Godly Student

Chapter 5222: Humanoid rare treasure?

, God-level transfer student

"You really merged the holy relic?" A realm king suddenly asked Cheng Yu in human language.

This is not a trivial matter, sacred objects have been enshrined in their underworld for tens of thousands of years.

Although they all know that the sacred object has special power, they have never known what mysterious power this sacred object has after all.

Even if they have been trying to find out how to obtain the power in the holy relic, unfortunately, they have never been successful.

In the end, it was stolen by a human.

Now these human beings are back, but they say that they have integrated the sacred objects. Is this still worth it?

Wouldn't it be impossible for this holy relic to come back in the future?

"Or else? Do you think you can take it back?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Although he couldn't understand their ghost language, he understood the other party's words. These people were talking about sacred things.

How could it be possible to take out what he had in his hand?

Besides, the dead wood has already been combined with other dead trees to synthesize the current divine tree, and even if he wants to take it out, it is impossible.

Not to mention that the dead wood was originally a part of the divine tree, and the divine tree was something of his holy city, how could he possibly return it!

"If you can't hand over the holy relic, then you will become a corpse!" The realm king said coldly.

"Don't think that a large number of you can do anything to me. If I don't kill a few realm kings today, I really don't plan to leave so easily." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What a big tone, I want to see how talented you are, and dare to say such words!" As soon as the King's voice fell, a large amount of ghost energy poured out of him.

These ghosts flew towards Cheng Yu like a black cloud.

Cheng Yu had a calm expression on his face, and immediately slashed the black cloud with a sword.

But these black clouds spread out into countless small black clouds rushing towards Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu is also very clear that these ghost qi are all things of the yin, just like his Long Yan.

Ghost repair will be severely burned when he encounters Long Yan, or even completely burned. Although this ghost qi is not as strong and violent as Long Yan's phagocytosis, it is really going to be hurt by this ghost qi. If this ghost qi cannot be excreted from the body, it will continue to devour the Yuan force in his body.

It's just that the speed of this devouring will not be as fast as Long Yan, and it will be completed in an instant.

But if Chengyu's strength is there, it's not a trifle. If this realm king wants to use this ghostly energy to hurt him, or even kill him, it would be too underestimated.

I saw Cheng Yu stretched out his left hand and took the initiative to disperse these, and even sucked them up towards the black cloud that rushed over, all gathered in his palm.

Originally, these black clouds were huge, but in the end, these scattered black clouds were sucked into Cheng Yu's palm and turned into spheres the size of oranges.

Even so, Cheng Yu didn't dare to directly hold the gathered ghost energy in his hand, but wrapped the black ball with his own energy before putting it away.

"Sure enough, there are two times, no wonder you dare to come to the underworld to be wild. But this won't save your life." This realm king is not too surprised. Anyway, they just saw the reincarnation realm king being pressed by Cheng Yu. beat.

So it is not uncommon for this guy to have such strength.

And he was just testing Cheng Yu first.

What's more, they still have so many helpers here, even if he can't handle it alone, with so many years of helpers, can't he still win this human?

A black umbrella floated from his hand and hung in the air. The black umbrella quickly rotated and shot dark arrows towards Cheng Yu!

These dark arrows are not ordinary dark arrows, but the ghostly magic treasures created by this realm king himself.

I saw that after Cheng Yu escaped these dark arrows, these dark arrows chased Cheng Yu again as if they had eyes.

No matter what Cheng Yu dodged, these dark arrows were chasing Cheng Yu.

"Don't let him escape!" The realm king roared, this magic weapon is also limited in scope, and it is not possible to chase Cheng Yu like this no matter where.

Once it is out of range, the dark arrow will come back on its own.

Since this human has finally come to the underworld by himself, he can no longer escape.

And now that there are so many realm kings, we must surround him and make him unable to escape, so that he will surely die.

The other realm kings naturally understood this, so they immediately surrounded Cheng Yu in a big circle, giving him no chance to escape in any direction.

At the same time, other realm kings also took action, no longer just watching the battle.

All kinds of magic weapons attack Cheng Yu at the same time. In this encirclement, Cheng Yu has no escape!

Swish swish!

Just when everyone thought that Cheng Yu really had no escape and would definitely die in this encirclement, Cheng Yu suddenly transformed into nine more clones.

As a result, Cheng Yu suddenly became ten people.

Although the other party is now eleven people, he will not necessarily fall below. After all, the gap between one person is nothing.

What's more, the King of Reincarnation was beaten by Cheng Yu just now. Although the injury was not serious, he stayed aside to rest first.

So the current situation is exactly ten to ten!

"This guy even dares to clone at this time, and his strength will be weakened after the clone. It's just killing himself!" This is the idea of ​​every realm king.

After all, after the clone, the strength of the main body will become weaker.

And Cheng Yu even split into nine clones at once, which means that the strength of Cheng Yu's body will be weakened again and again.

Although there are ten Cheng Yus at this time, the strength of each "Cheng Yu" is far from being an opponent of any realm king.

So when ten Cheng Yus attacked the ten realm kings, these realm kings didn't take it seriously at all, and they thought they would be able to fight back Cheng Yu half dead.

bang bang bang!

But the next moment, when Cheng Yu really deceived himself and came to them, he easily broke their resistance with one punch, and even directly knocked the ten realm kings flying, they realized that they seemed to be Got it wrong.

"How is this possible?" Not only were the ten realm kings incomprehensible, but even the reincarnation realm king who was watching the battle felt incredible.

Cheng Yu has clearly divided into nine clones. Logically speaking, his strength has already dropped greatly, and his current strength is not to be feared at all.

But the reality is that these ten real world kings with good strength were actually knocked into the air by Cheng Yu in this situation. In this way, how low the strength of these ten real world kings is.

But the Samsara Realm King knew that among the ten realm kings, some were stronger than him.

Even if the other few are not as strong as him, their strength will not be weak.

Because the realm king is too weak, he will not let anyone invite him at all.

What's more, there are not only ten realm kings in the underworld, it is precisely because the strength of these ten realm kings is not bad, and they are not far from his reincarnation ghost house, so he will come to help.

If Cheng Yu at this time can still knock these ten realm kings away with one punch, doesn't that mean that any one of these ten Cheng Yu can also knock him flying with one punch?

"What the **** is going on? How could he be so powerful?" At this moment, every realm king seemed to be stunned by Cheng Yu.

"Unless his strength has far exceeded our ten realm kings, so even if there are nine clones now, each clone, including the remaining strength of its body, is still so powerful.

Only in this way will they be able to punch us away! "One of the realm kings thought quickly, and finally came to a conclusion.

"But how can this guy's strength be stronger than the strength of our ten realm kings?" The realm kings obviously couldn't accept such an explanation.

Although this explanation sounds perfect, because in this case they will be in the situation they are now.

But the problem is that the strength of a human cultivator is stronger than the strength of ten realm kings who have been practicing for thousands of years. Although this explanation is perfect, it sounds too stupid.

And they also learned a point, that is, this human being was not a real king when he stole the holy relic.

It's only been so many years, this human being has not only become a realm king now, but his strength is stronger than the sum of their ten realm kings. It must be anyone else who can't accept such an explanation.

"Maybe this is the result of his fusion of the sacred object!" The King of Reincarnation explained loudly to them.

"Holy relic?" The ten realm kings were suddenly shocked.

That's right, it was this human who stole the sacred object, and the King of Reincarnation said that this guy had fused the sacred object.

"Could this be the power of a sacred object?" At this moment, everyone somewhat accepted this reality.

At least the sacred object is very important in their hearts, especially it contains extremely powerful power.

It's just that they haven't cracked the secret, so UU reading www.uukanshu.com can't get the power of the sacred object.

Since this guy has integrated the sacred object, it means that he has cracked the sacred object and obtained the power of the sacred object.

With the holy relic as a foreshadowing, then this explanation is very reasonable.

Just at this moment, the eyes of the ten realm kings staring at Cheng Yu began to shine.

Unexpectedly, the sacred object is so powerful. After a ghost king-level human fused with the sacred object, he not only became a realm king, but also possessed more powerful power than their ten realm kings. This sacred object is indeed a rare treasure.

At this time, no matter whether they can still take out the holy relic, at least in their eyes, the entire Cheng Yu at this time is the treasure they want to get.

Since Cheng Yu has fused the holy relic, if they capture Cheng Yu and fuse him together, can Cheng Yu's power be transferred to them?

At this moment, Cheng Yu suddenly became a rare treasure in the eyes of the kings of the world. Every king of the world wanted to get him and integrate him!

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