Godly Student

Chapter 5215: Don't be greedy!

Cheng Yu was really excited to trap so many ghost kings, but the biggest problem now is to suppress them all in the Immortal Demon Tower.

Otherwise, it can only be a happy one.

So Cheng Yu can't be too happy now, he must successfully suppress these ghost kings.

However, it is quite difficult for Cheng Yu to suppress so many ghost kings at the same time by Cheng Yu alone.

Fortunately, there is no realm king here. If the reincarnation realm king is here, even if he has the ability to suppress so many ghost kings, he will definitely be stopped by the reincarnation realm king.

Although Cheng Yu has this strength, he doesn't want to waste too much time here.

Therefore, the effect of the soul-suppressing is very big. Although he can only control the fairy and magic tower, with his blessing, the speed of the fairy and magic tower's suppression of the ghost king has been significantly accelerated.

"Attack that human!" The ghost king outside the tower saw that more and more ghost kings were sucked out of the tower, he roared and took the lead in attacking Cheng Yu.

He didn't know that there was still a soul in the Immortal Demon Tower. He only knew that since this magic weapon belonged to Cheng Yu, if he attacked Cheng Yu now, he would not have the energy to suppress the ghost king.


As a result, a group of ghost cultivators rushed up, and Cheng Yu suddenly threw out a dragon, swallowing a group of ghost cultivators in an instant.

There are already thousands of ghost kings under the Immortal Devil Tower, will he still care about these ghost repairs?

Although there are still ghost kings among them, the Immortal Demon Pagoda is still suppressing other ghost kings. Even if he wants to suppress these ghost kings, he can't do it for the time being.

If you can't do it, then naturally you can only kill it directly.

Otherwise, these ghost kings will see that the ghost kings under the Immortal Devil Pagoda are about to be suppressed, and these ghost kings will definitely escape.

Anyway, he didn't care about the ghost kings over there, so instead of letting them escape, it would be better to kill them directly while they were sent to the door.

Although Cheng Yu felt that these ghost kings could not cause any trouble if they escaped, at most he would go to the reincarnation ghost king to deal with him.

But ghost cultivators who just escaped for such trivial things could do it. No matter what, these ghost kings were still more powerful than ordinary ghost cultivators, and their status in the underworld was higher.

If you don't kill them now, when they become kings of the realm, they will find trouble in the human realm again.

Therefore, he will not kill the ghost kings who can be suppressed for the time being, and the ghost kings who cannot be suppressed, then he will try his best not to let them escape.

This was what he and Zhenhun had discussed from the very beginning. Even if he couldn't destroy the underworld, at least he had to kill as many ghost kings as possible.

In this way, there are no ghost kings and real kings in the underworld, and they only dare to grow up in the underworld, how can they dare to send troops to the human world?

Really have to wait until they develop a large number of ghost kings and realm kings, how many years later, only ghosts know.

What's more, this underworld is not a group of harmony, those ghost kings in the wilderness want to destroy the underworld in their dreams, and then replace it.

If they knew that the underworld was severely damaged, the realm king and the ghost king were almost dead, they would definitely send troops to attack the underworld.

At that time, the underworld will be too busy, let alone attack the human world, they can keep their status in the five palaces.

As long as they fight, the strength of the underworld will be greatly reduced again, and the human world will be able to live in peace for many years.

At least there is no need to worry about the underworld attacking the human world again.


As soon as Long Yan came out, the ghost cultivators screamed in agony, but those with better luck escaped.

The less fortunate ones were burned directly, and the worst ones were directly swallowed up by Long Yan, and in the end there was not even a single bit of scum left.

These ghost cultivators obeyed the ghost king's orders and thought they could really kill this human first.

But they never imagined that this human being has a more terrifying killer.

Compared with the Immortal Demon Pagoda, this Long Yan is really much more ferocious.

If you don't get burned, you are extremely lucky. Once you get burned, you will either be disabled or die.

As a result, after Cheng Yu's several dragons were released, these ghost cultivators never dared to go up to trouble Cheng Yu again.

"Everyone, run away, this human is too powerful! When he suppresses those ghost kings, it will be our turn!" Some ghost cultivators are not that stupid, knowing that everyone is not the opponent of this human at all, and the other party The method also specially restrains their ghost repairs, why should they treat their own lives as child's play!

As a result, some ghost cultivators have already started to flee, including some ghost kings.

Seeing these ghost kings escaped, Cheng Yu couldn't take care of that much anymore. There were more than a thousand ghost kings who were not shrouded in the Immortal Demon Tower, so he naturally couldn't stop them at this moment.

At least he had no way to escape, but he would not let go of those ghost kings who had not yet escaped.

He ignored the low-strength Ghost Xiu and rushed towards the ghost kings who did not escape, and several dragons flew out in a row.

Long Yin was shocked, and after flying into the group of ghost kings and blasting, the flames burned in all directions on the spot, and immediately burned many ghost kings to death.

But seeing such a terrifying picture, all the ghost cultivators knew that this human could not be provoked, and they all fled away.

Although those ghost kings really wanted to rescue the ghost king who was trapped by Cheng Yu, but they knew that this human being was a terrible master, and they couldn't care so much.

The lives of other ghost kings are not as important as their own.

At this moment, it is still important to run away quickly.

The trapped ghost kings saw that the ghost kings who had always wanted to rescue everyone also escaped, and there was no ghost king to help them escape this magic weapon. At this time, there were constantly ghost kings being sucked into the tower. also became extremely desperate.

Cheng Yu saw that Zhenhun completely suppressed these ghost kings, but the speed of suppression was a little slow, but Cheng Yu didn't care.

As long as the soul can quell these ghost kings first.

So he didn't worry about the Immortal Demon Pagoda for the time being, and tried to kill as many ghost kings as possible before the other ghost kings escaped.

The less he escapes, the more he gains.

In the future, there will be one less trouble in the human world.

As for the other ghost cultivators, a dragon Yan flew over and instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and a large number of ghost cultivators were buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Cheng Yu was very enjoyable to kill in the army of ghost cultivators, but seeing that the ghost kings basically escaped, and even the remaining ghosts were not many, and finally stopped setting fires everywhere.

Even if these ghost cultivators let them escape for a while, they wouldn't be able to become ghost kings, so he didn't need to kill all these ghost cultivators and waste time.

After all, he has to quickly suppress the ghost king under the Immortal Demon Pagoda first.

Especially after this attack reappeared, the remaining teleportation points would be more embarrassing for him.

So he had to make a quick decision, or to suppress and kill the ghost kings as the main thing. The other ghost cultivators were just incidental. If they can kill, they can kill them. If they can't be killed, it's just a matter of letting them escape, and it won't affect the overall situation.

So under the joint blessing of him and Zhenhun, more than 2,000 ghost kings were all included in the Immortal Demon Tower in a short period of time.

"Haha, the harvest this time is really not small. There are more than 2,000 ghost kings. If all the ghosts and ghosts are merged, I don't know if they can become the kings of the realm!" Cheng Yu took back the fairy and magic tower, not to mention how much he looked forward to. .

More than 2,000 ghost kings, this is really not a small number.

Presumably the underworld has been preparing for many years in order to attack the human world, and only then has so many ghost kings been summoned.

But now a teleportation point has been suppressed by him for more than 2,000, which is really cool.

"It's a pity that a thousand or two thousand escaped. If they can all be caught, it is estimated that they may become the king of the realm!" Zhenhun felt a little regretful.

Because the battle takes so little time, although the Immortal Demon Tower is powerful, it is impossible to cover all the ghost kings all at once.

After all, it is impossible for all those ghost kings to gather together, and the shroud of the Immortal Demon Tower also has a range.

Otherwise, the 400,000-strong army can be directly shrouded and suppressed.

But to reach this level, Cheng Yu's current strength is not enough.

If Cheng Yu becomes an immortal and restores the immortal tower, it is possible to suppress hundreds of thousands of troops at one time.

That scene was really terrifying.

A large army was taken away by one, so how can we fight this battle?

If Chengyu is not going to become an immortal, his enemy can't be this lower realm, and that is also the immortal opposite the immortal realm.

So Cheng Yu wants to take over an army of immortals at one time, which is obviously impossible.

This idea may forever be just a dream.

"Being able to suppress more than 2,000 ghost kings at one time, we have been very successful. What about the suppression of several hundred ghost kings before?

And isn't there a few more teleportation points? When we get all these teleportation points, our harvest will definitely be greater than you think.

So don't be too greedy, you won't get fat in one bite! "Cheng Yu is much easier to satisfy.

After all, he is very clear that although his strength is much stronger than the ghost king, this does not mean that he can suppress all ghost cultivators at will.

If that's the case, wouldn't this underworld be wiped out by him in a few moments.

Think about it, as soon as the Immortal Demon Pagoda came out, a Nether City was directly handed over, so what?

Even if he doesn't have to look for him, all the realm kings in the underworld must unite and kill him together.

So everything has to have a process. The last time he came to the underworld, he also suppressed a lot of ghost cultivators and killed a lot of ghost cultivators.

But no matter which time the harvest is not as big as this time.

The quantity is only over 2,000, but the quality is high, how many ghost cultivators can a ghost king be!

Regardless of what Zhenhun thought, Cheng Yu quickly destroyed the teleportation array here, and couldn't wait to fly towards the remaining teleportation points.

There are still four teleportation points he currently knows, and he is excited to think about it.


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