Godly Student

Chapter 5252: Suicide!

Almost 200,000 realm kings were trapped under the cage of the divine tree, which was indeed a devastating blow to the entire realm of kings.

If it weren't for Cheng Yu's plan to gather them all together first, it would be absolutely impossible for such a thing to happen.

No matter how strong the divine tree is, it is impossible to trap the entire world king mountain range at the moment when all the world kings escaped down the mountain.

So this time Cheng Yu's meter was really successful.

Relics are all the weak points of these realm kings.

Cheng Yu knew that they all wanted to obtain the secret of the holy relic, and took this opportunity to enter the spiritual world, so he came up with such a coup.

He was very happy to see this successful result.

Although the big trouble of Jiewang Mountain is solved, there is a more troublesome Barren Jie Mountain.

But at least one less hassle now.

Seeing those realm kings trapped in prisons being slaughtered one-sidedly by the divine tree, Cheng Yu also admired the power of the divine tree.

Obviously, it is really too difficult for the monks in the human world to reach this stage.

Although he has the strength to kill immortals, it does not mean that he has the ability to trap so many realm kings at the same time, and slaughter these realm kings with extremely powerful force.

If you can only talk about single battles, maybe Cheng Yu will not be any worse than Shenshu.

But when it comes to group battles, Cheng Yu really can't compare to the divine tree with a single finger.

Of course, the premise is that all the enemies must be gathered together first, so that the divine tree will have a chance to die before attacking.

Without Cheng Yu's design, although the divine tree has the ability to kill such a large-scale group, it is also difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

Therefore, if Cheng Yu can cooperate well with the divine tree, this lethality can truly be maximized.

But Cheng Yu was quite emotional when he looked at the unscrupulous group killing strength of Shenshu.

After all, even if he can get all the realm kings to gather, with his strength, it is impossible to trap so many realm kings at the same time, and constantly kill a large number of realm kings quickly.

Although the Immortal Demon Tower can also trap the enemy, two conditions must be met. One is that Cheng Yu's own strength is strong enough, and the other is that the Immortal Demon Tower's own strength is not enough.

If Cheng Yu's strength is sufficient, but the current hardness of the Immortal Demon Pagoda is only so much, if the suppressed enemy exceeds the upper limit.

Like the 200,000 realm kings here, that is several times far beyond the current limit of the Immortal Demon Pagoda.

Under such circumstances, even if Cheng Yu's strength was sufficient, the Immortal Demon Tower could not sustain it, and in the end it could only lead to the destruction of the Immortal Demon Tower.

Conversely, if the Immortal Demon Pagoda can hold up, but Cheng Yu's own strength is not enough, even if the Immortal Demon Pagoda traps these two hundred thousand realm kings, Cheng Yu will not be able to use the Immortal Demon Pagoda to suppress or kill these realms. king.

So after Cheng Yu gathered all the realm kings together, the divine tree could not only trap them firmly, but even be able to kill a large number of enemies quickly during this period, which also proves that the divine tree itself has absolutely powerful energy .

Two hundred thousand real world kings, if the divine tree itself is not strong enough, it will not be able to last long. And this cage has long since collapsed, allowing those realm kings to escape.

Although there are still some realm kings who can escape from those gaps, they are only a few after all.

According to Zhenhun's words, the realm kings suppressed by Cheng Yu really didn't even get enough fractions absorbed by the divine tree, not even soup.

At this time, within the cage, the divine tree was absorbing a large amount of the power of the realm king.

At the same time, the growth of these powers is feeding back the divine tree, making its cage stronger and denser. It turned out that some realm kings who were trying to escape from those gaps were stuck in it, and there was no way to move. .

And the size of the divine tree is obviously growing.

"It's really amazing. The power of the divine tree grows very fast, it's incredible. Maybe it can really kill immortals!" Cheng Yu looked more and more excited, more and more excited.

The stronger the divine tree is, the better it will be for him.

Although there are fewer and fewer realm kings he can suppress now, he is not so disappointed, at least the effect of the divine tree seems to be very obvious now.

And after what happened this time, and after he solved the wasteland mountain, I believe that there won't be many realm kings left in the entire Yin and Netherworld.

If there are not enough kings, it is actually impossible for the underworld to launch a large-scale war against humans.

So now that he has no way to suppress so many realm kings, he simply thinks of a way to kill as many realm kings as possible in the underworld.

You must know that this yin and underworld is just like the human world. It is as difficult to cultivate a realm king as it is to cultivate a monk in the transcendence period.

For the highly talented ghost cultivators, it may be possible to achieve it quickly, because unlike humans, although the realm king is the equivalent of human beings, ghost cultivators do not need to transcend tribulation.

It may seem that ghosts are more dominant than humans, but in fact it is not.

Since there is no catastrophe to cross, it is actually more difficult for ghost cultivators to step into this step.

Don't look at how dangerous it is for humans to transcend tribulation, and there are a large number of monks who have fallen or been injured in the process of transcending tribulation, resulting in the failure of transcending tribulation.

But on the contrary, it is easier for humans to enter the tribulation period.

Even if so many monks died, under the fierce law of survival of the fittest, the number of monks in the human tribulation period is still very large.

In fact, it can be seen from the comparison of such top masters in the two worlds that there are only two hundred thousand realm kings on this realm king mountain, and this is still the most powerful realm king force.

But in the human world, especially among such ancient and powerful forces as the dynasty, even an outer dynasty has a period of 20,000 to 300,000 tribulations, let alone an inner dynasty.

So from this point of view, although human beings need to transcend tribulation, but because it is easy to reach, even if there is a catastrophe to filter out a part, the number of humans in the transcending tribulation period is still far more than that of the underworld.

In addition, the population of the human world is much larger than that of the underworld, which is also an important reason why there are more monks than the kings of the underworld in the human tribulation period.

But the way of heaven is always fair. It gives you an advantage, and it will inevitably give you a certain disadvantage.

Although both human tribulation cultivators and realm kings belong to the same level, in terms of strength, human tribulation cultivators are not as good as realm kings.

Therefore, although there are few realm kings in the underworld, and the overall number of ghost repairers is less than that in the human world, the strength of the underworld is still in a relatively balanced state with that of the human world.

This is why in the Human Realm, millions of troops are not going to be good, but the Yin Nether Realm sends a million troops to kill the Human Realm, but it will bring an extremely terrifying blow to the Human Realm.

Of course, there is another important reason. The war between human monks is definitely not to destroy the world.

But the underworld is different. Even if they don't want the human world to be destroyed, at least for the entire human world's cultivating world, the underworld definitely wants to give them the most serious damage to the greatest extent.

Even for ordinary people, ghost cultivators have no morals to kill.

Just like this time he came to the underworld.

As for the ghost repair, although he will not wantonly kill in the underworld, but if he really fights with the underworld, he will definitely not care if he kills some civilians in the underworld by mistake.

And now that so many realm kings have been killed by the divine tree and absorbed energy, he will not have any shame or guilt.

So the army of the Yin and Netherworld went to the human world, and it was the same reason.

This means that even if the Yin and Nether Realm is not as strong as the Human Realm, if it really wants to kill the Human Realm, the impact on the Human Realm is really too great, and that is the real life.

However, although ghost cultivators in the underworld are a great threat to humans in the human world, without the backing of powerful ghost cultivators, it is impossible for these ordinary ghost cultivators to attack the human world.

If nothing else, at least it is impossible for the underworld to set up a passage to the human world.

So if he kills almost all the realm kings in the underworld now, even if they have a large army of ghost cultivators, it won't have any effect on the human world.

No matter how many troops they have, they will not be able to go to the Human World.

In this case, Cheng Yu doesn't have to worry that he has not suppressed enough realm kings, as long as the divine tree can help him eliminate all realm kings in the underworld as much as possible.

In addition, with Ming Luo and the others here to help, by that time, the Yin and Nether Realms themselves will already be scattered and messed up, so how can they still have the mood to go to the Human Realm to do evil.

Therefore, Cheng Yu saw that the divine tree was constantly absorbing a large number of realm kings. No matter how tragic those realm kings shouted, he did not have any sympathy. Instead, he felt that it would be better if there were more realm kings for the divine tree to absorb. .

But Cheng Yuben is not a belligerent person. Originally, he came out this time to find trouble with the inner court.

But I didn't expect to encounter the underworld and attack the human world.

This is what the underworld brought to itself.

If they didn't have this wolf ambition, he wouldn't be able to go to the underworld to drive out the realm kings.

Since they are going to provoke this war in the underworld, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, then in order to prevent this from happening again in the future, naturally this time they will be directly labeled as bare commanders.

As long as they don't have enough powerhouses, even if Cheng Yu opens a passage for them to go to the human world, they will not have the courage to go to the human world to make trouble.

So now that the divine tree has this ability, then try to absorb it as much as possible!

I just hope that the divine tree grows as fast as possible.

If the divine tree can really face a large number of immortals and demons at the same time, then this underworld can be regarded as a great contribution to the future of the human world.

"These realm kings never thought that so many realm kings would be wiped out by a tree one day!" Zhenhun said with a smile.

Although he has no physical body, everything outside can be seen clearly.

"Unfortunately, this method can only be used once. Next, we should consider what method to use, so that the realm kings on the Barren Mountains can escape as little as possible!" Cheng Yu nodded. Thinking about next steps!

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