Godly Student

Chapter 5309: Surprise!

"This is absolutely impossible, how can you swear casually with the blood oath of heaven! And we absolutely do not agree that our lives are in the hands of others!" Jiang Huai said angrily.

They didn't expect Cheng Yu to be so ruthless as soon as he opened his mouth. To say that Cheng Yu really had no idea at all, he didn't believe it at all.

He now even suspects that Cheng Yu has already thought about it, just waiting for them to speak.

If you really make a blood oath of heaven, if you really violate the oath in the future, the consequences will be unimaginable.

They also became immortals with great difficulty. If they have worked hard to cultivate for so many years, but finally become slaves of others, what is the point of their efforts for so many years?

"Yes, we absolutely cannot agree to this, you can change the terms!" Meng Hang also refused excitedly.

No one in this world is willing to accept this kind of thing.

"Forget it, I don't want to let you out." Cheng Yu shook his head indifferently.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and you want to go out but don't want to give up your freedom.

In fact, Cheng Yu really won't kill them now.

One reason is that these immortals have Immortal Essence Pills, which is what he needs most at the moment.

The second reason is that now, neither himself nor the divine tree can cause too much damage to a large number of immortals.

But what made him happy was that the divine tree actually trapped five immortals, and the cooperation with the Immortal Demon Pagoda allowed them to suppress five immortals at the same time, which was actually quite good.

But on the whole, the power around him that can fight the immortals is still too small.

So if these seven immortals can submit to him, it is still a good force.

Because of this, Cheng Yu certainly wouldn't kill them.

It's just that he doesn't have the power of Immortal Essence now, although it is said that this is among his magic weapons, he is at most trapping them and ensuring his own safety.

If you really want to be like the monks in the human world who were trapped before, you can let them control their lives casually and make them want to die, then this is easy to handle.

It's a pity that he really can't do it now, so it's hard for him to be hard.

"Are you trying to force us to die with you? You really want us to be in a hurry. If we explode our immortal essence, we will destroy this magic weapon. It's not worth the loss for you." Bai Xin said coldly.

"Didn't you already try it just now? If you feel that you really have this ability, then you will explode your immortal essence.

I haven't seen the self-exploding immortal essence for a long time. Now that you say this, I really miss it, and I can't wait to see it. Cheng Yu said with a smile, the eager eyes seemed to be really looking forward to it.

"You..." A few people were angry, seeing Cheng Yu's invincibility, they were convinced of your appearance, they really had the urge to explode their immortal essence.

But how could they really dare to do this!

Self-exploding Xianyuan is suicide. If they were really not afraid of death, they would not have negotiated terms with Cheng Yu.

"Are there really no other conditions besides this condition?" Tang Luo asked unwillingly.

Death is definitely not dead, otherwise there is nothing to talk about.

But to make them make a blood oath of heaven and blood and make them slaves of Cheng Yu, this is something he absolutely cannot accept.

"To be honest, your attraction to me seems to stop there. For me, if there is no value to me, it is waste.

As for waste, it is actually meaningless. "Cheng Yu said casually.

Having said this, the seven immortals couldn't help but tensed up, and they immediately waited for Cheng Yu.

They were really afraid that Cheng Yu would suddenly kill them.

It was the first time that a group of immortals were afraid that a mortal would kill them.

But although they are reluctant to accept this, it is the truth.

After all, except for Bai Xin and Jiang Huai, the other five saw Cheng Yu beheading two companions on the spot.

Under such a shadow, although they also knew that Cheng Yu had exhausted the power of immortal essence in the battle before, he was seriously injured when he attacked the channel.

But now seeing Cheng Yu's composure as steady as Mount Tai, and looking at the momentum that controls everything, they are really not sure whether Cheng Yu is bluffing now.

Because there is only one chance, if it is unsuccessful, they will have no chance in the future.

But now seeing Cheng Yu saying that they have no meaning to exist, they are naturally afraid that Cheng Yu will strike first, so they are very nervous and are considering whether to strike first.

"If you want to make a move now, then you can make a move, otherwise you may not have this opportunity in the future." Cheng Yu said calmly, looking at their eagerly awaited appearance.

"Actually, you should try more, what if you really kill me? You can regain your freedom.

But if it doesn't kill you, at least you can realize whether it makes sense to do so.

If it doesn't make sense, I don't think you will consider doing this again in the future, and you can try some new methods. Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Don't you want to kill us?" Bai Xin asked suspiciously.

Just now this guy was saying that they have no meaning to exist, but now he says they can try many things.

But if Cheng Yu was going to kill them, where would they have the chance to try other methods!

"You are in my magic weapon anyway, I want to take your life, but it's just a matter of thought, why should I be in such a hurry!

And I really want a few mortals to be my followers. In this human world, it would be very cool to have a group of followers like this, isn't it? Cheng said with a smile.

Hearing these words, several people looked at each other and really didn't know if they should make a move.

Because they looked at Cheng Yu who was so calm, they really didn't have any confidence.

And Cheng Yu has already seen that they are going to take action, so he has already taken precautions. Even if he takes action at this time, it will definitely have no effect.

If Cheng Yu really intends not to kill them for the time being, they still feel that they should wait first, maybe there will be a better chance in the future.

"You actually know Fanxian?" But Meng Hang was shocked by the words in Cheng Yu's mouth.

Fanxian is the name of the immortal world, and the human world does not know this at all.

Therefore, even if they are the lords of the dynasty, UU reading www.uukanshu.com only calls them Lord Shangxian.

But this guy knows that they are ordinary immortals. Could it be that this guy also came from the immortal world?

"Is it strange? Are there still few mortals killed by my ancestors in the holy city?" Cheng Yu said calmly, not panicking at all.

Hearing this, several people really suddenly realized, it seems that it is the same.

As the descendants of the Holy City, it seems that it is not uncommon to know Fanxian, so they did not continue to investigate.

"Have you not shot yet?" Cheng Yu seemed more anxious than the others.

"Although I know you're bluffing now, we didn't plan to attack you at all, so don't be sentimental."


But as soon as Tang Luo's voice fell, he suddenly killed Cheng Yu.


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