Godly Student

Chapter 5240: what you think?

, the fastest update of God-level transfer students! "Is this useful?" The other realm kings were a little questioned. Is it true that everyone can get the power of the sacred object?

"How do you know it's useless if you haven't tried it? We can't fuse the sacred object, but now the power of the sacred object has been integrated into that human being.

As long as we fuse it, we may not only get the power of the holy object, but also fuse the human's own power into us, just like we devour ghosts and human monks or power. "Although Chao Luo Realm King does not dare to say that this method is feasible, at least he is very optimistic about this method.

"That's true. Although it may not be successful, we can indeed try it. If it is successful, we may really find a shortcut to enter the spiritual world!" It's a reason, so I won't delve into it anymore.

If nothing else, at least this human being is the only one who has successfully integrated the sacred object so far.

With their understanding of the sacred object, even if they got it themselves, they couldn't integrate it.

Therefore, if they catch this human being now, it is also the only chance for them to obtain the power in the sacred object.

Thinking about it this way, no matter what the result is, they have to try it.

Obviously, there are not a few realm kings with this abacus.

About a day later, the Wanluo Realm King actually came back with more than 120 realm kings.

Although some of the realm kings were originally not interested in coming, but when I heard that this human being actually merged with the sacred artifact, this time I became a lot more interested.

Similar to what they thought, since they can't fuse the holy relic, they will now use Cheng Yu's body to indirectly fuse the holy relic.

So these realm kings also want to try it.

After all, it is really too difficult to enter the spiritual world simply by their own strength, and they themselves feel that there is little hope.

That being the case, it just so happened that Cheng Yu had come to the underworld again, and he had also integrated the holy relic. What a rare opportunity this was.

Once they miss this opportunity, they may never have the opportunity to enter the spiritual world again.

Because you have to gamble no matter what.

With the addition of more than 100 realm kings, and the fact that there are more than 20 realm kings here, they have about 150 realm kings.

This made everyone angry.

Nearly one hundred and fifty realm kings are going to deal with a human monk. To be honest, no one will think that they will lose to a human monk.

"Since everyone is here, let's go, shall we?" The King of Samsara couldn't wait to see so many kings coming to help.

Originally, the Wanluo Realm King went for a day, but everyone felt that the result might not be very good, and everyone was reluctant to come.

Otherwise, where did it take so long?

But he never imagined that there were still so many realm kings coming.

With so many helpers, the confidence is enough.

Although he told everyone about his worries, in front of so many realm kings, that worry was obviously not that much of a concern.

"There are so many of us, if we can really get the power of the sacred object, but if there are so many points, will it be ineffective?" But seeing so many realm kings, some realm kings are a little worried. .

There is only one sacred object, but it takes so many realm kings to divide it.

Originally, I was afraid that I would have the opportunity to enter the spiritual world, but now that it is divided into so many parts, it is very likely to be useless.

"Since a sacred object is a sacred object, it must have its own special place. If a sacred object can only allow one realm king to enter the spiritual world, then what is the meaning of this sacred object?

It is also impossible for all of the kings to get a relic.

In my opinion, holy objects are like keys to the spiritual world. No matter who, as long as they can occupy the power of the sacred object, they can get this key.

It shouldn't have much to do with how much power we can all draw from this relic! " said Wanluo Realm King.

"Is that so?" But some realm kings still questioned.

Everyone has also heard that the human being is powerful, and even several realm kings have been killed by Cheng Yu.

They are willing to come, one is to give Wangluojie Wang face, and the other is that they are also for their own interests.

But when they came, they pinned their lives to the belt of their pants. If something went wrong, it might just be over.

So they also have to consider whether such a risk is worth taking.

If it's really like what Wanluojie Wang said, as long as they have the power of the sacred object, they can get a key to enter the spiritual world, then they really don't need to care how much they can get.

But if this is not the case, if it is really a sacred object and can only be merged by a realm king to enter the spiritual realm, then aren't they just taking their own lives and doing a meaningless thing?

"It's what I told you before, if you think you can enter the spiritual world with your own abilities, you can go back now, and I won't say anything.

But if you're not sure, I mean, why don't you give it a shot?

What I can tell you is that there are many realm kings in the underworld, but only so many can enter the spiritual realm.

Therefore, we can only rely on our own efforts to strive for it, and if we do not succeed, then we will not regret it.

But I want to say something unpleasant, in case this is indeed a feasible solution, then we will all have the opportunity to enter the spiritual world, but you have given up this opportunity and can only watch us enter the spiritual world.

How did you feel at that time? "Wanluo Realm King said to these doubtful Realm Kings.

"The King of Wanluo Realm said that anyway, you have no other better way now. All you can do now is to enter the spiritual world with your own abilities. Now that there is such an opportunity, why don't we try it first.

If we don't succeed, the big deal is that we come back and cultivate on our own. Wouldn't there be no loss in entering the spiritual world with our own abilities? "Chao Luo Realm King saw that these guys are coming, and there are still people who want to retreat, how can this be done.

Although there is one more person to divide the holy relics, they can't have one realm king monopolizing the holy relics anyway, so there is no difference between 20 realm kings and one hundred and fifty realm kings.

But with so many realm kings, at least their safety is more guaranteed.

So he would rather share less, but also to protect his own safety first.

As he himself said, if they don't succeed, at least they can come back and find a way to enter the spiritual world through their own cultivation.

But if they go to too few realm kings, although they will get more holy relics after success, what if they fail?

In the end, everyone was killed by Cheng Yu, and that was a real loss.

But there are 150 realm kings, no matter how he thinks, he will not think that their actions will fail, so at least they can advance and retreat freely, and their safety is guaranteed.

"That's true. Well, since everyone has come, let's go and have a look. In case this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if you miss it, you will really regret it for the rest of your life." These realm kings thought for a while. , that is indeed the case.

After all, they have cultivated for so many years and know how difficult it is to enter the spiritual world.

If there is no coincidence, it is really difficult for them to believe that they can enter the spiritual world.

That being the case, why not try it now.

So nearly 150 realm kings left Jiewang Mountain and headed towards the reincarnation ghost mansion.

During this period, the King of Reincarnation also introduced Cheng Yu's situation to everyone.

This is definitely a very special character, so everyone still has to be on their guard, at least everyone don't take Cheng Yu's way on Dan Huo and magic weapons.

After all, Cheng Yu's Zhiyang Danhuo and Zhiyang magic weapon are very terrifying. Once they are recruited, there is almost no way to escape.

Reincarnation Ghost Mansion!

The Mingluo Realm King and the others have been waiting here for about twenty days, but they have never waited for the Samsara Realm King and the others, which inevitably makes them worried.

King Mingluo wants to become the master of the underworld, but if he can't get rid of those realm kings in Jiewang Mountain, then his new reincarnation realm king is a joke.

As soon as Cheng Yu left the underworld, they would not be able to keep these five palaces at all, and they would not be the opponents of Jiewangshan.

What is even more terrifying is that they will face the pursuit of the entire Jiewang Mountain in the future, so why not stay in the underworld to seek death?

So he hoped that Cheng Yu's plan would be successful, UU read www.uukanshu.comNext page! Current 1 page/Total 2 pages

If you can lure the King of Samsara over, it will be half the battle.

"Master, Samsara Realm King and the others are not really planning to hide in Jiewang Mountain and not come out, just waiting for us to attack, right?" Mingluo Realm King really has no patience.

If Cheng Yu wanted to, he really wanted to hit Jiewang Mountain.

Anyway, with Cheng Yu here, and since he is now the king of the realm, his strength is overwhelming, so his self-confidence is also a bit bursting.

"Wait a minute, even if they don't want these five palaces, they definitely won't want sacred objects.

If they don't come, don't you worry about me leaving the underworld?

If I were in the underworld and they didn't dare to come, then if I returned to the human world, would they dare to go to the human world to find me? "Cheng Yu said.

"That's true! But Master, have you really merged the holy relic?" King Ming Luo nodded first, and then he was also curious.

He still has a certain understanding of sacred objects.

However, if he wants to try to fuse the sacred artifact, he must be the master of the five palaces to be qualified, so he has no chance to try to fuse the sacred artifact.

But this did not affect his understanding of sacred objects. He also learned from the king of reincarnation that although those kings had tried to integrate sacred objects, or wanted to use other methods to obtain the power of sacred objects, they all Failed.

Otherwise, the holy artifact would not have been taken away by Cheng Yu, and they would have merged it long ago.

So he was really curious, did Cheng Yu really successfully integrate the holy relic?

"What do you think?" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

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