Godly Student

Chapter 5276: Without a trace!

"I didn't say I had to go up to watch the fun, but I just said it casually!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

Listening to these things about Tian Qiong Peak, Cheng Yu's mind naturally followed in circles.

Of course he wants to go to the Sky Peak, but it is necessary to know some things in advance.

Although all the news I have heard now shows that it is very difficult to go to Tian Qiong Peak, but this does not generally dispel Cheng Yu's idea of ​​going up the mountain.

Because he came to Inner Dynasty, just to enter Tian Qiong Peak, and then break the passage from Inner Dynasty to Immortal Realm.

So this Tian Qiong Peak, Cheng Yu has decided.

It's just a question of how to get up the mountain.

Jiang Cheng and the others got the resources they wanted and left the tavern early.

Although they have received news now that this year's competition may be canceled, at least no official announcement has been made by the elders' palaces, so whether the competition will really be canceled is actually an uncertain thing.

Furthermore, they have already spent such a huge price for Tianyuan to buy precious resources from outside. No matter whether the competition is really canceled or not, it is impossible for them to waste these resources.

So no matter what, you must first improve your strength.

Although they don't want the competition to be cancelled, for all those who want to participate in the competition, their chances are actually the same.

This year they have improved their strength, and many people know the news in advance, and they may have to wait until next year to spend money to buy resources to improve their strength.

But whether it is improved this year or next year, there is actually not much difference.

Because most people only have so much money on them, if it is a year-over-year comparison, and people who can maintain good results, they can spend money to buy some resources every year to improve.

But for those who can't get good grades and don't get great rewards from participating in the competition, if they improve their strength this year, they will have no money next year.

If you don’t improve this year, you will have to spend money to improve next year. Anyway, there is only one chance.

Now that there are resources, there is no need to think about it so much. Whether the big competition is held as scheduled or cancelled, anyway, their strength has improved, and they can welcome the arrival of the big competition at any time.

But if they don't hurry up to improve their strength now, if the competition continues, they will be too late.

So left in a hurry with resources.

And Cheng Yu naturally doesn't need to care about Dabi, he only cares about how to get to Tianqiong Peak.

A person is drinking quietly in the tavern, listening to everyone talking, and occasionally a few acquaintances will come over to say hello.

Although Cheng Yu heard some news about Tian Qiong Peak later, it was basically useless.

When I was thinking about how to go to Tian Qiong Peak to have a look, I saw those Tian Qiong Peak disciples walk out of the tavern.

Cheng Yu's mind turned, and he walked out of the tavern with a swagger, and then quietly followed these disciples away.

The Inner Dynasty is very large, and each peak is far apart, so after leaving Center Street, they will still enter the wild.

For Cheng Yu, it is very beneficial for these people to enter the wild, because compared with the crowded people in the city, it is very convenient to do things in the wild.

However, these people obviously didn't know that they had been followed, and they talked about the things on Tian Qiong Peak in disregard.

In fact, the disciples of their Tian Qiong Peak were no more curious about the things on the mountain than the disciples of other peaks.

In particular, they are closer to the vision on the mountain than any other peak, so sometimes they can't wait to rush to the back mountain to see what happened.

It's a pity that the majesty of the Lord is too great. After all, they don't have the courage. If they really want to do this, they are afraid that they are not far from death.

"I don't know what the Lord is doing on the mountain. Every month there is such a big movement. I really want to go up and have a look!" said a disciple.

"Who doesn't want to go up and have a look, but this is destined to be impossible, and if we really want to go up the mountain, it will be 100% discovered, then it is really dead.

So sometimes, no matter how curious we are, we have to hold back. The incident on the mountain probably has nothing to do with us, so why risk your life for this trivial matter? "The other disciple was more rational and persuaded on the spot.

"Yes, it is said that curiosity killed the cat, so who is not curious with so many disciples on Tian Qiong Peak? The deacon has repeatedly reminded us before, don't be curious about the things on the mountain, in case you do something out of the way. When things come, it must be a loss of life!

So let's just bear with it, maybe after this matter is over, the Lord will let us know? "Other disciples also expressed their opinions.

"We have been in the inner court for so many years, how have you ever seen Tian Qiong Peak so strict? Even when that person broke into the back mountain back then, it was never as strict as it is now.

So this matter is really likely to be presided over by the Lord himself. We really sneaked into the mountain by stealth. Once discovered, there is really only a dead end.

Let's not worry about it, go back and have a good sleep, and continue to inspect tomorrow! ' said one of the disciples.

"Tianqiongfeng is so strict, what else do we need to inspect, not just to go through the motions! Besides, there are so many people inspecting the mountain, even we can't go up, is there really anyone who can go up the mountain?" The disciple who proposed to go up the mountain said indifferently.

"You can't say that. We are responsible for the area below the mountainside. If someone breaks into the mountain, then we will be the first to be responsible. It will be too late by then.

Although Tian Qiong Peak was not as strict as it is now, it is still very strict, but didn't that person go up the mountain quietly?

So we still have to be careful, if something goes wrong, we will all lose our heads.

You must know that those guards went up the mountain because that person went up the mountain without any news. Later, all the guards who patrolled in those days were executed.

I don't think you want to die so vaguely, do you? ' asked a disciple.

"That's natural. I'm alive and well, and of course I don't want to die! But it's already a miracle that such a person has appeared once. Even if you give him the courage, would he dare to come again?" Although the disciple agreed with these words, his heart Still a little disdainful.

Back then, the incident caused a sensation in the entire inner court, especially since the inspectors were executed, which really frightened many people.

But after so many years, everything is fine in Tian Qiong Peak, and there has never been such a situation again.

In addition, after that incident, the current Tian Qiong Peak is more rigorous than before. Even if that person really dares to come, he may not be able to do so seamlessly and go up the mountain silently.

"From our point of view, that person should not dare to come again. But many things are uncertain, what if he really came today?

After all, after so many years, everyone felt that he would not come again. It is precisely because everyone thinks this way, and even that person thinks the same way, so he caught us off guard again, what should we do? "

"Actually, I'm even more curious about what that guy did in Nei Dynasty? He took such a big risk and was almost killed by the Lord back then." Someone asked curiously.

This has always been a mystery in their hearts, because they never thought that someone would break into the mountain behind Tianqiongfeng.

Although the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak has always been a forbidden area, there is no news that there are any treasures there.

Even the people who patrol Tianqiong Peak every day don't know these things, and how could that outsider know some secrets that they don't know?

So this is really weird.

"I admire the strength of that person even more. Although he escaped in the end, he is the number one person in the world who can escape in front of the Lord." A disciple said with admiration.

To be honest, although they have never seen the Lord, they all know that the Lord's strength is bottomless and very terrifying.

This can be seen from the cautious attitude of the presiding elders towards the Lord.

Although they had never seen the appearance of these presiding elders in front of the Lord, they could see from their cautious state every time they went up the mountain to meet the Lord, they were actually very afraid of the Lord.

This is also enough to prove that the unfathomable strength of the Lord is not a rumor, it is absolutely true.

But it is precisely because of this that UU reading www.uukanshu.com that human being can escape from the Lord's eyes, which is really an extremely incredible thing in their eyes.

"That person's strength is indeed very strong, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sneak into the back mountain quietly. But I think if his strength is so strong, I will also understand how strong the Lord's strength is, so he should not Dare to come again.

And there are no treasures in the back mountain, why should he take this risk? "

"It's hard to say. Maybe there are treasures on the mountain now? Otherwise, why do visions fall from the sky every other month?" Someone said casually.

"But if it is a treasure, why does it happen once a month? Could it be that a treasure appears in a month? This is impossible, right?" Someone questioned.

"Who knows! Anyway, even if there are treasures on the mountain, they can't fall into our hands."

"That's true. Let's take care of it. We just need to take up our own responsibilities and patrol our own logic!" Everyone said as they walked away.

But at this time, when passing through a forest, there was a sudden gloomy wind in the forest, which made people shiver.

"Why do I feel something is wrong?" said a disciple.

"I also feel that something is wrong, but I don't know what's wrong!" A disciple replied.

However, at this moment, a black shadow fell from the sky, and with a bang, these people disappeared in the forest, and then everything returned to normal, as if nothing had happened. ?

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