Godly Student

Chapter 5256: What's wrong?

The distance between Jiewang Mountain and Huangjie Mountain is still quite far, and it takes at least a month's journey.

Cheng Yu also spent some time looking for the forces of the Wilderness Ghost King on the road. When they came to the vicinity of Huangjie Mountain, it had been almost a month and a half.

After so much time, it was obviously impossible for them to reach the Barren Jie Mountain before the Jie Wang who escaped from Jiewang Mountain.

What's more, those realm kings are running for their lives, and the speed is absolutely unbelievable.

So judging from the time, if there were real world kings who escaped from the mountain of world kings, and their destination was the mountain of barren world, then they should be on the mountain of barren world by now.

But even if Cheng Yu and the others were able to get to the Barren Jie Mountain in advance, but the Barren Jie Mountain was not small, it would be difficult for them to just intercept those fleeing realm kings.

So they can only follow the plan and let Ming Qi go to the mountain to inquire about the situation.

After all, if the realm kings on Jiewang Mountain already knew what happened on Jiewang Mountain, then their plans would become meaningless.

Therefore, it is very necessary to understand the current situation of Huangjie Mountain first.

Only then can an appropriate plan be formulated according to the situation on the barren mountain.

"Master, you can rest assured and hand over this task to me, I will definitely understand the situation and report back to the master." King Ming Qi said.

He is now a complete realm king, but more than 20 days ago, he felt like a dream.

He is a little ghost king, even his power is only a relatively weak one.

After all, his power is also a ghost king. Although he has a dream of becoming a realm king and entering the spiritual world, he knows that his dream may not come true in his entire life.

However, he never thought that one day he would be caught by a human inexplicably.

Before even figuring out the situation, he was pulled by Cheng Yu to merge with a realm king.

In the end, he became the King of the Realm inexplicably. He didn't expect that half of his dream would be realized in such a confused way.

This simply made his worldview completely collapsed.

Doesn't it mean that ghost cultivators can only devour ghost cultivators of the same level at most? How could he successfully swallow a realm king?

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, it didn't stop him from being excited about being the king of the realm.

After these days of understanding, he basically knew Cheng Yu's identity.

He even knew that Cheng Yu had brought Jiewang Mountain by himself, and when he said this, he felt that his heart was trembling all the time.

It is said that there are countless realm kings there, even the realm kings of the barren realm kings are terrified.

But in such a terrifying place, Cheng Yu actually said it was done by himself. Are all human beings so terrifying now?

In his cognition, this is really incomprehensible.

However, there is one thing he understands very well, that is, he must not offend his master.

Otherwise, his fate will inevitably be miserable.

And the reason why Cheng Yu turned him into a realm king was to let him do business.

But fortunately, this is not a difficult thing, just go to the barren mountain to inquire about the information. For him, who is already the king of the realm, it couldn't be easier.

"Go and come back quickly, I hope you can bring me good news, and then I will not treat you badly!" Cheng Yu nodded and said.

"Master, please wait for the good news from your subordinates!" Ming Qi said and was released by Cheng Yu.

Ming Qi looked around and realized that this place was the foot of Huangjie Mountain, and then quickly went up the mountain.

"I hope that the realm king of Jiewang Mountain did not come to Barren Jie Mountain, then we may be able to repeat Ming Qi's old tricks and remove the realm king from the barren realm mountain easily." Mingluo Jiewang said with anticipation.

As the biggest beneficiary of the Yin and Nether Realm since then, Ming Luo naturally hopes that the situation on the Desolate Realm Mountain will go as smoothly as possible.

Otherwise, he knew that the next situation might be worse.

Just like Jiewang Mountain, although Cheng Yu gathered most of Jiewang Mountain's Jiewang Mountain together and killed them.

But for the very few realm kings who didn't appear, Cheng Yu had almost no way to remove them.

Because when they were about to leave the Jiewang Mountain and head to the Barren Jie Mountain, Cheng Yu deliberately walked around the entire Jiewang Mountain Range, but he didn't gain anything.

Therefore, Cheng Yu was not sure whether they all went to the altar to be cleaned up, or escaped from Jiewang Mountain by himself.

Therefore, if Huangjieshan knew the situation of Jiewangshan in advance, and then everyone escaped in advance, it would really be a very troublesome thing.

No matter how strong Cheng Yu is, there is no way to bring these realm kings together again.

And even if the realm kings on Barren Jie Mountain are not as good as Jiewang Mountain, there are still tens of thousands of realm kings.

Once Cheng Yu leaves the underworld, the realm king of the barren world is likely to follow the words of the realm king who escaped from the realm and attack the underworld again.

Tens of thousands of realm kings may be nothing to Cheng Yu, and even Cheng Yu may be too few.

But for them, this is a lot, and it can even completely subvert their control of the underworld.

So don't underestimate Ming Qi going up the mountain to inquire about this matter, this matter is completely trivial.

Small, everything goes well, big, they all risk losing their lives.

"It's possible that the situation will not be too bad, if they really knew what happened on Jiewang Mountain, these Jiewangs would have fled to the Quartet long ago.

But now I feel that the surroundings are quite quiet, it doesn't look like they are fleeing. "Hongluo Realm King and the others came out of the Immortal Demon Pagoda, briefly checked the surrounding situation, and finally came to a conclusion.

"So we still have a chance." King Ming Luo said.

"The opportunity should be there, but it doesn't rule out that they are ready to fight.

Because even if they knew what happened on Jiewang Mountain, they might not necessarily run away.

But as long as we can't get all of their realm kings together, it will be very difficult to catch them all.

Once they saw the strength of their master, it was estimated that they would not dare to continue to resist, so they ran away.

If so, our plan will also fail. ' said the King of Hongluo Realm.

"It makes sense, if there is a real world king in Jiewang Mountain, but I believe that anyone who hears such a ridiculous thing will not take it seriously.

So it's normal that they don't run now.

But as long as they see the terrifying power of the master, I believe there is no one who will not run. "Gui San said.

"Unfortunately, this Barren Jie Mountain is not much smaller than Jiewang Mountain, and it is impossible for us to completely block them in such a short period of time.

If they really want to run, there's nothing we can do. "Silla King said helplessly.

They all have their own wisdom, how can they not understand the current situation?

In the past, the Jiewang Mountain and the Wild Jie Mountain constrained each other, so although the war between the Hades and the wilderness forces continued, it did not affect the overall situation.

Because the realm kings on both sides did not dare to act rashly.

But now this balance has been disrupted by Cheng Yu, and their current strength is supported by Cheng Yu alone.

If Cheng Yu is not there, their strength is far less than that of Huangjieshan, then Huangjieshan will definitely become the king of the Yin and Netherworld.

Then they did so many things, but in the end they made wedding dresses for the wilderness forces, so how could they accept it?

Fortunately, Cheng Yu must not be able to accept this result, so he will not leave the underworld until there is a clear conclusion on this matter.

If Cheng Yu didn't care, they would really start to fear.

If it really doesn't work, they are afraid that they will have to follow Cheng Yu back to the human world in the end.

But that's definitely not what they want.

After all, they are all ghost cultivators, and the underworld is their place. Even if they want to go further, it is the spiritual world, not the fairy world.

So if it is not a last resort, they absolutely do not want to go to the human world with Cheng Yu.

"There will always be a way." Cheng Yu said lightly.

How could he not know how severe the current situation is, if it doesn't go well, it will take a lot of energy to deal with it.

But even if the situation was really bad, he had to deal with it thoroughly.

Otherwise, how could he leave the underworld at ease!

He didn't want him to be in the underworld for so long, and in the end the underworld was controlled by others, how could he bear it?

Everyone has been anxiously waiting for the good news of Ming Qi at the foot of Huangjie Mountain, but when they finally waited for Ming Qi to come back, everyone was disappointed.

"Master, I'm going to disappoint you. I heard that a group of realm kings from Jiewang Mountain did come to Huangjie Mountain three days ago." Ming Qi said.

"Then what's the situation with the realm kings on Huangjie Mountain now? Did they escape or stay?" Cheng Yu asked.

He was really disappointed to get this news, but no matter what, he had no way to escape, he had to face it himself.

"They are still not sure whether the words of these realm kings are true. Some realm kings have already gone to Jiewang Mountain to inquire about the situation, so they are still staying on the mountain." Ming Qi said.

"This is good news among bad news." Cheng Yu nodded.

"Master, the current situation is exactly what we discussed before. Although they are not sure of the truth of the matter, they have at least been prepared.

We want them to gather, that's definitely not realistic.

How do we get rid of them all? "Hong Luojie Wang said helplessly.

"Ming Qi, do you know how many realm kings went to Jiewang Mountain?" Cheng Yu frowned and thought.

"This subordinate didn't find out, but I heard that there are not many, it seems to be twenty or thirty." Ming Qi said uncertainly.

"Twenty or thirty? If we can intercept them, do you think the situation on Barren Jie Mountain will change?" Cheng Yu said.

"The meaning of the master is..." The kings of the realm seemed to understand, as if there was a flash of light.

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