Godly Student

Chapter 5246: Go ahead!

Inside the fairy tower!

"Master, the King of Reincarnation and the others were really killed by you?" King Mingluo and the others couldn't believe that this matter would be true.

But they have already seen forty or fifty realm kings captured in the Immortal Demon Tower, and they also know from the mouths of these realm kings that they have come to nearly one hundred and fifty realm kings this time.

So there are at least nearly a hundred realm kings outside, but they didn't wait for a long time, and they saw Cheng Yu appear here.

And Cheng Yu's reply to them was that nearly a hundred realm kings outside were killed.

Since Cheng Yu suppressed these forty or fifty realm kings, no other realm kings have been captured.

Therefore, it is difficult for them to determine whether Cheng Yu really killed all those realm kings, or whether those realm kings have escaped.

Or, is it that Cheng Yu escaped by himself?

After all, there are one hundred realm kings. In their perception, if they encounter one hundred realm kings, they will definitely run away.

Cheng Yu's strength is strong, but can he really fight one hundred against one hundred?

This is really outrageous.

"Is this still fake? Now you tell me where Jiewang Mountain is, let's go to Jiewang Mountain!" Cheng Yu said calmly.

He wouldn't tell these guys that he killed them with the divine tree.

Otherwise, wouldn't it damage his reputation?

Look at the adoring and admiring eyes of these realm kings now, this is very beneficial to their loyalty to themselves in the future!

As long as they are more powerful, even if they really completely control the entire underworld in the future, when they think of what is happening now, they have to weigh their weight.

So he doesn't need these realm kings to come out to help him fight, they just need to know the result.

If he waits until Jiewang Mountain is also cleared, these guys will not dare to oppose even if you call them oppose in the future.

This is power!

"Jiewang Mountain? Master, are you really going to Jiewang Mountain? Even I don't know how many Jiewang Mountain there are. Are you sure there will be no accident?" Go to Jiewang Mountain. Now they really believe that Cheng Yu has indeed killed the Samsara Jiewang and the others.

Otherwise, how could Cheng Yu have the courage to fight even a hundred realm kings, how could he dare to go to Jiewang Mountain to fight an unknown number of realm kings?

Although he didn't know how many realm kings there were in Jiewang Mountain, he believed that there were definitely more than one hundred realm kings on Jiewang Mountain.

So he was really worried that Cheng Yu was acting on impulse.

"You don't have to worry about it. Now tell me how to get to Jiewang Mountain. If you don't solve Jiewang Mountain, how will you be in charge of the underworld?" Cheng Yu said.

"That said, but there are definitely not only hundreds of realm kings in Jiewang Mountain, I estimate there are tens of thousands or even more than 100,000.

If there are so many, and the master goes to Jiewang Mountain alone, isn't that a self-inflicted snare?

With the suggestion of his subordinates, the master might as well use some tricks to trick the realm king on the Jiewang Mountain down the mountain. Since more than a hundred realm kings are not the master's opponents, then we will lead a hundred realm kings down the mountain each time, then the odds of winning are obviously much greater.

While this may be a lot of hassle, it is at least safe. "Mingluo Realm King reminded.

"Yeah, Master, you should still put safety first. The realm kings who came out of the underworld are basically in Jiewang Mountain, so we don't know how many realm kings there are on Jiewang Mountain.

It would be too risky for the master to go to Jiewang Mountain alone. Even if the master's strength is strong, but after all, two fists are invincible to four hands.

Even if not all the realm kings shot together, even if they used the wheels to fight, they would consume their masters to death.

So please think twice! "The King of Silla also persuaded.

"Please think twice, Master!" The three realm kings, the third and the third, also persuaded him.

After following Cheng Yu for so many years, although Cheng Yu used his soul to control them, he had to say that Cheng Yu treated them much better than Hades treated them back then.

And after so many years, they finally became the king of the realm. Now they finally have the opportunity to show their talents and realize their dreams, and they also hope that Cheng Yu will not die.

Once Cheng Yu is dead, everything they have now is just a flower in the mirror and the moon in the water.

So they all hope that Cheng Yu and Jiewangshan will continue to consume slowly. Jiewang is not so easy to appear. If Cheng Yu can kill a hundred realm kings at a time, no matter how many realm kings in this Jiewang Mountain, they will eventually will be killed.

Without these formidable enemies, they will be able to keep safe in the underworld in the future.

"Of course I understand what you mean, but I have the confidence to do so, and I don't want to die.

If it really is what you think, there are at least 100,000 realm kings on the Jiewang Mountain. If we lead them out one hundred and one hundred, when will I lead them?

And they are not fools. One hundred realm kings disappear every few days, and another hundred realm kings disappear every few days. After a few successes, do you think we can still lead them out?

This is definitely not possible.

What's more, I can't stay in the underworld for so long.

Therefore, we can only make a quick decision and remove all the forces that hinder you from ruling the underworld as soon as possible.

Not to mention Jiewang Mountain, I even plan to go to Barren Jie Mountain.

This has to be done together in a short period of time, so that you can completely control the underworld! "Cheng Yu said.

"Is the master really confident?" They were still moved when they heard Cheng Yu's plan.

If nothing else, at least it feels safe.

Because Cheng Yu thought about it for them, but Cheng Yu implemented these plans alone, which made them feel a little uncomfortable.

In order for them to better control the underworld in the future, Cheng Yu risked his life to fight outside alone. If it wasn't for the fact that the enemy Cheng Yu faced was too powerful, they would really have an idea of ​​fighting.

But they also know that if they really kill Jiewang Mountain, they will definitely be dead.

So even though I was moved, I never dared to open my mouth.

Although Cheng Yu didn't let them play when he faced Samsara Realm King and the others before, but who knows if they will play this time?

If Cheng Yu agreed as soon as they opened their mouths, should they go or not?

Therefore, they can only pray for Cheng Yu and hope that these plans of his will go well.

"You will find out when you wait for the result." Cheng Yu didn't explain anything.

Explained or not, he had to do it anyway, and they couldn't help much.

What's more, because of the divine tree, he didn't want these realm kings to know that he was able to kill so many realm kings so quickly by relying on the divine tree.

Of course, even if they saw this scene, they would be afraid and dare not betray him, but if he prefers to create a stronger image in front of these realm kings.

In particular, this divine tree was once destroyed by the fairy world and the demon world, so no matter how powerful the divine tree is, it is only a foreign object. Others will think that without the divine tree, you are not scary.

But they only know that he destroyed Jiewang Mountain alone, and they will think that this is his own strength. With such a strong own strength, even if they beg them to betray in the future, they will not have the courage.

This is the biggest difference between your own strength and external assistance.

Being strong is really strong.

But in Cheng Yu's view, before he became an immortal, he couldn't be like the divine tree, completely ignoring so many realm kings.

So he can only rely on disguising and packaging his powerful image.

"Since the master has made a decision, then I will show the master the way!" King Mingluo didn't ask any further, he believed that Cheng Yu would not seek his own death.

Before they thought that the reincarnation realm king brought dozens of realm kings together, Cheng Yu was unlikely to deal with it.

But now Cheng Yu not only captured 40 or 50 alive, but also killed more than 100 realm kings. With this strength, it is really difficult to see what level Cheng Yu's ultimate strength is.

Since Cheng Yu is now sure to kill Jiewang Mountain, they should probably trust Cheng Yu.

Wouldn't it be true that Yu Chengyu would bring them a new miracle again?

But then again, the most powerful force in the entire Yin and Netherworld should be on the Jiewang Mountain and the Desolate Realm Mountain, because there are realm kings there.

If Cheng Yu really destroyed the two most powerful forces with one person's strength, then Cheng Yu's strength would be really terrible.

He ruled the entire underworld by himself, isn't that scary?

But fortunately, they are on Cheng Yu's side, and everything Cheng Yu is doing now is for them to control the underworld smoothly.

If Cheng Yu didn't take action, to be honest, they would not be able to sit firmly in the seats of the five palace masters.

If Cheng Yu's strength is not enough, then they won't get any benefit in the underworld, but may be killed by those realm kings.

Therefore, the stronger Cheng Yu's strength, the more secure they feel.

Although they are still only Cheng Yu's slaves, what does it matter?

You know, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Cheng Yu is always human, he can't stay in the underworld forever. So as long as Cheng Yu removes all the forces that threaten them from the underworld, when Cheng Yu returns to the human world, the underworld will not be the final decision for a few of them.

Cheng Yu stayed in the human world, no matter what they did in the underworld, Cheng Yu couldn't interfere with them.

So they are very happy to be such slaves.

So Mingluo Jiewang didn't want to say anything more. If Cheng Yu really solved the troubles of Jiewang Mountain, it would only be good for them, not any harm.

Although they are getting farther and farther from the underworld, they are not worried, because the Jiewang Mountain is the key to determining the future of the master of the underworld.

The only thing they are worried about now is whether Cheng Yu can really succeed?

This still made them feel a little uneasy, but seeing that Cheng Yu was not at all timid, they could only try their best to support him.

Under the leadership of Mingluo Realm King, they are getting closer and closer to Jiewang Mountain, and several Realm Kings are getting more and more nervous!

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