Godly Student

Chapter 5298: May he leave quickly!

The use of enchantment stones constantly strengthens the barrier. Looking at the various colors of light in the barrier, everyone finally feels a lot of peace of mind.

Because the joint barrier of the ten of them has been broken in an instant, in fact, even if they only add one enchantment stone, they can enhance the defense of the barrier.

But judging from the situation just now, they have no certainty in their hearts.

Ten people and ten enchantment stones, after looking at the layers of barriers, they have a sense of security.

Even so, they still looked worriedly at Cheng Yu who was rushing towards this side.

Only now did they understand that they should have been happy when they saw several Cheng Yu people, because then they would still have a chance to fight and even gain the upper hand.

But if you see that there is only one Cheng Yu, this is a very scary thing.

But this is just what they thought. If they knew that the strength and body of these nine clones could be superimposed, they didn't know what they would think.

It's a pity that Cheng Yu is also more than enough, because after fighting for so long, the power of immortal energy consumed by the main body and the clone has seriously exceeded the standard.

If the power of several clones is superimposed and the Holy Emperor Slash is released, he can't afford to consume it at all.

Even if he could kill a few more people, he knew that he couldn't kill all the twelve immortals when the power of immortal essence was insufficient.

So if he really did this, the power of immortal essence was exhausted, and he would suffer.

Therefore, taking back the clone and releasing the Holy Emperor Slash is to save some immortal energy as much as possible.

Just like now, if you can't kill them all at once, they will definitely hug together to keep warm.

Looking at the tenfold thickened barrier in front of him, Cheng Yu frowned.

How could he not know about the enchantment stone?

However, there is no such thing in the lower world. In the immortal world, this thing is not rare, but it is very expensive.

And the enchantment stones are also graded.

Guys like them have used so many enchantment stones in a row, which shows that the rank of this enchantment stone is not high.

Otherwise they wouldn't be so careful.

However, even if it is only the lowest-rank barrier stone, if so many are released at once, it is difficult for a mere mortal to break it.

Looking at this enchantment, Cheng Yu was really confused.

If you use normal strength, it is impossible to break this barrier, unless you use another Holy Emperor Slash as you did just now.

And the power can't be weaker than just now, which means that he may have to use all the power of immortal essence.

But under such circumstances, even if he forcibly broke these barriers, he would not be able to kill those immortals again.

"If you don't try again, the power of your move just now is really terrifying. Even if they strengthen the power of the barrier, they may not stop you!" Zhenhun obviously didn't want Cheng Yu to give up just like that.

"Compared with the move just now, I can even unleash a more powerful blow, but although the power of this move is terrible, it is impossible for me to kill so many immortals with one move.

But after doing this, I am afraid that even without these immortals, I will not be able to get out of this inner court! "Cheng Yu said helplessly.

He knew that when he released all the power of immortal essence, the power would be even more terrifying.

But if he doesn't have the power of Immortal Essence by his side, then he himself is very dangerous.

Therefore, if he and these immortals should die, he is naturally unwilling.

It's just that there was a sentence that Zhenhun said right before, that is, he may be the closest to the strength of these immortals.

Once he misses today, there will only be more and more immortals here, and he will not be the opponent of these immortals.

"Even if you really use up the power of immortal essence, the divine tree and I should still be able to save your life! If it really doesn't work, then use the space to escape!" Zhenhun reminded.

"Are you sure?" Cheng Yu felt a little moved when he heard Zhenhun say this.

If there is a chance, he still hopes to remove this passage as much as possible.

Even if these immortals could not be removed today, without the passage, they would have no reinforcements, so he could come back to kill them sooner or later.

However, escaping from space also takes time. Once these immortals take action in time, he is afraid that without the power of immortal essence, he may not be able to withstand a blow from immortals.

If he is hit by the opponent when he enters the space gap, then even if he escapes, he may be dead.

"Although it will take a while to turn on space teleportation, it doesn't take long. I believe that if he is not prepared, you still have a high success rate!

If you really just leave now, think about it, how can we resist more immortals?

Does it really depend on those disciples of your Cheng family?

You should have seen the hand against the immortal now. Only when the power of immortal essence is used, the lower world cultivator will have the opportunity to fight against it.

If there is no support from the power of immortal essence, although those people have the strength to kill immortals, these immortals will not stand there and let you beheaded.

Therefore, having the strength to kill immortals does not mean that you can really kill immortals.

Of course, your Cheng family now has 200,000 disciples who can kill immortals. But you have to understand that even if they want to come here, they must officially start a war with the Inner Dynasty.

In front of the same monks from the lower realms, they certainly dare not waste the power of immortal essence easily.

Otherwise, even if they wiped out the army of the Inner Dynasty, would they still have enough power to kill the immortals?

So even if the Cheng family has enough disciples to kill immortals now, but if they really want to get to that point, I can say that few of these people will be able to go back alive.

I think you don't want the Cheng family to come this far in the first place, right?

If you can destroy the passage now, then bring the Cheng family's army of 200,000 Immortal Slayers over, then I believe you will definitely win.

But the channel is not broken, this battle cannot be launched! ' Zhenhun continued to remind.

"That's true, it seems that I really have to fight again today!" Cheng Yu's expression was solemn, and Zhenhun's reminder was very reasonable.

With the current strength of the Cheng family, they cannot withstand several battles with immortals.

Therefore, if this battle is launched without a chance of winning, the Cheng family may be destroyed.

Because so far, the Cheng family's disciples who can actually awaken are almost there.

There are not many outstanding disciples who can wake up now.

Moreover, although some of the disciples had awakened ahead of time, in fact their cultivation had not yet reached the calamity-transcending stage, and such awakened ones had no way to kill immortals.

Therefore, if this part of the disciples were removed, the Cheng family would have fewer disciples who could fight the immortals.

In addition, once this war is launched, the secret that his Cheng family is the base of the Holy City will be completely exposed.

And if they lost the battle, the other disciples who stayed in the Cheng family would definitely not be spared.

Therefore, this great war cannot be easily started.

If it is true as Zhenhun said, the passage has been destroyed, and there will be no immortals in the inner court to help.

Then he can bring these disciples to the Inner Dynasty together, and he can fight to the death with those immortals.

But now is not the time!

Seeing that more than 10,000 demon warriors were still desperately attacking the barrier reinforced by the ten immortals with barrier stones, Cheng Yu knew that it was impossible for them to break through this barrier.

So I just took them all back.

Anyway, there are more than 10,000 demon warriors. Even if they can't kill the immortals, it will be good for the army to attack the inner dynasty in the future.

If it is a war with the Inner Dynasty, these demon warriors are very useful.

"This guy is going to withdraw?" Seeing that Cheng Yu had taken away all the more than 10,000 living demon puppets at once, he was suddenly puzzled.

"He is indeed the caster of the living puppet technique. It's really a pity for him to leave like this today!" Tang Luo couldn't help feeling a little regretful when he saw that these living puppets were taken away by Cheng Yu.

"Don't think about obtaining the living puppet technique for the time being, you have seen the situation just now, this guy's madness is not generally terrible.

The two immortals were actually beheaded by him on the spot, and even all of us were injured.

It is impossible for people like us to catch him alive, we can only consider this issue after everyone else comes over.

And what we have to do now is to keep the passage behind us no matter what.

As long as the passage is not broken, we will find today's shame sooner or later! "Shang Feng said very seriously.

Ever since he saw his companion next to him being directly killed by Cheng Yu, he has seen it thoroughly.

This person is temporarily unavailable.

Therefore, he no longer considers the idea of ​​getting the living puppet technique immediately. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

If you don't even have a life, what's the use of getting a living puppet?

"There are ten enchantment stones to strengthen this barrier, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to break the barrier!" Jiang Kang said.

"There should be no problem. Although the blow just now was terrifying, the ten enchantment stones are not vegetarians. Presumably even if the immortals come, they may not be able to break them, right?" Shang Feng said.

This is why he asked everyone to take out the enchantment stone to strengthen the enchantment.

Immortals in the Immortal World also have ranks. The lowest immortals like them are called mortals, which means they have just risen from mortals to immortals.

And the one level higher than Fanxian is Xuxian.

If you want to break ten enchantment stones, your strength should be at the level of immortal.

But Cheng Yu is only a mere mortal. Although he is powerful, he has reached the level of Immortal Slaying, but no matter how much he leaps, he should not reach the level of Void Immortal, right?

If so, they will all die here today.

Where can ten mortal immortals be the opponents of virtual immortals?

"I'm a little hopeful that he will leave soon. At least we can stay here and wait for more companions to come. It may be safer to find him later!" The other immortals said a little nervously.

Obviously, he was also frightened by the blow just now, which caused a great psychological shadow! ?

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