Godly Student

Chapter 5230: Perfect!

Although the Silla Ghost King saved his life at this time, he was really frightened.

Even at this time, he still believed that Cheng Yu was doing this to force him to tell those teleportation points.

But he also firmly believed that Cheng Yu was a real ruthless man.

Because he completely felt that if he was unwilling to compromise with Cheng Yu until his death, he really wanted to integrate him, not just to scare people.

Maybe in Cheng Yu's eyes, if he is willing to compromise, he has his own value. If he is unwilling to compromise, then it is useless to keep it, it can only be killed.

Therefore, if he doesn't want to die, he can only choose to compromise. He is sure that Cheng Yu really wants to kill him.

Although he has saved his life now, he is also very clear about what his future fate will be. All this is uncertain.

"Tell me, how many teleportation points did the King of Samsara prepare this time?" Cheng Yu asked.

"There are ten teleportation points in total!" Shinra Ghost King answered truthfully.

"Are you sure it's ten? If I find more than ten, you should know your fate!" Cheng Yu asked.

"This is natural. Since I promised you, it is naturally impossible to deceive me. After all, I am also trying to save my life, and there is no need to deceive you." Xinluo Ghost King said.

Cheng Yu nodded, and the two ghost kings who knew the six teleportation points found them again.

"Silla Ghost King?" Seeing the appearance of Silla Ghost King, the two ghost kings were obviously also startled.

Since Silla Ghost King is the leader of this attack on Human World, they are all his subordinates.

But now that even the Ghost King of Silla has been captured by them, it is really difficult for them to imagine what is going on outside.

Xinluo Ghost King's face was ugly, these two ghost kings were caught, which means that some teleportation points have been found by Cheng Yu.

But think about it, since Cheng Yu knew about the teleportation points, he must have found a few teleportation points.

And what Cheng Yu asked was how many teleportation points the King of Reincarnation had arranged, which meant that Cheng Yu just didn't know how many teleportation points he didn't know.

"Now tell all the teleportation points!" Cheng Yu said to the Silla Ghost King first, then looked at the two ghost kings, and said, "Listen to yourself, the remaining four teleportation points Where!"

"Yes!" The two ghost kings nodded.

So the Silla Ghost King honestly stated the locations of the ten teleportation points.

These terrestrial equations do not know the names, but these ghost kings do.

So as long as these ten places are out, and they know six of them, the remaining four will naturally be extra.

"Do you know which four teleportation points are now?" Cheng Yu asked the two ghost kings.


"Okay, you can take me there now." Cheng Yu didn't want to waste any time.

In order to force Silla Ghost King to tell these ten teleportation points, he has wasted a lot of time.

Under the leadership of the two ghost kings and Cheng Yu's eagerness, they quickly discovered a teleportation point.

However, there are not many troops at this teleportation point. After such a long time, these great teleportation points should already know that he is attacking and killing each teleportation point.

It's just that the remaining four teleportation points do not know that Cheng Yu only knows six teleportation points, so it has not appeared so far.

Maybe all the troops from this teleportation point were sent to the human world, or maybe because of Cheng Yu's arrival, they were also frightened, so they withdrew directly.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, there are only 50,000 ghost repairers in this teleportation point now, and even the ghost kings are only about ten.

Such a situation is definitely not satisfactory to Cheng Yu.

But he also knew that for such a long time, it was difficult for him to keep these news secret, so it was impossible to kill them by surprise.

But fortunately, his most important purpose is to destroy ten teleportation points first, killing and suppressing these ghost repairers is just an incidental process.

If you can kill more, it is naturally good, if you don't have this opportunity, kill a little less and kill a little less.

Anyway, when these ten teleportation points are destroyed, he will not leave the underworld immediately, and he has to rectify the underworld well.

At the very least, let the Ghost King Mingluo control the underworld before he can safely return to the human world!

The 50,000 underworld army is a little less, but Cheng Yu didn't plan to let the 50,000 underworld army go.

Now that the Silla Ghost King is a prisoner, it will be much easier to capture all the 50,000 underworld troops alive.

"If you hope you can live forever, just do what I say honestly!" Cheng Yu returned to the Immortal Demon Pagoda and told his thoughts to the Silla Ghost King.

"I understand!" Silla Ghost King nodded.

So Cheng Yu released the Silla Ghost King from the Immortal Demon Tower, and he followed behind the Silla Ghost King.

When the Shinra Ghost King appeared at this teleportation point, these ghost repairers were obviously a little surprised.

They didn't know that the ghost king of Silla had been captured by Cheng Yu, but as the biggest leader of the attack on the human world this time, the ghost king of Silla appeared here without warning, and everyone was really surprised.

But they didn't think much about it. After all, all their ghost repairers had to obey the orders of the Silla Ghost King, and it was normal for him to come here to have a look.

As for Cheng Yu who was following the Ghost King of Silla, they didn't care, and only regarded him as the follower of the Ghost King of Silla.

"Have the rest of the underworld army been sent to the human world?" The ghost king of Xinluo saw that there were only so many ghost repairs left here. With the transmission speed of the teleportation array, it is logically impossible to pass so many underworld armies in such a short period of time. , but still asked.

"Master Xinluo, no, we have received news that a human being is attacking our teleportation point. A few Lord Ghost Kings and 200,000 Underworld troops left temporarily." The ghost envoy replied.

"The order goes on, all the ghost cultivators will gather immediately, and I have an important announcement to announce!" The ghost king of Xinluo nodded, seeing that the underworld army of more than 200,000 had indeed withdrawn first, and I don't know if I should be happy.

No matter what, he was a ghost cultivator after all, and the interests of the underworld represented his interests.

But the problem is that he has now become Cheng Yu's prisoner, and it is unlikely that Cheng Yu will regain his freedom in the future.

If you are lucky, maybe you can become Cheng Yu's slave like Mingluo Ghost King.

Although he lost his freedom, he saved his life.

But if he is unlucky, he may one day be merged with other ghost cultivators given to him by Cheng Yu.

So whether these underworld troops are withdrawing now, or whether they fall into Cheng Yu's hands, it seems that it has nothing to do with him.

Anyway, even if the underworld really succeeded in attacking the human world, he would still be in Cheng Yu's hands.

"Yes!" The ghost envoy immediately passed on the order.

The ten ghost kings naturally rushed over when they got the news. Although they were all ghost kings, the Silla Ghost King was their immediate boss, so they didn't dare to neglect.

I just don't know that the Silla Ghost King suddenly appeared here, and I don't know what's important.

Originally, they were very worried about staying here. Although they received the news that Cheng Yu was going to attack the teleportation point early, they hadn't appeared for so long, and they didn't know what was going on.

Of course, from their point of view, they naturally hope that Cheng Yu will never appear.

As long as all the underworld troops here are sent to the human world as soon as possible, their mission will be completed, and even they can go there together.

"Master Xinluo!" Several ghost kings came to greet him.

"Yeah!" Silla Ghost King nodded, but didn't say anything.

Now that it's all over, what else is there to say?

Cheng Yu asked him to gather all the ghost cultivators together, so his task was to gather these ghost cultivators together.

As for reminiscing about old times or greetings and the like, it has no meaning.

He is now equivalent to the lives of these ghost cultivators in exchange for his own safety.

When these ghost kings saw that the Silla Ghost King did not speak, and his expression was serious, they did not dare to ask any more questions, and could only wait for all the ghost cultivators to gather quickly.

But what they couldn't figure out was that just after all these ghost cultivators were assembled, a golden light suddenly flew out from the "attendant" behind the ghost king of Xinluo, and UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com took all of them. Ghost cultivators are shrouded in this golden light.

"This... what's going on?" All the ghost repairs suddenly said in shock.

But it was all too late.

There are only ten ghost kings, dozens of ghost venerables, and the rest are some weak ghost guards and ghost envoys. Even if the situation is found to be wrong, nothing can be changed.

"Lord Xinluo, what's going on?" But as soon as these ghost kings asked, they were directly sucked in by the magic weapon.

Silla Ghost King watched this scene, and his heart was also very uncomfortable.

Although he didn't care so much about the lives of these ghost cultivators, as a ghost king, he was helping a human being to suppress their underworld army. This huge gap really made him feel a little helpless and hopeless for a while.

"Very good, there are still three teleportation points. As long as you help me destroy these teleportation points smoothly, your life will be saved for the time being!" Cheng Yu took back the fairy and magic tower, and then took the opportunity to destroy this teleportation point as well. , I am quite happy.

With a powerful ghost king like the Silla Ghost King as a prisoner, it would have been much smoother.

He didn't even need a fight, he just suppressed all the 50,000 ghost cultivators without a single omission.

Thinking about it now, he should have caught the Silla Ghost King first.

In that case, every teleportation point is missing a single one. These ghost repairers can't escape, so it is naturally impossible to report to other teleportation points.

In this way, he can successfully take down one of the 300,000 ghost repairers of each teleportation point, and the harvest will be really big.

But in this world, how can everything be counted, and such a beautiful idea can only be thought about.

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