Godly Student

Chapter 5200: Bad situation!

"That guy is gathering strength again, does he still want to make another gap?" Seeing that the ghost repair army is frantically charging the gap, and their soldiers are constantly sacrificing.

At this time, the ghost king was starting to gather a lot of black energy again, which made Nanwu City Lord even more worried.

He had long felt that the idea of ​​the Qingyun City Lord was unreliable, and now it is good, just as he was worried, this ghost king's methods are far more powerful than they imagined.

There is only a gap now, but it has already brought them a lot of pressure.

Although their two cities have a lot of troops, not everyone can afford the magic weapon of the Yang attribute, and not everyone can buy a lot of talismans.

Because the talisman is different from the magic weapon, the talisman is a consumable item, and one less is needed.

There are more than 100,000 ghost cultivators here. Although they also have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, this talisman does not necessarily kill one person if one is used. It also depends on the situation.

In addition, not everyone has such a talisman, so the people who can really kill ghost repairers are very limited.

Now the people they send to plug the gap are basically people who have some means.

The monks who have no means to deal with ghost repairs temporarily stay behind.

But if this ghost king opens one or more gaps, and everyone on their side who can deal with ghost cultivators uses it, then the rest will only be counted.

At that time, it doesn't matter whether they have the means to deal with the ghost repairers, anyway, there is a gap in the Samadhi True Fire Wall. Even if they use their bodies to block it, they have to block the gap.

If it really arrives at that time, then their losses are really immeasurable. Maybe even if they are wiped out, they may not be able to destroy the army of hundreds of thousands of ghost repairers.

"Just now, because he gathered the strength of hundreds of thousands of troops, he hit a gap in this Samadhi True Fire Wall.

Now these ghost repair warriors are already hitting the gap, and only a small number of ghost repairs are gathering strength for him. "City Lord Qingyun kept watching the ghost king's movements and said.

Nanwu City Lord looked at the ghost king, and then looked at the gap here. The ghost repair warriors continued to attack the gap, and the government soldiers continued to rush up to block.

The two sides fought very fiercely at the gap, whether it was the ghost cultivator or the human cultivator, style="display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client="ca-pub-12data- ad4185134""data-ad-region="cont_mid"data-ad-slot="6246767822"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({}); Casualties continued on both sides.

I hope this ghost king really won't make another gap this time. Otherwise, if there is a second gap, there will definitely be a third, fourth, or even more, which would be really troublesome.

"Let all those who have the means to deal with ghost cultivators go up and kill as many ghost cultivators as possible!" Nanwu City Lord instructed Vice City Lord Huang.

Because there is only one gap now, he is not sure that the words of the Qingyun City Lord are right.

What if there will be more gaps?

The more gaps there are, the more difficult it will be to block these ghost cultivators, so while there is only one gap, kill as many ghost cultivators as possible.

Because the number of ghost cultivators is fixed, kill more here, then there will be other gaps in a while, and there will naturally be fewer ghost cultivators rushing in from other gaps.

Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of ghost cultivators there, so at first you might not think that there will be fewer ghost cultivators in the gap.

But at least after the number of their ghost repairers decreased, the number of times they hit the gap naturally decreased.

So now, when there is only one gap, try to kill all the ghost cultivators who rush over, and kill one less.

"City Lord, let's..." Deputy City Lord Huang was somewhat reluctant.

Although the words were half said, the Nanwu City Lord obviously understood what he meant.

Nanwu City also has a limited number of soldiers to deal with ghost repairs. If they damage their soldiers too much in order to protect Qingyun City, it will not be very beneficial to Nanwu City.

In particular, these government soldiers are people who have certain means to ghost repairs. If they die like this, it will be really heart-wrenching.

"I understand what you mean, appropriately call out some high-strength ones to minimize losses!" Nanwu City Lord whispered in the ear of Deputy City Lord Huang.

He knew that Deputy City Lord Huang wanted them to preserve their strength.

But now they and Qingyun City are grasshoppers on the same boat. If they really want to let the ghost repairers make more gaps, or let the ghost repair army directly rush into the city, this is not just hurting Qingyun City.

You must know that the people and soldiers of their Nanwu City are also here.

He has already learned from the Qingyun City Lord, and now there is no way to let everyone out of the city in this situation.

Therefore, once Qingyun City is not guaranteed, then the loss of his Nanwu City is no less than that of Qingyun City.

It is impossible for him to ignore the life, death and interests of his own people because of the reason of Qingyun City.

At this time, to help Qingyuncheng is to help Nanwucheng himself.

"Understood!" Deputy City Lord Huang thought for a while, but did not refuse this time.

Although this is still risky, it is indeed possible to reduce the loss of Nanwu City as much as possible.

After all, this is not to let the people of Nanwu City go out and kill alone. There are already two city soldiers here.

So they dispatched another group of people purely to help these government soldiers eliminate the rushing ghost cultivators faster.

Because these means they have are not enough to kill the ghost repair in seconds.

And even if these ghost cultivators rushed over a few dozen people at a time, it was enough to kill a few soldiers.

Consuming each other like this is not good for Qingyun City and Nanwu City. After all, they have limited people who have these means.

Therefore, since this consumption continues, it is better to reinforce some more powerful and powerful masters.

With the combined efforts of everyone, the effect has been significantly improved. As soon as these ghost cultivators rushed into the city, they were killed by the combined efforts of these masters and other government soldiers.

"Go! Arrange some of our masters in Qingyun City!" The master of Qingyun City saw that the effect was really good, he did not hide it, and ordered the deputy city owner beside him.

This is his Qingyun City. If Nanwu City contributes more than his Qingyun City, what will others think of him, the Qingyun City Lord?

They are all people who want face, and naturally they are not to be outdone.

But I have to say that after Qingyun City dispatched some masters, the advantages of both sides are obviously greater. Even if the impact of those ghost repairers is fierce, they can't stir up any storms, and they will be killed in an instant.


But just when the ghost repair was clearly at a disadvantage, another ghost king behind him suddenly roared, and the ghost repairs who had hit the gap immediately retreated, and there was no more ghost repair to hit the gap.

"It seems that they were finally killed!" Deputy City Lord Huang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

Obviously, the decision of the Nanwu City Lord was right.

"This is not a good thing. I would rather they continue to attack, so that we can kill more ghost repairers!" Nanwu City Lord shook his head, full of regret.

Originally, this was a very good opportunity. The ghost cultivators they rushed over were killed instantly. He even hoped to kill all of their hundreds of thousands of ghost cultivators.

But their ghost repairs are not stupid either. Seeing that the situation is not right, they obviously don't plan to use this accumulation tactic anymore.

"And that ghost king is afraid that it has already reached the moment of the final blow, and has begun to absorb the power of other ghost cultivators!

If there is no accident, we are afraid that there will be another gap! "

Especially when he saw that the ghost repairer who had just retreated started to provide ghost energy to the ghost king again, the Nanwu City Lord became more and more worried.

Obviously, the statement of Qingyun City Lord is basically wrong.

This ghost king once again absorbed the ghost energy of so many ghost cultivators. Even if the power of this blow is not as good as the previous one, there should be no problem if he wants to hit a gap, but the gap is big or small.


I saw that the ghost king didn't gather for a long time, and he shot again.

With a loud bang, the original gap suddenly became twice as large as before.

"What a treacherous guy!" Everyone thought that this ghost king would open a gap elsewhere, so that he could disperse the forces of the government in the city.

But the ghost king didn't do that, but attacked again at the original gap.

Although the power of the ghost king this time is not as great as the last time, because there is already a gap there, he does not need such a strong power to make another gap.

Therefore, on the basis of the original gap, even if it is not as strong as the last time, he can easily expand the gap, and it is twice as large as the original.

Before, the gap was almost as big as a city gate, but now there are two to three city gates. How bad is the situation.


Although I couldn't understand what the ghost cultivators were shouting, everyone could see that the army of ghost cultivators on the opposite side was very excited.

I only heard the ghost cultivators in the back shouting a bunch of ghost words again, and these ghost cultivators began to attack the gap once again.

Now that the gap is so big, the pressure on the city is not ordinary, it is simply a huge threat. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Quick! All those who have the means to deal with the ghost repairers will guard the gap for me, and they must not be allowed to rush into the city!" Qingyun City Lord was also anxious at this time.

When he saw such a big gap, he knew that it was not good, not to mention that now the army of ghost repairers is rushing over again, can he not be in a hurry?

But trying to block such a large gap as before would be more difficult than a single star.

Fortunately, there are two city soldiers on their side. Although each has a limited number of experts in dealing with ghost cultivators, after the two cities are added up, the number is quite considerable.

It's just that the number of ghost repairers rushing into the city at this time is several times more than before. It is impossible to defend the gap as tightly as before, so there will be some ghost repairers suddenly besieged and rushed in directly. into the city.

Fortunately, the government soldiers in the city were already ready to help, so these ghost repairers were cleaned up by these government soldiers without causing much damage in the city.

Even so, the Qingyun City Lord and the Nanwu City Lord are very clear that the situation has changed, and it is a change that is not good for them.

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