Godly Student

Chapter 5250: be cheated!

"Hongluo Realm King, the realm kings on Jiewang Mountain are almost here, can we start?" Some realm kings were already impatient.

Holy thing! Spirit world!

This has always been their dream. If it goes well, it can be realized tonight. How can they be patient?

"Hongluo Realm King, for such a long time, should it be okay?" A realm king next to Hongluo Realm King said.

The other realm kings didn't understand the deep meaning of it, they just thought that what he said was waiting for so long, the realm kings on the realm king mountain should almost all come.

Only the other realm kings with Hongluo realm king and the others understand that the meaning of this sentence is that after such a long time, the master should have almost prepared.

"It should be almost there!" Hongluojie Wang looked over and was also taken aback.

To be honest, he has been in Jiewang Mountain for hundreds of years, but he has never seen so many Jiewang Mountain at the same time.

Now the whole square has been filled.

Both the sky and the ground in the square are crowded with Kaiwang.

"I'm afraid there are more than 100,000 realm kings!" A realm king sighed, feeling a little nervous, even a little scared.

Because he didn't know what means Cheng Yu would use to deal with so many realm kings at the same time.

"Don't worry, everything will be smooth!" Although King Hongluo was also very worried.

But he believed that Cheng Yu was more afraid of death than them, after all, their lives were already in Cheng Yu's hands.

If Cheng Yu himself is not sure, in fact, he may not do it at all.

But Cheng Yu still insisted on doing so, which obviously shows that Cheng Yu must have his own means.

At least the Wanluo Realm King and their more than 100 realm kings died in Cheng Yu's hands like this.

It's just that there are too many realm kings now. One hundred realm kings are negligible in front of so many realm kings. I just hope that Cheng Yu's methods are still effective, otherwise they may have only one dead end.

"You don't have to worry, there are so many realm kings here, I believe we will successfully fuse this corpse!" Another realm king also said at this time.

"Yes, we will succeed!" Hongluo Realm King and the others glanced at this realm king and nodded with a smile.

But they are thinking in their hearts, after a while you will know what we mean by success.

"Hongluo Realm King, since all the realm kings have basically arrived, then you can quickly lift the seal!" Some realm kings have begun to urge loudly.

"Yeah! King Hongluo, didn't you say that the power of this corpse is disappearing?

Now that the realm kings on Jiewang Mountain have basically arrived, let's not waste any more time, let's start quickly, otherwise the power in him may really be lost in a while. "The other realm kings also shouted.

"Okay! Since everyone is almost here, let's start now!" King Hongluo looked around and sent some feelings to Cheng Yu.

Soon, he also received a special induction, which was passed on by Cheng Yu.

This is a special induction that only exists in the soul contract. Even if there are so many realm kings, they will not find the fluctuation of this induction.

If Hongluo Realm King and the others are realm kings, maybe they can find something wrong with them.

Just like at that time, the King of Reincarnation discovered that something was wrong with King Mingluo Ghost.

But now everyone is at the level of the realm king, it is not difficult for Honglu realm king and the others to hide this in front of their peers.

Now that he has received this response, his heart is naturally relieved.

Because they had made an appointment before, if Cheng Yu was not ready, he would not reply to this induction.

But now that Cheng Yu has a reply, it means that Cheng Yu is ready, and they can act according to the plan at any time.

I saw the realm king Hong Luo winked at the realm kings around him, and then handed the fairy and magic tower to a realm king beside him, and began to unseal the body of "Cheng Yu".

The kings of the realms were even more excited and kept approaching the altar.

"Everyone, don't worry, keep a certain distance, otherwise the real kings behind will not be able to join us to fuse the sacred objects!" The other realm kings around Hongluo realm king stood up to maintain order.

"It's alright!" King Hongluo shouted loudly as soon as he unblocked, and the whole person instantly flew into the Immortal Demon Pagoda in the hands of the person beside him.

At the same time, another group of realm kings also flew in, and then the fairy tower turned into a beam of golden light and flew out of the square.


Everything happened so fast that the realm kings who saw this scene didn't react for a while.

"No, I was fooled, there is something wrong with this corpse!"

However, those realm kings who were closest to the corpse had no interest in the disappearance of Hongluo realm king and the others. At the moment of unblocking, they were the first to rush to check the corpse.

But soon, they discovered that this corpse was really just an ordinary human king-level corpse, and they did not find any special mysterious power in this corpse.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, stop that magic weapon!" More and more realm kings have reacted, and immediately shouted.

Everything happened so fast, they didn't even understand why the King of Hongluo did this.

What good does this do to the King of Hongra?

And why did they enter the magic weapon of that human being?

Maybe if you give them some time, they may think of the flaws. But in such a short period of time, they can't allow them to think too much.

The first thing they have to do is to stop this magic weapon and let the King of Hongluo and the others come out and give everyone a reasonable explanation.

Hongluo Realm King and the others have worked so hard to gather everyone, is it just to make fun of everyone?

However, the speed of the Immortal Demon Pagoda is very fast, not to mention that Cheng Yu has long been prepared. With the blessing of the soul, the trajectory of the Immortal Demon Pagoda is elusive, and it is not so easy to be stopped by them.

Of course, this is not over yet, Cheng Yu has already made some moves.

I saw that the divine tree in his hand landed on the top of the altar for the first time, and instantly became extremely huge, reaching the maximum limit that the divine tree can currently achieve.

The roots of the divine tree stretched straight down, and the first wave of attacks were the realm kings suspended above the altar.

Cheng Yu has already passed the air with the divine tree, so the divine tree is not polite at all. These are its nourishment, how could it let it go?

This is the first time that the Divine Tree has dispatched all its roots without reservation.

The dense roots almost blocked the entire sky, leaving no gaps.


Everything was so bizarre that the realm kings hanging above the altar didn't even understand what was going on. There is no residue left by the roots to absorb.

And after piercing the bodies of these realm kings, these roots did not stop, but continued to stretch, and plunged into the altar in an instant.

Therefore, in such a situation, a single root may pierce several realm kings at the same time.


The huge sacred tree fell to the ground, and its roots were all buried in the soil under the altar and the square.

But they will find that the whole sky is still dark, and no light can be seen at all.

Because at this moment, the sky is all the branches and leaves of this giant tree.

How small these real kings are under this giant tree, like ants.

"What is this?" Fortunately, these realm kings don't need light.

Although they used to live in dim conditions, even if there was no light, it would not affect them.

So they can still see clearly the appearance of this giant tree.

"Damn it! This seems to be the divine tree of the human world!" Some realm kings with rich vision and knowledge finally understood.

"The divine tree in the human world? Isn't that already destroyed? How could it be here?" But the other realm kings who also knew the divine tree were a little stunned.

How did the divine tree of the human world come here?

What is even more bizarre is that the divine tree in the human world has long since ceased to exist.

"It must be the ghost of Hongluo Realm King and the others!" Many realm kings said angrily.

"But what good is it for them to do this?" Many realm kings wondered.

"Don't talk so much, it is said that the divine tree is the nemesis of our ghost repair, let's run away, or we will all die here!" Some realm kings shouted while fleeing.

"Are those guys trying to kill all the realm kings?" After hearing this, some realm kings were furious.

The real king of Hongluo didn't know where he found the divine tree, and he gathered all their realm kings in order to catch them all in one go, which is too hateful.

Whoosh whoosh!

But how could they have thought that since this was a game in itself, how could they escape so easily?

Countless divine tree roots emerged from the ground, piercing many realm kings on the ground.

And the branches in the sky all extend outward and downward, UU reading www.uukanshu. Therefore, the roots and branches gathered together, and they were completely trapped in this huge cage.

"Oops, we're trapped!" Those realm kings who just wanted to fly out, seeing this situation, immediately did not dare to rush forward.


And some realm kings who barely escaped from the cage were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw a huge black object pressing down above their heads.

"I can't eat the main dish, so I have to take a sip of the soup!" Cheng Yu put away the Immortal Demon Pagoda and saw that the current situation was under the control of the divine tree, and his heart was relieved.

"That's... a human?" Cheng Yu's appearance immediately absorbed the world kings trapped in the cage.

Feeling Cheng Yu's human breath, they were stunned again.

"I understand, those guys from the Hongluo Realm King betrayed us. In fact, they have long since colluded with these humans. Damn, we have been fooled!" A realm king came to an epiphany and roared again and again.

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