Godly Student

Chapter 5260: Please explain!

"What?" Huangli Realm King's sentence was full of shock.

"What do you mean?" But the realm kings of Jiewang Mountain were shocked and confused, and they didn't understand why the other party came up with such a sentence.

Want the sacred relics of Barren Mountain? The holy relic is in the barren mountain? Why don't they know anything about it?

At this moment, countless questions flashed through their minds, and countless thoughts flashed through their minds.

"Am I still clear enough?" Huangli Realm King said lightly.

"Huang Li, make it clear, you just said that they are for the holy relics of Huangjie Mountain, why are the holy things on Huangjie Mountain?" Huang Zhong was also anxious.

The sacred objects have always been enshrined in the Temple of Hades, and they are guarded by the Jiewang Mountain, so although they have always wanted to seize them, they have never succeeded.

But they know that in the underworld, all realm kings are qualified to study sacred objects, and even the palace masters of the underworld are qualified to study.

You must know that the palace masters of the underworld are all at the level of ghost kings.

However, they have never seen or touched a sacred object in Barren Jie Mountain. This huge gap is always unacceptable to them.

Therefore, they don't have any good feelings towards Jiewang Mountain.

Even if the cause of robbing the holy relics has never been successful, they have never given up.

Fortunately, they also learned that Jiewang Mountain has not been thoroughly studied so far, which barely makes them feel more comfortable.

If Jiewangshan really has mastered the power of the holy relic, then they have no chance at all.

Later, they did hear that the relic was stolen by a human, and they also wanted to find that human.

After all, in their opinion, it is much easier to deal with a human being than to deal with the entire Jiewang Mountain.

However, the human disappeared later, and the sacred relic of the underworld did not return, so they also guessed that the human probably returned to the human world.

Then they have no choice.

After all, going to the human world is a very troublesome thing, and the strength of their wilderness forces is weaker than that of the underworld.

The holy relic was lost in the underworld, and they will naturally find a way to find it, so they don't need to spend so much energy going to the human world to find the holy relic.

And before they heard that the underworld had begun to attack the human world, they were quite happy.

Anyway, the holy relic is no longer there, and they will not take this opportunity to attack the underworld, so Jiewangshan will definitely take action, and it will not be of any benefit to them.

So they just need to wait and see what happens, and let them fight the Human World on their own!

Later, they received news that the human who stole the sacred object had come to the underworld again.

This can make them a lot happy, and they will collect the benefits of the fisherman after waiting for the underworld and the human being to lose both.

As a result, more than a month ago, the realm king of Jiewang Mountain suddenly came over and said that their Jiewang Mountain was destroyed by the divine tree of the human world.

Now Huang Li said that the holy relic was on their barren mountain, which really made everyone stunned. What happened here?

"It's like this, they have caught the human who stole the holy relic, but that human being had no way to escape with the holy relic back then, so they secretly hid the holy relic in our Wild World Mountain.

Now he actually came back to get the holy relic, but he was discovered by the underworld, so he assembled Jiewangshan to arrest him.

And now, the reason why they say that Jiewang Mountain was destroyed by the divine tree is that they hope that we will retreat despite the difficulties and leave Barren Jie Mountain immediately.

Then they can get the holy relic in our deserted mountain without a single soldier.

It's that simple, all they do is to get us out of the way and get the holy relic! "The King of the Wild Li Realm explained to everyone.

"I knew how the Jiewang Mountain could be so kind. Their Jiewang Mountain was destroyed, and they were so eager to come to our Desolate Realm King to report the letter. It turned out to be uneasy and kind-hearted, and they wanted to take the holy relic for themselves. It's really abominable!" When those realm kings heard Huangli realm king's explanation, they immediately became angry and dissatisfied with those realm kings in Jiewang Mountain.

Compared to the realm king of Jiewang Mountain, of course they believed the words of the realm king of their own barren realm mountain more.

And this is obviously more in line with Jiewangshan's behavior.

At the beginning, they were very puzzled, why such a big thing happened in Jiewang Mountain, but these Realm Kings would be so kind to tell them to leave early.

"Nonsense, he is clearly talking nonsense. All of us came to Huangjie Mountain not just to save you.

It is because the divine tree is a divine object in the human world, and it is hostile to our underworld. Now that the divine tree has wiped out our Jiewang Mountain, the next step to destroy naturally is your Desolate Realm Mountain.

If we were all destroyed by the divine tree, wouldn't this underworld fall into the hands of humans?

Although our Jiewang Mountain is in conflict with your Desolate Realm King, shouldn't we unite when humans invade the underworld?

So we came to the barren world not for ourselves, nor for your barren mountain, but for the whole underworld.

What's more, as far as we know, that human has been away from the underworld for decades after stealing the holy relic.

If the holy relic is really in your barren mountain, don't you find it at all?

Moreover, since the holy relic was hidden in Huangjie Mountain by him, why did he not come directly to Huangjie Mountain after he came to the underworld, but went to the underworld?

This is clearly they are lying. "The King of Deluo defended himself angrily.

They were really **** off. They had been waiting for the news of Huangli Realm King before they could all leave Huangjie Mountain together.

But they never thought that the news they had been waiting for for so long ended up like this.

"Really? Since that's the case, let's all think about it. They said that Jiewang Mountain was destroyed by the divine tree in the human world, but the divine tree in the human world has already been destroyed. know.

So where did this divine tree come from? "Huangli Realm King was not in a hurry, but asked very calmly.

"How do we know this? We didn't make this divine tree. We only know that the divine tree was devouring a large number of realm kings at that time. In such a critical situation, how can we still have time to understand the truth.

We were able to escape from the Jiewang Mountain as soon as possible, and rushed to the Barren Jie Mountain to pass information to you, we already did our best.

If you don't believe it, then pretend we didn't say it. Whether you live or die is your own business.

let's go! "The King of Yunluo said, he got up in anger and was about to leave with their people.

"Wait! Everyone, things haven't been clarified yet, you just left, doesn't that show that you really came to my barren world mountain with bad goals?" The king of barren realms wanted to prevent them from leaving. .

Whoosh whoosh!

And the realm kings of the barren mountain in the cave also got up one after another. It seems that if the Yunluo realm king and the others dare to leave, everyone will directly take action to keep them.

"What? You want to fight here?" Yunluo Realm King and the others were furious.

"We just want to make things clear. In fact, your Jiewang Mountain has been researching holy relics for so many years and it has no effect, so why don't we work together?

If we all find out the holy relic together, we will not swallow it alone. We can cooperate with your realm to study this holy relic.

You just said that you are very concerned about the future of the underworld.

If you really care about the future of the underworld, we should cooperate, not split. So now you can tell where the holy relic is hidden, and when the holy relic is found, not only will we not embarrass you.

We will even invite more realm kings from Jiewang Mountain to come to Wild Realm King to study holy relics together, how about that? "The King of the Wilderness Realm said to them.

"I've already said it, it's clearly that he's lying, there's no holy thing on this barren mountain, how can we help you find the holy thing?" The King of Deluo said angrily.

"Hehe, I really can't cry without seeing the coffin. You always say I'm lying, so what is the purpose of our lying?

If what you said is true, then the next most dangerous thing is our Barren Jie Mountain. After spending so much time coming back, shouldn't the first thing we do is to let everyone leave Barren Jie Mountain together?

Even if we don't care about the lives of everyone on the barren mountain, we should also care about our own lives, right?

Don't we know that the disaster is imminent in the barren mountain, why should we stay in the barren mountain and wait to die? ' said Aurai.

"Yes, Huangjie Mountain is in trouble. After reporting the letter, Huangli Realm King is afraid that he will leave Huangjie Mountain as soon as possible. Why should he stay here and wait for us to die?" The realm king of Huangjie Mountain also They all agreed ~www.readwn.com~ In fact, there is the most important point. If the truth is as they said, the divine tree of the human world is here to destroy our underworld.

Then after they destroyed Jiewang Mountain, the next target should be our Barren Jie Mountain.

Theoretically speaking, the Divine Tree should arrive soon after the few of you arrive at Barren Jie Mountain.

But it's been more than a month since we went there.

So what we are most worried about along the way is whether there has been an accident in Huangjie Mountain.

When I found out that everything was normal in Huangjie Mountain, I knew that it was indeed your own layout to deceive us.

This divine tree has not come for more than a month, are you sure it is going to destroy our underworld?

We have not encountered the divine tree attack at the most critical moment. It has been so long now. Do you think it is necessary for us to leave the Barren Jie Mountain in such a hurry?

Therefore, you clearly have ulterior motives, and it is not because the divine tree wants to kill us that you asked us to leave the Wild World Mountain. But it is true that you have other goals, and you have repeatedly asked us to leave the Wild World Mountain. "The King of the Wild Li Realm explained again.

"Indeed, if the divine tree really appeared, then it should have killed the barren mountain long ago. But nothing happened to us for more than a month. I wonder if you have a more reasonable reason to explain this. What's the matter?" Wang Zhongjie also completely believed the words of Wang Lijie. ?

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