Godly Student

Chapter 5226: Lord Realm wants to see you!

"Master, your strength is so strong, if you really go into the city, he will definitely not be able to escape! And just those little bastards, even if the master does not need to take action, I can easily kill it." King Mingluo said.

If he hadn't seen Cheng Yu's strength, he might have thought of other ways.

But Cheng Yu was so strong that even when he was surrounded and killed by the realm king, he also killed six realm kings.

With this strength, if the Silla Ghost King is really in the city, after they enter the city, it is estimated that the Silla Ghost King has not reacted, so there is nothing to worry about.

More leisurely, this city of Silla is not in a wartime state now, and Cheng Yu doesn't need to take action at all, he himself is enough.

"Are you sure?" Cheng Yu was indeed a little unsure.

"Master, how dare I lie to you? I still hope that the master can give me the opportunity to dominate the underworld?

If the Silla Ghost King escaped, wouldn't it be a huge loss for me? "Mingluo Ghost King said with a smile.

"Then I'll trust you once, let's go in and see!" Cheng Yu nodded and agreed to King Mingluo Ghost.

At least what he said was right. Faced with such a big temptation, King Mingluo had no reason to lie to him again.

In fact, there is not much difference between the ghost cities in the underworld and the cities in the human world. Their cities also have a large defense formation.

However, whether it is the human world or the underworld, the opening of the defense formation requires a lot of energy.

Therefore, when there is no army attacking, under normal circumstances, the defense formation will not be activated.

And this Silla City is still deep in the underworld. To be honest, if the enemy wants to appear here, it means that war has already happened ahead.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, it is impossible for Silla City to open the great defense formation.

This is also what the Ghost King Mingluo has considered. Without a great defense formation, they can easily kill them in the city.

"What are you doing?" When one person and one ghost came to the city gate, the guard stopped them.

Especially Cheng Yu, he found that this ghost cultivator has no breath.

There is obviously something wrong with such a ghost cultivator. Why should a good person hide his breath?


But at this moment, the ghost king Ming Luo directly killed the guard.

"What do you want to do?" The sudden change surprised the guards and soldiers. Some people dared to make trouble here, so dozens of soldiers and soldiers came together to kill the ghost king Mingluo.

But how could they possibly be the opponents of Mingluo Ghost King?

Compared to human monks killing ghost cultivators, it would be much simpler for a ghost king to kill several ghost cultivators.

"Master, hurry up and find the Ghost King of Silla!" The guards of the city were easily killed, and the Ghost King of Mingluo didn't want to waste too much time here.

After all, their purpose is the ghost king of Silla. As long as the ghost king of Silla is in this city, they must find him quickly, and don't let him escape from other places after getting the news.

Cheng Yu nodded, and didn't plan to shoot, just followed Mingluo Ghost King.

In this underworld, the ghost king Mingluo is much more familiar than him.

One person and one ghost took advantage of the fact that the news that they had entered the city just now had not reached the Ghost Palace, so they took the lead in running towards the Ghost Palace.

At this time, the Silla Ghost King was indeed still in the Ghost King's mansion, and he didn't know that two terrifying guys were already approaching his mansion.

It was not until Cheng Yu and Mingluo Ghost King entered the mansion of the Silla Ghost King, and the mansion was full of noise and screams, and the Silla Ghost King rushed out in a hurry.

"Mingluo Ghost King? Aren't you imprisoned in the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion? Why are you here?" Seeing that Mingluo Ghost King appeared here, he was obviously a little surprised.

Although he didn't know why the Mingluo Ghost King was imprisoned by the Samsara Realm King, he was the one who benefited the most when the Mingluo Ghost King was imprisoned.

Now the King of Reincarnation has even ordered him to lead an army of millions to attack the human world. This is a great deal of importance.

You must know that such an important task in the past would have to be handed over to the Ghost King Mingluo.

This also means that he will be the successor of the reincarnation ghost king in the future.

Although the Samsara Realm King is still in control of the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion, he has always been by the Samsara Realm King's side. He has long understood that the Samsara Realm King is like this because he wants to attack the Human Realm.

As long as the plan to attack the human world is successful, bring enough soul source benefits to the underworld, and retrieve the sacred object, the king of reincarnation will leave the reincarnation ghost house.

And at that time, he was the new reincarnation ghost house.

So he wished that the Reincarnation Realm King would not release the Mingluo Ghost King during this period, but kept him imprisoned until he became the Reincarnation Ghost King.

When the King of Reincarnation leaves, whether this Ghost King Mingluo should be killed or released, isn't that what he said?

However, given the relationship between King Mingluo and him, it would be difficult to make King Mingluo his subordinate.

So when he arrived at that time, he was more inclined to kill the ghost king Mingluo.

It's just that he never imagined that why did King Mingluo appear here at this time?

And looking at his posture, this guy is not here to be a guest, but more like he is looking for trouble.

In addition, the guy behind him always felt a little strange, and even seemed to be a little familiar, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

"Lord Jiewang asked me to arrest you and go back to stand trial!" Mingluo Ghost King sneered.

"Trial? What is the trial?" Silla Ghost King wondered.

"You colluded with humans, shouldn't you be put on trial?"

"Nonsense, how could I possibly collude with humans. Otherwise, how could Lord Realm entrust me with the task of attacking the human world!" The Ghost King of Xinluo was instantly furious, feeling that this guy was clearly deliberately wronging him.

"Humph! Whether you have colluded with human beings, Jiewang knows very well. If you have anything to say, you can explain to Jiewang yourself. What you have to do now is to cooperate with us and go back with us to meet Jiewang!" Ming Luo said the ghost king.

"If Lord Jiewang really doubts me, then it's no problem for me to go back with you to meet Lord Jiewang. But you are already a prisoner, why did Lord Jiewang send you to inform me?" Luo Guiwang was very suspicious.

If Lord Kaiwang really suspected that he was colluding with humans, he would definitely send someone to look for him.

But who can't be sent, but sent a prisoner, which makes him feel that there is something strange in it.

Besides, Lord Realm King has always trusted him, how could he suddenly suspect that he was colluding with humans?

This is obviously somewhat unreasonable.

"Because Lord Kai Wang had suspected me of colluding with humans before, but now that I have confirmed my innocence, I am naturally innocent.

But now Lord Realm is suspicious of you, so you will soon become a prisoner! "Mingluo Ghost King said with a smile.

"Impossible, I didn't do anything, how could Lord Realm suspect me for no reason?" When the Ghost King of Xinluo heard what the Ghost King of Mingluo said, he couldn't help but be suspicious.

Could it be that Lord Kai really suspects that he is colluding with humans?

But how could he possibly collude with humans?

However, King Mingluo said that Lord Jiewang had been imprisoned because he suspected him before.

Now Lord Kai Wang found out that he was innocent, so he let him go and shifted the target of suspicion to him?

"Then you have to explain it to Lord Jiewang. If he believes in you, you are innocent. If he doesn't believe in you, you can also taste what it's like to be a prisoner like I did before!"

"Did you talk nonsense in front of Lord Jiewang and deliberately say that I colluded with humans?" The Ghost King of Xinluo said angrily at the Ghost King of Mingluo.

If it wasn't for this guy talking nonsense in front of Lord Kai, why would Lord Kai suddenly suspect that he was colluding with humans?

"You can't blame me for this, since Lord Jiewang took the initiative to ask about your situation, I just said it casually.

Who knows if you are really colluding with humans? This is not clear. Seeing that King Silla seemed to believe his words more and more, King Mingra said more frankly.

The more he said that, the more real this deception became, making it difficult for the Silla Ghost King to distinguish the true from the false for a while.

Although he knew that he was wronged, if Lord Jiewang really doubted him, he would definitely go to meet Lord Jiewang to explain it well.

However, although Silla Ghost King already believed 50% in his heart, he still had doubts in his heart.

So if he wants to let him follow this guy, he is definitely not willing.

"I knew it was you who did it, but now you can go back and report to Lord Jiewang. I will meet Master Jiewang in person and explain to him clearly," said the Ghost King of Xinluo.

"That can't be done. Lord Realm King has asked us to take you back in person. Who knows if you are really colluding with human beings. In case we just walked away, you ran away. UU reading www.uukanshu.com then I Isn't it about to be imprisoned by Lord Realm King again!" Ghost King Mingluo said that he had nose and eyes, as if that was the case.

"Since it's an order from Lord Realm, there must be a decree. As long as you can come up with the decree, I'll go with you!" The Ghost King of Xinluo continued.

"This is the secret password of Lord Realm King. Naturally, there is no legal decree. But if you don't want to go back with us, it is against the order of Lord Realm King.

The Silla Ghost King should not want us to beat you to death, so let's take you back forcibly!" said Mingluo Ghost King.

"Humph! Don't scare me, if there is no decree, I will never go back with you. Lord Realm King also knows this very well. If he really wants to take me back, how could he not leave the decree!

So I'm pretty sure right now that you guy is lying. "Silla Ghost King suddenly pointed at Minglu Ghost King and shouted loudly.

"You don't eat and drink for a toast. Since you're not on the road, don't blame me for being rude." Seeing that he couldn't fool this guy anymore, King Mingluo stopped pretending, and immediately took the lead.


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