Godly Student

Chapter 5219: Angry Samsara Realm King!

"Don't worry, Lord Realm King, he is approaching us and will be here soon!" said the Ghost King Mingluo.

Even so, he was still a little nervous.

Perhaps it was because Cheng Yu had cast him too much shadow, so even though the former ghost king of reincarnation had become the current king of the realm, and his strength was much stronger, he still felt insecure.

After all, the ghost kings who fled back before have also said that Cheng Yu is now at the realm king level.

Since they are all at the realm king level, the reincarnation realm king may not necessarily be Cheng Yu's opponent.

What's more, when the King of Reincarnation Realm was still the ghost king, he also fought against Cheng Yu, but he didn't do anything to Cheng Yu.

So now they are at the same level again, it's hard to say who wins and who loses.

But if the Samsara Realm King loses, then he will be in trouble, how will he face Cheng Yu then!

"Are you scared?" Feeling that the ghost king Mingluo was a little restless, the Samsara Realm King asked.

"No...no! The subordinates are just worried. If Lord Realm King lets him escape, then he is afraid that he will kill our underworld army everywhere and destroy our underworld city." Startled, I quickly found an excuse.

"Humph! The last time he let him escape was his greatest luck. Now that he dares to come to the underworld, how could the King of the Realm let him escape again this time!" The King of Samsara was full of confidence.

Although he has only been in the realm for a few decades, he has the strength to his own strength.

Although the realm is the same for everyone, the strength is very different.

Just like he used to be only a ghost king, but how many of the ghost kings in the underworld are his opponents?

The same is true of entering the realm king now.

Although he is still a new realm king, in the realm king circle, he is not the weakest, even stronger than some realm kings who entered the realm of realm early.

Therefore, although Cheng Yu has also entered the realm king level now, he does not have any fear, but is more excited.

Because in his eyes, Cheng Yu is indeed a very good opponent.

Back in the days of the Ghost King, he was able to draw a tie with him. Such an opponent could not be found at any time.

However, he firmly believes that he has definitely surpassed the opponent, so he failed to kill the opponent in the ghost king period, but this time he must complete the task.

So he was very much looking forward to Cheng Yu appearing in front of him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Cheng Yu to appear in front of them soon.

Cheng Yu also knew that there was the ghost king Mingluo. If he got here, it would be useless to hide. Therefore, it is impossible to attack them again, so he simply appeared in front of the King of Reincarnation.

"Reincarnation Realm King, we meet again!" Cheng Yu saw the Samsara Realm King standing next to the teleportation array, and then glanced at the Mingluo Ghost King next to him.

When Mingluo Ghost King saw Cheng Yu's eyes, his body shivered obviously, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

Thinking that they were all at the level of ghost kings back then, but at that time he couldn't help Cheng Yu at all, and instead, he was controlled by Cheng Yu.

Now that Cheng Yu is at the level of a realm king, he naturally has no advantage in front of Cheng Yu.

In addition, he himself was controlled by Cheng Yu's soul, and his fate can be imagined.

"I have to say, you are the most daring human being that the King of the Realm has ever seen. You escaped from the underworld back then, but you dare to come today, aren't you afraid that you will never be able to return to the human realm?" The King of Samsara stared at him. The other party, seeing that the other party already knows that he has become the king of the realm, does not feel any surprise.

After all, this guy has already destroyed his five teleportation points, so he can naturally ask about his situation from the mouths of those ghost kings.

"Whether I can return to the human world is just a question of whether I want to or not. When I first came to the underworld, it was only in the golden core period. Didn't I escape from your hands at that time?

And the last time we were all ghost kings, you couldn't help me. Now that you and I are both world kings, how can you stop me? Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Speaking of which, he has indeed dealt with this reincarnation ghost king several times.

At the beginning, because it was Jindan period, the strength was too low, and he could completely escape for his life. And he also suffered a lot of losses. If it weren't for the existence of the Immortal Demon Tower to save his life, he would never have escaped from the hands of the reincarnation ghost king.

But with his strength improving step by step, until now, this Samsara Realm King no longer has any fears to speak of.

Maybe it's really possible that the King of Reincarnation will die in his hands today.

Especially this time, the realm king of reincarnation only brought a few ghost kings, and there is no realm king here anymore, so he is even less afraid.

"Humph! Can you stop you? You can try it. Today, you destroyed so many teleportation formations. If you can hand over the sacred relics you stole back then, the King of the Realm will let you go today and let you Go back to the human world safely!" said the King of Samsara.

Speaking of which, this sacred object is the most important.

If the teleportation point is gone, it can be rebuilt, but the cost is a bit high.

But it is very difficult to get it back after the holy relic is gone. Now that the person who stole the holy relic is back, he will naturally not let Cheng Yu leave easily.

"Want to return the holy relic? It's impossible!" Cheng Yu shook his head and smiled.

"What do you mean?" Samsara Realm King's heart tightened and he asked with a frown.

"The holy relic has been fused by me, so you will never be able to take the holy relic back!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"How is this possible? How can you fuse the holy relic?" The King of Samsara didn't believe Cheng Yu's words very much.

Because at the beginning, the ghost kings of the five palaces tried together to try to fuse the sacred objects, but they did not succeed.

Later, even if he invited the king, it was not successful.

So they planned to absorb only the mysterious power in the holy relic, but they didn't succeed.

So he didn't believe that the sacred object could be fused, let alone that the human being in front of him could fuse the sacred object.

"Otherwise, why do you think I can reach the realm king level so quickly!" Cheng Yu continued.

If he doesn't believe it, he insists that he believes it!

"You... you really merged with the holy relic?" But this sentence really shakes the reincarnation king.

Although he didn't know what mysterious power the sacred object had, he knew that the power in the sacred object was immeasurable.

I think that when he first saw Cheng Yu, it was really only Jindan period, although the last time he saw him, he was already at the level of a ghost king.

But it only took him a few decades to go from the ghost king to the real king, and it took him almost a thousand years to go from the ghost king to the real king.

From such a comparison, it can be seen that the speed of Cheng Yu's strength growth is indeed somewhat unreasonable.

Perhaps it is really only possible to reach the realm of the king in such a short period of time only after the fusion of the holy relic.

But so many realm kings in the underworld were unsuccessful in their attempts. How did this human cultivator successfully integrate the holy relic?

You must know that Cheng Yuke was only a ghost king at that time.

This is so weird!

"How can this be fake? Isn't my strength here now? Without this sacred object, I believe no one can reach the realm of the realm so quickly, right?" Cheng Yu was not afraid of fooling this guy to death.

He just wants to make this guy despair!

Although I don't know why they enshrined the sacred object, just know that they care about the sacred object.

"Well, you human, dare to fuse the sacred relics of our Hades, it seems that it is impossible for you to leave today no matter what.

Regardless of whether you have really merged with the holy relic, your life belongs to me in the underworld! "The King of Reincarnation was indeed **** off by Cheng Yu.

He also believed that Cheng Yu had indeed reached the realm of the realm king because of the fusion of the holy relic.

So he can only capture or kill this human being to see if he can take out the holy relic from his body.


I saw a black qi flying out of the King of Samsara's chest in anger, and the black qi instantly turned into an extremely ugly ghost head, biting at Cheng Yu with his mouth open.


But Cheng Yu was not afraid at all, a fire dragon flew out from his body and rushed towards this ghost head.


With a loud bang, everything around turned to ashes, UU reading www.uukanshu. The ghost kings beside the Samsara Realm King were frightened and quickly fled dozens of miles away.

I saw a fire dragon and the ghost head between Cheng Yu and the King of Reincarnation are in a stalemate, but what can be seen with the naked eye is that Cheng Yu's Long Yan is devouring the ghost head.

Although the ghost head is gradually at a disadvantage, it is enough to see that the strength of the Samsara Realm King is indeed extraordinary.

Ordinary ghosts were burned instantly when they encountered Long Yan, which is why those ghost cultivators were so vulnerable in front of Cheng Yu.

But this reincarnation realm king's ghost energy is obviously extraordinary, even Cheng Yu's Long Yan can only slowly burn.

"Humph! Even if you have the Supreme Yang Pill Fire today, it can't help you!" But the King of Reincarnation was not surprised. Cheng Yu's Supreme Yang Pill Fire was very powerful, and he had already seen it.

However, compared to the last time, Cheng Yu's Zhiyang Pill Fire is obviously not so terrifying this time, which means that his strength has improved more than Cheng Yu.

Therefore, he was more fearless in his heart and more confident to take down Cheng Yu.

I saw several ghost heads of the same size flying out of his chest again at the same time.

These ghost heads were all integrated into the ghost head that was being swallowed by Long Yan, but the ghost king instantly became several times bigger.

With a loud bang, Long Yan was forced to explode by the huge ghost head.

Seeing this, Cheng Yu hurriedly took back the scattered Long Yan. Seeing that the ghost head seemed to be flying by himself, he easily avoided it.

However, this ghost head is not so easy to get rid of, the ghost head turned around and chased towards Cheng Yu again.

The huge mouth opened, a dark vortex was formed in the mouth, and the powerful suction was frantically sucking Cheng Yu, trying to swallow him into the dark vortex!

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