Godly Student

Chapter 5217: 1 and 1!

Doesn't the King of Reincarnation know that the reason why the Guluo Ghost King escaped in the first place is nothing more than greed for life and fear of death, and he wants to use such information to receive a reward.

However, the teleportation point he arranged was taken by Cheng Yu, how could he be happy!

These guys can't keep it themselves and have the face to come back to receive the reward?

"A bunch of rubbish! It's impossible to handle this matter. How many underworld troops have you sent to the human world?" The King of Reincarnation immediately reprimanded.

"Master Huijiewang, there are about 200,000! There are still about 300,000 underworld troops waiting to be teleported. I didn't expect this human to be killed suddenly." Guluo Ghost King said tremblingly.

He also knew that it would be difficult to receive the reward in this situation, but he felt that he was lucky enough to be able to save his life from being killed by Lord Kai.

"How many of the 300,000 underworld troops are left?" The King of Reincarnation became even colder when he heard this answer.

After such a long time, the army of 500,000 people has only sent about 200,000 people. As a result, the army of 300,000 people was attacked by that human being, which is really infuriating.

"This...this..." But Guru Ghost King was trembling with fright, not knowing how to speak.

"Speak!" The King of Samsara knew that the situation might be worse than he thought, and immediately shouted angrily.

"I...I ran early, and the final result is not very clear, but...but..." The Guluo Ghost King was trembling, hesitating, and he really couldn't open his mouth.

"If you don't want to die, just say it!" The King of Samsara shouted murderously.

"Yes! When I left, that human killed at least nearly 100,000 Hades, including hundreds of ghost kings.

But then everyone started to flee. I think that human being may kill hundreds of thousands of underworld soldiers in the end! "Guru Ghost King was frightened and quickly answered honestly.

"Trash! Trash! The 300,000-strong army of the underworld actually made a human kill hundreds of thousands, what a bunch of trash!" Hearing this news, the King of Reincarnation was so angry that he didn't faint directly.

It took him a long time to send 200,000 underworld troops to the human world, but now he has lost hundreds of thousands of underworld troops in a small sneak attack. How can he not be angry?

But what he didn't know was that the Guluo Ghost King had more than a hundred thousand speculations in his heart.

Based on what he saw at the time, he felt that Cheng Yu would at least kill their army of about 200,000 underworld soldiers.

Because Cheng Yu's strength is too strong, killing them is as simple as pulling weeds.

And when the loss was the biggest, they didn't plan to escape at first, they wanted to kill this human being and missed the best time to escape.

So by the time they all wanted to escape, Cheng Yu had already killed nearly a hundred thousand soldiers.

Therefore, although he did not see the situation behind, he guessed that tens of thousands of underworld troops would die in the future, so it was impossible for nearly 200,000 underworld troops to die at the hands of Cheng Yu.

But he didn't dare to say this, he could only say as little as possible, otherwise he was really afraid that the King of Reincarnation would kill him directly in a fit of anger.

Even now, the situation of the King of Reincarnation has already frightened him, standing aside silently.

"Lord Realm, calm down, things have already happened, no matter how angry we are now, it's useless.

And Gu Luo Ghost King also said that that person is now at the level of a realm king. With the strength of Lord Realm King, how could the 300,000 Underworld Army be an opponent?

Lord Realm King also knows that the strength of that human being is not ordinary. With the Supreme Yang Magic Treasure and the Supreme Yang Pill Fire, it is the nemesis of our ghost cultivators.

Now that he has appeared with the strength of the realm king, and with the supreme sun magic weapon and the pill fire, I think it will be very difficult for the Guluo ghost king to escape. Seeing that the King of Reincarnation was so angry, King Mingluo quickly consoled him.

"Yeah! Lord Realm King, Ghost King Mingluo is right, the strength of that human being is really terrifying, especially his Extreme Yang Pill Fire, where it burns, our ghost cultivator is not alive at all.

The more we have the underworld army, the more we will lose if we encounter this human being. "Guluo Ghost King saw that Mingluo Ghost King was begging for him, and he quickly agreed.

"Humph! I'll leave you a dog's life first, and now follow us to find that **** human!" The King of Samsara didn't want to continue talking nonsense with him. The most important thing now is to find the human first.

If he really let him destroy all the teleportation points, then his loss is the biggest.

Because building these teleportation points has cost him too much energy and resources, and he also spent a lot of thought to launch so many underworld troops at one time.

Now that Cheng Yu has destroyed his teleportation formation and the underworld army as soon as he appears, how should the loss be calculated?

"Ah! I have to go!" Gu Luo Ghost King almost fell to the ground in fright.

He managed to escape from the hands of that human being, and now he should stay in his own mansion to rest and calm down.

In the end, he still has to take the initiative to find that human being. Isn't this looking for death?

Although there was the King of Reincarnation this time, he felt that in front of that human being, the King of Reincarnation might not have killed the opponent.

If there is a real fight at that time, it would be a good thing for the King of Samsara to save his life, so how could he be in charge of him?

What should he do if the real world king is defeated and escapes by himself?

Can he still escape?

It is not easy to be lucky once in your life, how can you be so lucky every time?

If he is not lucky, then he will lose his life!

"It's okay if you don't go, then the realm king will kill you now!" The reincarnation realm king would not give him so many choices and said directly.

"Go, go! Please don't kill me, Lord Realm King, I'll go now!" Gu Luo Ghost King's face was instantly frightened.

Compared to dying now, Cheng Yu is not so scary, at least at this moment.

The King of Reincarnation didn't care about him, and left the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion.

You don't need to bring too many ghost cultivators to deal with that human, because the more you bring, the more dangerous you are.

When he was still the ghost king, he had a hand with that guy. I have to say that even if that guy didn't have the Supreme Yang Magic Treasure and the Supreme Yang Pill Fire, his own strength was very powerful.

Otherwise, there is no way to fight him with magic weapons and Dan Huo alone.

Now that he has also reached the level of a realm king, this is indeed a bit beyond his expectations, which makes it difficult to plan to capture him.

If you can't catch him, then bringing so many ghost cultivators will not only increase the danger, but he may kill him at that time, and if he really can't kill the other party, he will also embarrass himself in front of these ghost cultivators.

So it is enough to bring the Mingluo ghost king and the Guluo ghost king.

Since the teleportation point where Guluo Ghost King is located has been discovered by Cheng Yu, he will definitely destroy that teleportation point and find another teleportation point.

Therefore, there is no need for them to go to this teleportation point anymore, he must have already escaped.

Now they are going to another teleportation point closest to that teleportation point.

But what they never expected was that they had only reached halfway when they found that a large group of underworld troops were fleeing here!

"Lord Jiewang, it's Jiewang, we are saved!" Those ghost revisionists were desperately fleeing all the way, but they didn't expect to meet Samsara Realm King halfway, and they were immediately excited.

Although they did not hear that the human was chasing after them on the way to escape, but when they saw how the human killed their ghosts, they felt that the scene would never be recalled in their entire life.

They just wish they could be far enough away from that place.

Now that they saw the King of Samsara appear here, at this moment, they suddenly felt that their lives were guaranteed.

Where there is the King of Reincarnation, there is a sense of security!

"Lord Realm King, that human has come to the underworld again, and our teleportation point is afraid that we can't keep it!" Seeing the King of Reincarnation, the Hei Luo Ghost King immediately rushed up and knelt on the ground to appeal bitterly.

"You were also attacked by that guy?" The King of Samsara was instantly furious. They were about to chase after this teleportation point, but they didn't expect that guy to take the lead.

The two teleportation formations were destroyed by this guy in one fell swoop. This hatred is huge.

"Yes, that human being is so terrifying, it trapped thousands of ghost kings among us as soon as it came up!" said the Hei Luo ghost king.

"Thousands of ghost kings have been killed by him!" The King of Samsara was shocked. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Before Guluo Ghost King, they only had a few hundred ghost kings killed by Cheng Yu. Although that made him angry, a few hundred was not a lot, at least it was acceptable.

Now the Heiluo Ghost King came up and said that thousands of ghost kings were trapped by Cheng Yu, which was a little frightening.

Thousands of ghost kings are a huge amount of wealth, and it is very difficult to cultivate so many ghost kings.

"What the subordinates saw was that they were sucked away by his magic weapon, but I don't know whether they were killed or not!"

"Abominable human, do you really think I let him slaughter in the underworld? You follow me to find that guy, and the other ghosts will go back first and wait for my next order." The King of Samsara said angrily.

Judging from the current situation, the strength of this human being is indeed very strong now, and it can trap thousands of ghost kings at one time. If this guy is not found quickly, then all the teleportation points he has arranged will be destroyed by him. , that would be bad.

"Jiewang, that human being is probably already heading towards Zangluo Ghost King's teleportation point now. If we rush over now, I'm afraid it will be too late.

Maybe we should go directly to the teleportation point of Cangluo Ghost King, maybe we can catch him just now. "The Hello Ghost King suggested.

"Well, this guy is really strong, it doesn't take too long to destroy a teleportation point. It came to you from the Guru Ghost King so quickly, and now it's running again. We really should find a place in advance. Just wait for him to come!" The King of Samsara nodded, knowing that chasing him all the way would not be the solution.

He really has to wait until they catch up, all the teleportation points will be destroyed by him.

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