Godly Student

Chapter 5242: Shameless human beings!

After leaving the Reincarnation Ghost Mansion, King Mingluo also entered the Immortal Demon Pagoda.

Cheng Yu, on the other hand, walked in the direction the scout sensed by himself.

Although he knew that the Samsara Realm King might bring more realm kings this time, he didn't have any fear.

In the eyes of human monks, they are also at the level of realm kings, but realm kings in ghost cultivation are more difficult to deal with than tribulation-transcending monks in human monks.

In fact, Cheng Yu himself felt this.

If it was a human monk, the eleven monks in the tribulation period would be easily beheaded by him.

But these ghost cultivators are different, because they are souls and have no physical body. If they don't have a special means of restraining ghost cultivators, they have a very strong recovery ability.

Therefore, if there is no means to replace other human monks, if the six realm kings who beheaded like the last time cannot suppress them with the magic weapon in time, they will be resurrected directly.

You know, even if Cheng Yu took these remnants into the Immortal Demon Tower, these remnants were still resurrected together.

It can be seen that this ghost repair is indeed very difficult to deal with.

Like in the human world, there are only so many hundreds of thousands of underworld troops, but it seems that there are endless killings, which really makes the human monks very headache.

But even so, Cheng Yu didn't have anything to worry about this time, but was looking forward to it.

"Is there a lot of dozens? I hope they will call for more, because I'm afraid there won't be enough to eat by then!" Cheng Yu sneered.

"If you really want to, you can go directly to Jiewang Mountain, maybe it will make you gain even more!" The voice of Zhenhun suddenly sounded in Cheng Yu's mind.

"If the effect is good, I do plan to go to Jiewang Mountain, so the appearance of Samsara Realm King and the others should be regarded as an experiment." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"What if it's useless? Then you may be torn to pieces by him!" Zhenhun also laughed.

"No, I'm sure it's absolutely effective, just wait and see!" Cheng Yu was obviously very confident.

Zhenhun didn't speak anymore. In fact, he also felt that Cheng Yu's idea was feasible, so he was actually looking forward to it.

If this method is really effective, not to mention the unification of the underworld, at least there is no problem in letting a few realm kings such as Mingluo take charge of the underworld.

In fact, Cheng Yu is not ready to directly unify the underworld.

If we don't leave some enemies for King Mingluo and the others, then the unification of the underworld will be achieved early, and the goal in the future will only be the human world?

So even if he could unify the underworld, he wouldn't do it. At most, he would take the underworld.

"Huh?" But when Cheng Yu quickly rushed in the direction of Samsara Realm King and the others, he suddenly found himself disconnected from those scouts.

"It seems that those guys found the scouts I arranged, and the scouts who passed the positions before did not respond." The only thing Cheng Yu could think of was that those scouts had been killed.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to disconnect the connection directly, and he can no longer perceive the existence of those scouts.

That means those scouts are dead.

But it doesn't matter, just a few scouts died. There are hundreds of thousands of ghost repairers in his current Immortal Demon Pagoda, and there is really no shortage of such a few.

"You just need to know where they are, and you should be able to find them if you rush over now," said Zhenhun.

"That's true!" Cheng Yu nodded.

Fortunately, he arranged a lot of scouts, and even if a few died, the whereabouts of these realm kings could not escape his control.

Sure enough, a few other scouts soon came to senses again, and Cheng Yu suddenly had a direction.

Now, on the other side!

Nearly one hundred and fifty realm kings are rushing in the direction of the reincarnation ghost mansion.

"Everyone should be careful now, there is still at least a day before the reincarnation ghost mansion, but their spies have already appeared here, maybe those guys have set up an ambush around here waiting for us!" Wanluojie Wang reminded.

"I wish they appeared here, then we don't have to spend so much trouble and go to the reincarnation ghost house.

And if they really are waiting for us in the reincarnation ghost house, because of the existence of the six realms of reincarnation, we have to be more careful.

If this is destroyed, then our underworld will really be finished.

But in this place, we can do our best to attack those guys without any hesitation! "Chao Luo Realm King laughed.

"Having said that, but what I'm worried about is what kind of trap they have laid here, which is definitely not good for us. If they are just waiting for us here, then we really have nothing to be afraid of." Wan Luo Jiewang said.

"King Wanluojie, I think you're thinking too much. It doesn't take long, just relying on that human being, what terrifying traps can he make?

We have nearly 150 realm kings here. Even if he really has traps, it is impossible for him to cause any harm to so many realm kings. Instead, he is wasting his own resources and energy.

What's more, there are thousands of roads from Jiewang Mountain to Samsara Ghost Mansion, how does he know which one we want to take?

So it is obviously impossible for him to set traps in advance! " said Tianluojiewang.

"Anyway, everyone should be careful. Since that human dares to go to the underworld alone, it can be seen that it is not just a matter of courage.

How strong is he, you guys know better than us. You have already killed a few of you back then, you don't want us to flee back in embarrassment in the end, right? " said Wanluo Realm King.

"It's true, this time we have gathered so many realm kings, we can't fail again, or it will be really embarrassing!" When Chao Luo realm king remembered the battle with Cheng Yu, he suddenly felt in his heart. A shiver, and his expression became serious.

Obviously, Cheng Yu had indeed left an extremely terrifying impression on him.

It's okay not to think about it, but when I think about it, I feel terrified.

Because death was so close to him at that time, as long as he took a few more breaths, it might be him who was killed in the end.

So when you think about it, you can't really be too careless.

Although everyone had a dike, but there were no humans or ghosts around, it was too stressful.

After all, this place is still so far away from the reincarnation ghost mansion, as long as you have a good mind, you don't need to make the atmosphere so tense, as if there are enemies everywhere.

A group of realm kings let go of their perceptions as much as possible, and detected the existence of danger within the maximum range.

In this dark environment, the speed of these realm kings is not slow.

But these realm kings suddenly felt that there was daylight in front of them, and everyone felt uncomfortable, so they quickly covered their eyes with their hands.

After all, they had been in a dim environment all the time, and suddenly the whole environment turned into daylight, which made them very uncomfortable.

At the same time, in the daytime, a large amount of white fog floated, making it impossible for them to see the surrounding environment.

"What's going on here? How come there is daylight here?" Chao Luojie asked inexplicably.

"Huh? Where have you all gone?" But Chao Luo Realm King didn't wait for the other realm kings to answer, and when he turned around, he saw that there wasn't even a realm king beside him.

"What's the matter? Where are you?" Chao Luo Realm King clearly sensed something was wrong and immediately shouted.

But still no other realm king answered him.

"Not good! Trap!" At this moment, he looked up, and there was a huge and black thing pressing down on him just above.

His first reaction was to avoid this thing hitting him, so he dodged to the side.

But a dragon-shaped flame suddenly rushed over from the front with fangs and claws, startling him, and he had to step back again.


As a result, the huge black object on his head smashed down and pressed him down.

At this time, a figure walked out of the white mist, not only the dragon-shaped flame was taken back into the body, but the huge black object also shrunk into a small golden pagoda and returned to the figure's hand.

"If you can catch it alive, it will never be destroyed!" Cheng Yu smiled.

In such a short time, he had already captured several realm kings abruptly.

The realm king is a good thing, such a good thing, if it is not a last resort, naturally he will not use the method of destruction to solve them.

If it is really destroyed by Long Yan, then there will be no scum left.

But being suppressed by the Immortal Demon Pagoda, it can be of great use in the future, so he now regards Long Yan as an assistant at most, and tries his best to preserve the souls of these realm kings.

At this moment, in this foggy day, those realm kings are hurriedly looking for a way out.

"We seem to be caught in someone else's trap!" Tianluojie Wang anxiously looked around for an exit.

"It doesn't look like this method was created by Ming Luo and the others. If expected, it should be the ghost of that human being!" said the King of Reincarnation.

The two of them were relatively close to each other just now, so when they found out that something was wrong, they got closer and didn't get separated.

"This is an illusion, and that human is very likely in the illusion. I just heard the voice of Chao Luo Realm King, I don't know how he is now!" Tian Luo Realm King said.


But at this moment, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly stabbed out of the white fog with a sword, separating the two realm kings on the spot.

I saw another sword stabbed from behind the two realm kings, and they could only continue to dodge.

But what made them panic was that people kept attacking them in the fog, as if there were enemies everywhere.

"Despicable human beings, who have the ability to fight openly and aboveboard, why play this kind of conspiracy? Are you humans so shameless?" Tianluojie Wang cursed while avoiding the opponent's attack from the dark. .

It was really despicable. He wanted to counterattack with the stabbing sword, but as soon as he shot, there was no trace there.

Apparently this human is peeking with him!

But the problem is that he is playing with his life. If he is a little careless and can't avoid it in time, his life will be lost.

"Didn't you say that humans have always been upright? How could humans be such a shameless person like you?"

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