Godly Student

Chapter 5237: Keep guessing!

, the fastest update of God-level transfer students! Cheng Yu intended to release the news, so Mingluo Jiewang spread the news immediately.

Within a few days, the Mingluo Ghost King became the Realm King, and the news of occupying the Samsara Ghost Mansion spread everywhere.

Not to mention that it is within the sphere of influence of the Underworld, even those within the sphere of influence of the ghost kings of the wilderness are aware of this matter.

Mingluo Ghost King used to be a capable general of the Reincarnation Ghost King, and almost all the important things of the Reincarnation Ghost King were left to the Mingluo Ghost King to do.

Therefore, the Mingluo Ghost King has a great reputation in the entire Yin and Netherworld.

It's just that after the reincarnation ghost king became the real king, he imprisoned the Mingluo ghost king, so the Mingluo ghost king suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Everyone is also very confused, but no one knows what the reason is.

But no one would have thought that Mingluo Ghost King suddenly became the King of the Realm, and he also occupied the Samsara Ghost Mansion.

For all parties in the underworld, this news really shocked them.

But for the Wild Ghost King and the others, the news was more of a surprise than shock.

Because they know that there is civil strife in the underworld, what could make them more happy than this?

Therefore, the various wilderness ghost kings also sent their own scouts to inquire about news everywhere.

As a result, I didn't know if I didn't inquire, and I was really shocked when I inquired.

They already knew that Hades was going to attack the Human World, so they did not interfere with Hades during this time.

But they didn't know that this plan was destroyed by a human being.

What shocked them especially was that they heard that the human world actually fought eleven realm kings at the same time, including the reincarnation realm king.

Even so, this human beheaded six realm kings.

Hearing such news, they were really frightened by the ghost kings of the wilderness.

Originally thought that there was a civil strife in the underworld, they might still be profitable.

But they never imagined that in the current situation, even such a high-ranking ghost king can't participate in the war, and the people dispatched are all at the level of the king.

What's even more terrifying is that even the realm king has been beheaded, so what is their ghost king?

So if they want to join in the fun, they have to weigh how much their own lives are. If it's not heavy enough, I'm afraid it's better not to participate easily.

But even if they didn't dare to participate in this matter, they would definitely give the news to the realm king of Barren Jie Mountain.

Although they felt that the realm king of Huangjie Mountain might not participate in these things, some things were not what they said.

What if these realm kings are also thinking about the underworld?

So this news must be passed on, at least whether those realm kings will take action, that is their own business.

If the realm king of Huangjieshan takes action, maybe they will get some benefits.

If they don't want to take action, it's none of their business, anyway, it's a matter within the underworld.

At the same time, Jiewang Mountain has also received news.

Knowing that the ghost king Mingluo became the realm king and also occupied his reincarnation ghost mansion, the reincarnation realm king was furious on the spot.

"This traitor must have defected to that human being, or he wouldn't dare to do so if he had ten courage!" The King of Samsara said angrily.

"I'm even more curious. He is just a little ghost king under your command. Why did he suddenly become a realm king? Don't you think this is very strange?" Tianluo realm king wondered.

He was one of the five realm kings who had successfully escaped.

Although he has never met the Ghost King Mingluo, he is familiar with the King of Reincarnation, so he knows this subordinate of the King of Reincarnation.

You know, the Reincarnation Realm King has only been a Realm King for decades.

Logically speaking, as a subordinate of the Samsara Realm King, it should not be possible to become the Realm King so quickly.

And if you really want to become a realm king, any of the four palace lords should be much faster than a small prince.

At present, the four palace masters have not succeeded, but a vassal king under the reincarnation realm king has become the realm king first.

Especially the Reincarnation Realm King just mentioned the situation of the Mingluo Ghost King to them, and even the relationship between the Mingluo Ghost King and Cheng Yu, he said it.

Therefore, it is inevitable that everyone will pay more attention to the sudden change of the Mingluo Ghost King into the Realm King.

"This matter is really strange. Based on what I know about Mingluo Ghost King, he shouldn't be able to become a realm king so quickly!" The reincarnation realm king calmed down and felt that this matter was a bit incredible.

"I'm afraid it has something to do with that human being!" Chao Luo Realm King guessed.

The battle with Cheng Yu was indeed an eye-opener for them. If they hadn't escaped fast, they wouldn't have come back this time.

"Is it because of the sacred object again?" The King of Realms questioned.

"This shouldn't be possible, right? The sacred object has been fused by that human being. This kind of power should only belong to that human being. How could he make a ghost king become a real king?

If we really have this ability, wouldn't we have real kings everywhere in the underworld? "Some realm kings do not agree with this statement.

After all, it is completely beyond their imagination to make a ghost king become a real king.

"That's not impossible!" said the King of Samsara suddenly.

"Did the King of Reincarnation discover something?" All the Kings of the Realm looked at the King of Reincarnation curiously.

"Our ghost cultivators can quickly improve their cultivation realm by swallowing ghost cultivators. If Mingluo Ghost King can devour a large number of ghost kings, it is entirely possible to become a realm king in a short period of time!" Said the reincarnation realm king.

"But how is it possible that Mingluo Ghost King can swallow up a large number of Ghost Kings? Moreover, I think the possibility of being promoted to Realm King by swallowing Ghost Kings is too small.

Even if he devoured all the ghost kings of the underworld, he might not be able to become the king of the realm.

And in this way, even if you really become a realm king, your strength is far inferior to those of us who have reached the realm of realm kings through our own strength. "The King Wanluo retorted.

"Wanluo Realm King is right, to become realm king by swallowing up ghost kings, it takes how many ghost kings to swallow. With the ability of Mingluo ghost king, how could it be possible to catch so many ghost kings?

Even if there is that human being to help at this time, these ghost kings are definitely not something they can catch if they want to. "Other realm kings thought about it carefully and felt that although the reincarnation realm king said it was a possibility, the possibility is really not high.

"You can't say the same thing, you don't understand that human being's supreme sun magic weapon. From what I understand, that magic weapon should have suppressed a lot of cultivators in the underworld.

He also tried to use that magic weapon to suppress me at first, but it didn't work.

Like the teleportation points we set up before, he has now destroyed them, and he has also suppressed many of our underworld troops, including many ghost kings.

If he handed over all the suppressed underworld army to the ghost king of Mingluo to devour, it might not be impossible for him to reach the king of the realm. "The King of Reincarnation explained.

"I don't think it's possible. How many ghost kings have you dispatched this time? Could it be that all these ghost kings have been captured by him?" Wanluo Ghost King asked.

"These ghost kings add up to about 100,000. Although not all of these 100,000 ghost kings have been caught, he should have caught tens of thousands of ghost kings.

The strength of the Mingluo Ghost King is not bad in itself. If he can swallow tens of thousands of Ghost Kings at one time, he should be able to reach the Realm King, right? " said the reincarnation ghost king.

"Not enough, this ghost king is definitely not enough. I remember there was a record in the history of the underworld that there was once a ghost king in the wilderness who wanted to achieve the realm of kings in this way.

So not only did he capture and devour the ghost kings from the forces of other ghost kings in the wilderness, but he even captured quite a few ghost kings from our underworld to devour them.

It is said that the ghost king devoured at least 200,000 ghost kings, but he still failed to enter the realm of the realm king.

That's why our Hades only mandated that it was not allowed to attack the King of the Realm in this way. "Wanluojie Wang explained to everyone.

"Hundreds of thousands of ghost kings failed to become realm kings?" The realm kings were also shocked.

It was the first time they heard about this, they only knew that the underworld did not allow this method to reach the king.

But why not allow it, according to their thinking, it is not easy to cultivate ghost kings.

If the ghost kings are swallowed up, who will go to work for them in the future?

But anyway, when they were still ghost kings, UU read www. uukanshu. com actually had such an idea.

Some of these realm kings have even swallowed some ghost kings, but not many.

It's just that they never imagined that a ghost king would swallow 200,000 ghost kings without next page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

Being able to become a realm king shows that it is really unreliable to want to become a realm king through this method.

"I only saw this from the records, and I didn't experience it myself. So whether it really devoured 200,000 ghost kings, or whether it exceeded 200,000 ghost kings, no one knows.

But this at least proves that if you want to become a realm king through this method, it is estimated that if you really devour the ghost kings of the entire underworld, you may not be able to become a realm king! "Wanluojie Wang shook his head and said.

"If it is unrealistic to say that it is not realistic to devour the ghost king to become the realm king, is there a possibility that the Mingluo ghost king devoured the realm king?" Tianluo realm king suddenly had a novel idea.

"Devouring the realm king? How is this possible? Let's not say whether the ghost king Mingluo can catch the realm king and let him devour it. Even if he does, how could a ghost king devour the realm king?

If this is the case, then we realm kings will be missed by the ghost kings every day! " said Chao Luo Realm King.

"The ghost king misses us? Which ghost king do you think has the ability to take us away?" Tianluojie Wang laughed.

"If that's the case, how could the ghost king of Mingluo get the realm king to let him devour it?" Chaoluo realm king retorted.

"Isn't Mingluo Ghost King a group with that human? We lost a few realm kings this time. Who knows if Mingluo Ghost King devoured the remnants of these realm kings!" Tianluo Realm King thought for a while said.

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