Godly Student

Chapter 5203: Good luck and bad luck!

Cheng Yu was like a playground in Qingyun City. The city became his paradise all night. No matter where he went, he saw a ghost repair and burned it to death.

Listening to the screams of their ghost repairers, Cheng Yu didn't show any mercy.

Maybe it's because they are not the same kind, or maybe these people are invaders, so there is no kindness to the invaders at all.

Because he kills one less ghost cultivator, then there may be many people killed by them in the human world.

So thinking of this, Cheng Yu was even more excited to kill.

However, to a powerful ghost cultivator, such as a large number of ghost envoys, especially the level of ghost king and ghost king, Cheng Yu was a little reluctant to use Long Yan to burn them directly, but directly used the fairy and magic tower to kill them. suppressed.

Because it is useful for these ghosts to cultivate him.

In the Immortal Demon Pagoda, he had already caught a lot of ghost cultivators, and the three ghosts have been helping them train these ghost cultivators.

But Cheng Yu never felt that the ghost repairs he suppressed were enough.

So now that these ghost cultivators have broken into the human world again, what is useful to him is of course to suppress them and keep them for other purposes in the future.

Now he has an army of immortal bones, an army of demon corpses, and an army of ghost repairers.

But the latter two armies have yet to show up.

The first two armies of these three armies have no way to expand the number, but this ghost repair army is now a good time to expand the number.

Although the strength of this army of ghost cultivators cannot be compared with the army of immortal bones and the army of demon corpses, at least in terms of numbers, the army of ghost cultivators can surpass the sum of these two armies.

At that time, even if the strength is not as good, it is not bad to use it to deal with the inner court, at least the number cannot be ignored.

However, it is impossible for these ghost cultivators to wait for Cheng Yu to kill them all. Knowing that the moment Cheng Yu catches up, those ghost kings will not care about the living people in the city, and they will take the rest of their subordinates and flee outside the city.

And Cheng Yu was not in a hurry to chase, because if the ghost cultivators in the city were not eliminated, they would also go elsewhere to harm humans.

So as long as there are ghost cultivators, he absolutely cannot let them go.

Especially when these scattered ghost cultivators arrived here one by one, he didn't know **** them all.

On the contrary, the ghost cultivators who had already escaped all escaped under the call of the ghost king.

He also doesn't have to worry about these ghost repairs escaping, so it won't be too late to catch up after he solves the ghost repairs here.

Although the ghost cultivators in the city are messy, there are groups of them here and there, but Cheng Yu used the ability of the wooden empty mirror. As long as there are plants in the city, he can find all the ghost cultivators.

So these ghost cultivators couldn't escape Cheng Yu's eyes at all, even the ghost cultivators who were secretly hiding were caught and killed by Cheng Yu at once.

Although Cheng Yu turned over the entire Qingyun City, he didn't waste much time at his speed.

Cheng Yu knew that there were still many human beings hidden in the city, and there were even some human monks.

Bu Chengyu didn't plan to call them out and explain to them that Qingyun City was safe.

Maybe there really is a powerful ghost repair who escaped his search?

As long as one ghost cultivator escaped, it would be a devastating blow to these people.

So let them hide first, anyway, the city is basically safe, and they will come out when they feel safe.

And the most important thing for him now is to hunt down those ghost repair remnants who escaped.

After experiencing a catastrophe, the chaotic Qingyun City finally regained its calm at this time.

However, there was no trace of peace in the calm at this time. Beneath this calm, there were countless unjust souls and the **** smell of a city.

But no one will care about this. Someone can survive this catastrophe, which is more important than anything else.

At this time, Cheng Yu had already chased out of Qingyun City.

But just as Cheng Yu was chasing ghost cultivators, news of ghost cultivators appearing in the human world all over the world and massacred all over the world came out.

For a time, the people of the whole world and even the monks were in a state of anxiety.

After all, many monks simply have no way to deal with ghost cultivators. If they really meet ghost cultivators, the chances of them being killed by ghost cultivators are too high.

Moreover, quite a few cities have been directly slaughtered by ghost repairers. When such tragic news spread, people all over the world hated and feared ghost repairers.

In front of the ghost repair, these people have no resistance at all, and it is almost impossible to have a chance to survive.

Although many places have not yet appeared ghost repairs to disrupt the human world, but these people are very scared and don't know what to do?

If there is a ghost repair in their place, what should they do?

Although not all cultivators have the means to deal with ghost cultivators, not all cultivators in the world are flinching, but more cultivators are facing difficulties and preparing to fight to the death with these ghost cultivators.

As a result, in every battle between human monks and the army of ghost monks, a large number of monks will die in it.

For such news, everyone's mood is heavy, and these monks who sacrificed themselves for the sake of mankind are all heroes in their hearts, and they are all admirable.

And in this world, it was finally calmed down from the power struggles of all parties. No one would have thought that after a few days of peace, the world is in chaos again.

If it is said that the dispute between the Holy Dynasty and the Inner Dynasty was only a problem between monks, the common people were only slightly affected at most, and the common people involved were a minority after all.

But now, the people are also innocently involved in this disaster, and all the people in the world are threatened with death.

Seeing that the army of ghost cultivators was so crazy, all the major cultivators in the world came out.

Even those sects who stayed in the Cheng family left the Cheng family one after another and went to various places in the cultivation world to exterminate the army of ghost cultivators.

And the Inner Dynasty was the first to know the news!

"Haha! It's God's help! The Holy Dynasty has just taken control of most of the world, and as a result, the underworld has come over.

Even if we don't need to take action now, the Holy Dynasty will be busy! "Zhu Yuheng laughed.

"This army of the underworld is indeed coming at a good time. Originally, we were worried that the Holy Dynasty would continue to be aggressive, and it might even directly hit our Holy Dynasty.

I think even if they have this intention, they don't have this ability.

Now there are armies of the underworld everywhere in the world, I wonder if they will hide so deeply in the Holy Dynasty, regardless of the life and death of their people! "Shen Xiulin was also overjoyed.

Since the Lord was reluctant to take action on their own, they were always worried that the Holy Dynasty might pursue the victory and attack the Nei Dynasty by taking this opportunity.

But people are not as good as heaven, and no one would have thought that at such a critical moment, the underworld had launched an attack on the human world.

If it was before, this world was their inner court. The major foreign dynasties were attacked by the army of the underworld, and their inner dynasties, as the real controllers, naturally had to send a lot of armies to suppress these otherworldly armies.

But they received news that this time the army of the underworld was very fierce.

If they are going to send troops, then I really don't know how many troops to send out. And it may not really be able to suppress so many ghost cultivators.

But now, this world has all been owned by the Holy Dynasty.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to send troops to help the Holy Dynasty suppress these ghost cultivators.

If the Holy Dynasty still wants this world, then they must release all their power and suppress all these ghost cultivators by themselves.

Ghost cultivators are no better than human cultivators, not to mention whether the Holy Dynasty really has the ability to suppress these underworld army.

Even if they really succeed in suppressing, but by that time, the Holy Dynasty's troops are expected to suffer an unprecedented huge loss.

And that time was the best time for them to counterattack.

Such a God-given opportunity, how not to make people happy!

"For the Inner Dynasty, this is indeed a good opportunity for recovery. It's just that this time the underworld has come so fiercely, I'm afraid that the Holy Dynasty can't help them.

After all, the human world is our human world. If these ghosts of the underworld are really occupied, it will not be a good thing for us.

If you know that the Holy Dynasty can't fight the underworld, we are also unlikely to deal with them. "The fifth elder, Hong Yuansong, frowned and didn't think this news was 100% good news.

"Yeah, everything has advantages and disadvantages. If the strength of the underworld is relatively weak, then it will be easily suppressed by the Holy Dynasty, and it will not be able to hurt the Holy Dynasty and cause big losses, then it is nothing to us. good thing.

But if the strength of the underworld is too strong, even the Holy Dynasty cannot hold back, then the Holy Dynasty will be destroyed, and then it will be our turn.

After all, these ghosts don't tell us anything about human nature, and it is impossible for us to rule the human world with ghosts.

The only situation that is most favorable to us is that this time the power of the underworld is slightly weaker than that of the holy dynasty~www.readwn.com~ and can be completely suppressed by the holy dynasty.

In this case, even if the Holy Dynasty suppresses the army of the underworld, their Holy Dynasty is already at the end of the battle. That's a good time for us to really fight back. "The Great Elder pondered for a long time and said.

But he knew very well in his heart that two of the three situations were unfavorable to their inner court, so how could he not worry about it?

After all, the Holy Dynasty just suppressed the army of the underworld, which is a completely ideal state. It is almost impossible to really want such a situation.

Especially judging from the news they have received now, this time, the underworld really wants to capture the entire human world. Otherwise, how could there be so many troops?

This means that the situation in the Human World is very severe, and the worst may happen.

Even the Holy Dynasty is not an opponent of the underworld, and it may be destroyed by the underworld.

Although their Inner Dynasty and the Holy Dynasty are mortal enemies, but the Holy Dynasty is destroyed, will his Inner Dynasty be far behind?

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