution to the human world." said.

"But I'm curious, how did the Qingyun City Lord do it?" Nanwu City Lord was really curious about this.

Such a large Samadhi True Fire defense wall is really unheard of and unseen.

"I can't tell you this. As long as you know that this Samadhi True Fire Wall can help us destroy these ghost cultivators, then we are successful!" Qingyun City Lord shook his head, how can such an important secret be told to others? ?

Although this method is to tell Nanwu City Lord, with his financial resources, he may not have the strength to create such a Samadhi True Fire Wall, but some things are uncertain.

Besides, the city lord of Nanwu is also a city lord, he is also the city lord, and the two cities are still adjacent.

Although there was no conflict between the two cities before, if Nanwu City also had such a Samadhi True Fire Wall, it would also be a threat to Qingyun City.

Therefore, it is definitely impossible for him to tell Nanwu City Lord this method.

Nanwu City Lord was really curious, but he also knew that Qingyun City Lord would not tell the truth about this kind of thing. In this case, he could not force it.

Just feel sorry.

If Nanwu City could also have such a defensive formation, it would be much safer.

The army of ghost cultivators attacking the human world may only encounter this once in a lifetime. However, conflicts between human monks are often prone to occur.

Even if he fled to Qingyun City now, it seems that everyone's relationship seems to be good.

But in fact, the two of them did not communicate with each other at ordinary times, but everyone knew very well that the army of ghost cultivators was the enemy.

So at this time, even if the two have no friendship, they must unite now.

However, after the ghost repair's attack on the human world is over, no one knows if there will be a conflict between Nanwu City and Qingyun City in the future.

But if Nanwu City could also have such a defense method, it would not only be able to guard against Qingyun City, it would be a nightmare for any enemy who wanted to invade Nanwu City.

"City Lord Qingyun, although this Samadhi True Fire Wall is powerful, it only played a role in killing the enemy when the ghost cultivator army was unprepared at the beginning, and it only killed tens of thousands of ghost cultivators.

It would be difficult to kill those ghost cultivators now.

Therefore, the Samadhi True Fire Wall at this time can only play a defensive effect. Under the strong attack of those ghosts, the Samadhi True Fire has obviously weakened.

But now the ghost cultivator army doesn't seem to see the ghost king make a move. If their ghost king makes a move, even this Samadhi True Fire Wall may not be able to stop it, just like the first defense formation.

Do we still have to think about the way back? "The Deputy City Lord Huang of Nanwu City said.

"Don't worry, you see, although the Samadhi True Fire will become weaker when they attack the Fire Wall, as soon as they stop attacking, or the attacking power becomes weaker, the Samadhi True Fire will become stronger again or return to its original state.

So unless they can break through this Samadhi True Fire Wall in one go, it is impossible for them to enter the city at all. "City Lord Qingyun said confidently.

"In case those ghost kings join the battle, can they really break through the true Samadhi fire wall in one go?" Deputy City Lord Huang continued to ask.

"Although the ghost kings are powerful, the ghost kings are not everywhere. Take a closer look at their army. How many ghost kings can there be behind the army?

So your worries are superfluous at all, we just waste them with them first.

When they are almost exhausted, we will kill them with the strength of the two cities and completely destroy them.

Dare to come to the world to be presumptuous, we are not used to them! "City Lord Qingyun said with some disdain.

Can't deal with these ghost cultivators with so much Samadhi true fire?

Seeing that Qingyun City Lord was so confident, Deputy City Lord Huang looked at City Lord Nanwu and Deputy City Lord Qin. Although he was still a little worried, he had nothing to do.

After all, they are now on the Qingyun City Lord's site, and they only play an auxiliary role at most. The real commander is still the Qingyun City Lord.

I just hope that, as the City Lord of Qingyun said, this Samadhi True Fire Wall is really so strong that it can resist the attacks of those ghost kings.

Otherwise, they really have no way out now.

Previously, City Lord Qingyun said that he had a trump card. Although everyone was a little scared and worried, he must have a trump card.

But now City Lord Qingyun's trump card has been used.

If this killer tool is useless, what will they do next?

Such a big city, once the city is destroyed, let alone the ordinary people in the city, even the monks, it is difficult to save their lives.

However, these ghost cultivators attacked together for a long time. The strength of the Samadhi True Fire Wall was weaker and stronger, but it was never broken by them, and the people on the tower were gradually relieved.

Perhaps what the Qingyun City Lord said was right, and these ghost cultivators estimated that there was no way to break through the true fire wall of Samadhi.

Whoosh whoosh!

But at this moment, a group of black shadows suddenly appeared behind the ghost repair army.

He kept calling out something in ghost language, and the human monks on the tower couldn't understand it anyway.

But after those shadows made these calls, the army of ghost cultivators who originally attacked the Samadhi True Fire Wall stopped attacking the city.

At the same time, a black air wafted out of these ghost cultivators and gathered towards one of the shadows.

Even the other shadows around him had a black qi drifting towards him, and I saw that these black qi gathered more and more and slowly turned into a huge black sphere.

"That should be the ghost king, what does he want to do?" Deputy City Lord Huang began to feel uneasy.

"He may have forcibly broken through this Samadhi True Fire Wall!" Nanwu City Lord also said calmly.

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