Godly Student

Chapter 5320: bring it on!

"You don't need to be so yin and yang, I naturally discovered that the blow just now, it is indeed not simple. But even so, I can't be as badly defeated as you.

There are seventeen of us now, if you are afraid, you can leave it to us without taking action! "Wu Zhiyu smiled disdainfully.

The power of the Holy Emperor's Slash is indeed quite large, and it really surprised him that a mortal could exert such power.

But he didn't think this move was really as scary as they said.

Because the power is great, it does not mean that everyone can be killed. People are alive, but the moves are dead.

Is it because the enemy can kill immortals, they have to stand there still and let them kill?

So the power is great, but whether it can kill them or not is another matter.

And he didn't think that 10,000 people would be able to kill them.

"That's right, if you are afraid, just watch from the side, and I'm just going to try if they are really as strong as you said." Yu Jie was gearing up, very excited, and seemed to use his own strength to come Prove that Shangfeng and the others are just a bunch of trash.

"Let's keep these sarcastic remarks until you defeat them, or else they will come back after a disastrous defeat. How embarrassing do you think that would be?" Jiang Kang sneered.

"I don't agree with them!" But Uzi stood up to express his objection.

"What do you mean?" Yu Jie frowned.

"Your arrogance and ignorance have nothing to do with us, this is your own business. But now we all have a task, that is, to guard the passage, to ensure that all people arrive here smoothly, and successfully complete the task.

If something really happened to you, then the five of us would not be able to keep the passage, and we would even risk our own lives for it.

So I don't agree with you because of your own arrogance and ignorance and finally ask us to pay with our own lives. ' Uzzi explained.

"Yes, I agree with that. You are so stupid, if we really don't do it, you have no choice but to die, and we don't want to make trouble for ourselves.

If you are really killed by them, we will also be unlucky.

So for the time being, we have to act together. When it comes time for you to fight against them, even if you die, it will not affect the overall situation. I don’t care how much you want to die, it’s none of our business.

But now, absolutely not! "Shang Feng also reacted and hurriedly expressed his position.

Before meeting Cheng Yu, there were some contradictions between them, but they tried their best to cooperate in the battle.

And after a life-and-death battle, the contradictions between them were basically resolved, and they all recognized the strength of the descendants of the Holy City.

Now there are only five of them left, and they completely treat everyone as their own.

But these newcomers always thought that they had lost so much before, and they looked down on them, so they naturally became more united.

If it weren't for the fact that they lacked the ability to protect themselves now, and they didn't have enough strength to protect the passage, they really didn't want to worry about the life and death of these new arrivals.

Do they really think that they are immortals and can do whatever they want in the lower realm?

This is really a very stupid idea, otherwise why would they come from the fairyland?

But no matter how stupid they are now, they don't think about these stupid guys, they have to think about themselves.

Therefore, they are willing to hold back this unpleasantness for a while, and they have to pass this difficult period before talking about it.

If there is no such worry, how they want to find death in the future has nothing to do with them.

In any case, the Holy City has dispatched nearly 10,000 masters this time, and this is not a joke.

Although I guessed that they couldn't be as terrifying as Cheng Yu, judging from their Sacred Emperor Slash just now, the power is really not to be underestimated.

And they are only ten people at once, and they have launched it five times in a row.

But what if there are nearly 10,000 people at the same time? That scene was terrifying.

No matter how powerful Cheng Yu is, he is definitely not as powerful as ten thousand people, so they dare not underestimate these people.

You have to work with them honestly first.

"Let's cooperate, but don't hold us back. If you are really scared and don't dare to fight with them, you can go and defend the passage." Wu Zhiyu said.

"Who do you look down on? Do you think your strength is really stronger than ours?" Jiang Kang said a little angrily.

"Whether it is strong or not, it's not who has the big mouth and who has the final say. You will know in a while. And what I said is true. They have so many people now. We really need someone to guard the passage, otherwise we will all take action. What about the passage?" Wu Zhiyu didn't care about Jiang Kang's attitude, but said seriously.

"Since you said so, then we can go to guard the passage. I'm afraid you will ask us for help if you don't insist on a few rounds, so should we help or not?" Shang Feng mocked.

"That's because you think too much. Do you think we will be like you? We almost destroyed the passage just after we came here!" Yu Jie scoffed back.

"We are willing to guard the passage, and we just hope that we won't regret it then!" Uzi didn't want to argue with them any more, because there was no point in arguing with them.

And the Lord, who had been standing beside them, was also very helpless.

None of these guys are worry-free, they all came from Immortal Realm together, but they are always cynical.

Immortal world sent such people to make him worry, do these people really have the ability to guard this passage?

For him, this passage is the real source of life-saving.

As long as this channel is still there, he can always get support from Immortal Realm. But if the passage is destroyed, it's all over.

But the problem now is that he doesn't think these people are very reliable, but thinks that they are particularly unreliable.

And now that the army of the Holy City has entered the back mountain, they are still talking slander here.

He really wanted to talk, but he didn't dare to say it at all.

All of these guys are immortals and they are arguing. He is a mortal, and he is not qualified to say anything at all, so he does not dare to open his mouth.

"They're coming in!" The Lord just reminded me lightly.

"Just waiting for them to come!" Wu Zhiyu said with great anticipation.

The army of 10,000 people may be frightening to others, but to him, it is quite exciting.

Especially when Uzzi said they were so terrifying, the more terrifying others thought, the more he wanted to see them.

Can mortals really kill immortals?

Maybe, but he really hasn't seen it, so he really wants to see how they do it.


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