Godly Student

Chapter 5303: The last palm!

"What should I do? This guy still refuses to give up, we have no enchantment stones now!" Seeing that the energy of the barrier was still declining, but they didn't have any extra enchantment stones to replenish, Tang Luo suddenly I was anxious.

If Cheng Yu didn't give up and they couldn't replenish the barrier's energy, it would be a sure thing for the barrier to be broken.

And once the barrier is broken, a head-to-head fight between them and Cheng Yu is inevitable.

But now he was really frightened by Cheng Yu. This guy even broke such a barrier abruptly. Do they really have enough power to deal with Cheng Yu?

"Let's be ready for battle, this guy doesn't seem to give up until he destroys this passage.

Since he wants to fight, let's fight. Rather than just giving in like this, it's better to be tough! "Jiang Kang said.

Originally, he really didn't want to be so impulsive. He hoped that he could still play steadily. Today, to avoid Cheng Yu's sharp edge, he mainly focused on protecting the safety of the channel, so he has always been in a state of restraint and defense.

But now Cheng Yu is so aggressive and refuses to give in at all, which makes him angry.

Obviously, such a blind concession does not make Cheng Yu satisfied. All of them are currently consuming a lot of immortal energy, but Cheng Yu has no plans to leave at all, and will continue to fight.

Now that they have reached this stage, what reason do they have to avoid fighting?

This will only fuel Cheng Yu's arrogance more and more!

"But this guy still has his back, and we're spending a lot now, we're afraid we won't be able to keep the passage!" Tang Luo said worriedly.

"So for a while, you and Meng Hang will guard the passage together. Make sure to ensure the safety of the passage. Others will deal with this guy with me." Jiang Kang said.

"But if he really has a backer, the eight of us may not be his opponents!" Shang Feng is not so confident now.

Because Cheng Yu's performance was really amazing, he really didn't have the confidence to say that he wasted Cheng Yu.

Now he completely dare not treat Cheng Yu as a mortal anymore, but really treat him as a virtual immortal.

Otherwise, if they are all at the mortal level, the eight of them have no reason to be afraid of each other.

"How do you know if you don't try? What if he is only strong from the outside? Anyway, ten of us are consuming it, but he is consuming it alone. Can't we still consume him?" Jiang Kang said in a deep voice.

"But if his strength really reaches the level of a virtual immortal, then it's really hard to say!" Shang Feng said.

"If he really reaches the virtual immortality, then it is not the way for us to avoid the battle like this, he will always break the barrier.

Since there is no way to avoid it, don't we just have to accept the battle?

Otherwise, do we have to escape from here, what about the passage behind us? Even if we escape, it is unlikely that we will return to the fairyland! "Jiang Kang said.

"I think what Jiang Kang said makes sense. Now he won't give us a way out. Instead of making concessions and forcing us to have no way out, it's better to fight him now while everyone has spare energy.

If we really want to be exhausted by all of us tortured by him like this, then not only will we not be able to save the passage, we may not even be able to save our own lives! ' Wu Qi agreed aloud.

Now all their companions have not come over, so they themselves are not willing to fight with the enemy for their lives.

But now they have no way to retreat. If they retreat again, then Cheng Yu will really use up all the power of immortal essence so slowly, that is the most serious.

"Fight with him, even if he really achieves the strength of the immortal, but I don't believe that he also has the immortal essence pill to supplement the strength of immortal essence!" Tang Luo was also burned by Cheng Yu's anger, and immediately took out a Immortal Yuan Dan swallowed.

He didn't have the enchantment stone, but he did have the Xianyuan Pill.

This Immortal Essence Pill is just as common as the Ling Yuan Pill used by the Netherworld cultivators to replenish spiritual power, and it is also a necessary supply pill.

However, whether it is Xianyuan Pill or Lingyuan Pill, it is impossible to instantly replenish Xianyuan power and spiritual power, and it takes time to transform.

But as long as the medicinal pills are added, the power of immortal essence will always be added.

If it is not for frequent use of big moves and a large amount of consumption of the power of immortal essence, it can still guarantee normal battles.

Therefore, compared with Cheng Yu, they should still have certain advantages.

"That's true, he won't even have the Immortal Essence Pill! As long as they don't have this thing, then it is impossible for him to recover the power of Immortal Essence that he has consumed during the battle, then we cannot waste it. But he!" Everyone's eyes lit up, and Tang Luo's words came to the point.

Although they don't have the enchantment stone to supplement the barrier, they still have the Immortal Essence Pill to supplement their Immortal Essence.

This Immortal Essence Pill is only available in the Immortal Realm. He doesn't believe that this guy's Immortal Essence is not less powerful than them, but where did he get the Immortal Essence Pill?

If there is no elixir that replenishes the power of immortal essence, then it is impossible for him to consume it all the time.

"It seems that this barrier is definitely unable to hold up, so everyone restores the power of immortal essence and prepares to fight this guy to the death." Wu Qi said and swallowed an immortal essence pill.

"Are you going to fight to the death?" Hearing this, Tang Luo couldn't help being frightened again.

A fight to the death means that you die or I live, fighting for your life.

Although the chances of surviving are more than half, but Cheng Yu does seem to be a ruthless man, and it seems that it is not an easy thing to kill him.

Speaking of which, even if it was five to five, he felt that he had a great chance of dying.

What's more, they had already beheaded two companions on the spot, and two others were arrested, so his worries were not unreasonable.

"The task of you and Meng Hang is to guard the passage, do you think this is more dangerous than us?" Cai Tong said.

This guy is obviously getting cheap and selling well!

He wanted to garrison the passage, which was much safer than fighting Cheng Yu.

But several leaders have already spoken, what else can he say? Even if you are dissatisfied, you can only obey orders.

"I'm not worried about everyone? What's more, if you have something to do, can we both be alone?" Tang Luo smiled awkwardly.

Of course, he knew that compared to fighting Cheng Yu head-on, it was naturally safer for him to be stationed in the passage.

But what he said was not false, there were only ten of them. Once the eight of them have an accident, or if they are no match for Cheng Yu, can the two of them still watch?

Otherwise, the two of them can't escape, and they can only deal with Cheng Yu alone, and it is even more impossible to defeat Cheng Yu.

So although they have a division of labor now, they are still in the same boat.

They are only temporarily holding the passage, as long as the eight of them need it, they will also participate in the war at any time.

And hearing Tang Luo say this, Cai Tong obviously can't say anything, at least he really has nothing to refute, can he still say let the other party change with him?

"At this time, everyone should be united and unanimous. No matter where everyone is now divided, everyone's goals are the same.

If something happens to us, no one can escape. Therefore, only by working together can we defeat this guy! "Uqi looked at the crowd and said.

At this time, he doesn't want everyone to ignore the overall situation for their own selfish interests.

Otherwise, he may also risk his own life because of these people's selfish interests, and he doesn't want to be so wronged by his death.

"Don't say it, the barrier is about to be broken, everyone performs their own duties, and everyone is careful!" At this moment, Shang Feng immediately reminded everyone.

Everyone was immediately ready to fight, with a twelve-point spirit, feeling the penetration of the power of the sword shadow above the barrier, which was completely suppressing the entire barrier.

They only felt that the power of the barrier was getting weaker and less stable.


Sure enough, at the moment when the barrier was broken, the sword shadow instantly fell towards them.

The ten people who had been prepared for a long time flashed towards the two sides, and the sword shadow fell to the ground in a vacant manner.

But even so, the huge power of the sword shadow poured out towards both sides, and the powerful shock wave swept through everything that had already been turned into ruins.

At this moment, Cheng Yu did not rush up for the first time, but the divine tree rushed up first, shrouding the five immortals under its tree at once.

At the same time, countless roots and branches fell and pierced towards the five immortals.

Among them, the roots went directly into the ground after the five of them were unsuccessfully pierced, and the branches above trapped them in the cage of the divine tree.

However, Tang Luo and Meng Hang, who were supposed to guard the passage, happened to be trapped in it, but there was no way to break free from the cage of the divine tree for a while.

Cheng Yu didn't have time to take care of the other five immortals, passed through the back of the divine tree, and rushed towards the passage quickly.

He paid such a high price, and today he must destroy the passage.


At this time, the five immortals had a certain distance from him. Obviously, it was too late to stop Cheng Yu, and he was suddenly anxious.

If Cheng Yu really broke the channel, then something really happened.

But at this critical moment~www.readwn.com~ a white figure appeared, trying to block Cheng Yu.

"Looking for death!" Seeing who was coming, it was not the Lord or who it was, so Cheng Yu slapped it out with an angry palm.


The other party flew out on the spot.

Although Cheng Yu has no extra power of immortal essence, the power of immortal essence of the Lord has already been used up.

What's more, he is still in a weak state at this time and has not fully recovered.

Although Cheng Yu was also in a weak state at this time, no matter what, the strength bonus of Cheng Yu's nine clones was still there, but he couldn't use the power of Immortal Essence.

So how could he be Cheng Yu's opponent!

"Damn!" So the five immortals who were rushing over watched Cheng Yu attack the passage!


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