Godly Student

Chapter 5324: Borrow soldiers!

The disciples of the Cheng family changed their strategy and saved a lot of immortal energy, but the effect was even better.

The power of immortal essence does not dare to spend casually, but they dare to spend casually on spiritual power.

Before, I just released the big moves one by one depending on the situation, and I was worried that if it was consumed like this, the power of Xianyuan would be exhausted after all.

But now there is no consideration, and even dozens and hundreds of people directly chopped down the Holy Emperor. Under such a round of reciprocation, the people of Tian Qiong Peak suffered heavy casualties.

"Since they don't use the power of immortal essence, then you should find a way to force them to use the power of immortal essence!" Wu Zhiyu said lightly.

When the Lord heard this, he almost wanted to slap him to death, but he did not have the strength nor the courage.

But it was his people who died over there. He really couldn't watch it any longer. He was so anxious!

I saw him fly up.

"The monks from the tribulation period of the Inner Dynasty immediately rushed to the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak to kill the enemy, and those who violated the law were killed without mercy!"

He can't control that much anymore. These immortals don't care about the life and death of their inner court. Even if they really get rid of the holy city for them, it is based on the huge sacrifice of the inner court.

If that's the case, then he will let these immortals do as they wish.

Now all the monks in the tribulation period are required to come to support, so that they can always consume these people as much as possible!

Even if they only consume spiritual power now, but if they really want to use up all their spiritual power, then it is impossible for them to consume the power of immortal essence!

When the entire inner court heard the Lord's call, their expressions changed drastically.

All tribulation periods must go to the back mountain of Tian Qiong Peak to kill the enemy, which has never happened before.

Because the mountain behind Tian Qiong Peak is a forbidden area for Tian Qiong Peak disciples, let alone their disciples outside Tian Qiong Peak.

But now everyone is required to go to the back mountain to kill the enemy during the tribulation period, which is enough to prove how terrible the enemy is this time.

Think about how many people had been beheaded in such a short period of time in Tianqiong Peak, and tens of thousands of tribulation-transcending cultivators had entered the back mountain with Tianqiongfeng at that time.

Now, the monks in the tribulation period of other peaks have to go to the back mountain. Could it be that all the monks in the tribulation period of Tianqiong Peak died?

If so, wouldn't it be very dangerous if they really went to the back mountain? Maybe even die on it?

"This is terrible, those guys are like lunatics, so terrifying killer moves come like raindrops, and no one can resist.

It is estimated that all those people in Tian Qiong Peak have already sacrificed, otherwise, how could the Lord ask us all to go up the mountain, and those who violated it would be killed without mercy. This is obviously to fight the enemy with death! "

"So what? Do you want to disobey the Lord's order? There may be a chance for us to survive if so many of us go to the back mountain.

But if we don't go, there is only a dead end! "

"All people during the Tribulation Period immediately go to the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak!" But when they were still wondering whether they should go to the back mountain of Tianqiong Peak, the chief elders of the various prefectures appeared one after another.

The Lord has spoken, can they, the elders in charge, support them?

Although they still don't know what the reason is for Tian Qiong Peak, which caused them to be attacked by the Holy Dynasty again and again, it is indeed the first time they have seen such an order from the Lord.

This can already prove that the current situation of Tianqiong Peak is very serious, and it is necessary to transfer the monks of the other peaks.

It would be false to say that they were not worried, but at such an important moment, it was impossible for them to go against the Lord's instruction.

No matter what, the five chiefs of the Elder Mansion still have to obey the Lord after all.

It's just that he already knew that the casualties on Tianqiong Peak are now very heavy. In fact, when the people of the Holy Dynasty killed Tianqiongfeng, they released a lot of Holy Emperor Slashes, and this movement has already alarmed them.

So they actually saw how the Holy Dynasty launched a massacre on Tian Qiong Peak.

It is precisely because they actually saw this scene, and now that there is an order from the Lord, they are more worried.

Each prefecture trains talents independently, and under normal circumstances, their resources are also separated.

Therefore, these tribulation-transcending monks in their own house are also carefully cultivated by themselves. Now they want to let them go to the back mountain of Tianqiongfeng to fight the enemy, and it is very likely that they will never return. Naturally, they are a little reluctant to give up. .

After all, the Tribulation Period cultivator is the most important force in every mansion. Not everyone can become a Tribulation Transcendence Period cultivator, so the death of such a character is a loss to their mansion.

If the situation on Tian Qiong Peak is more serious than they imagined, and none of the tribulation monks they sent up the mountain did not return, it would be miserable. How will their own house develop in the future?

Although they also know that not only their own house, but the other chief elders are facing the same situation, but they can't even take care of their own house now. As for other people's houses, they don't have that. Take care of your mood.

Even if the other people in the house are dead, it has nothing to do with them.

"Elders, it seems that the situation on Tianqiong Peak is even worse than we imagined!" After all the tribulation periods of the various governments went to Tianqiongfeng, several elders in charge gathered together and looked at Tianqiong Peak, thinking in their hearts. very worried.

Originally, Tianqiong Peak was the most difficult place for the entire Inner Dynasty to break through, but since this time, Tianqiong Peak has completely become a breakthrough for the Holy Dynasty to deal with the Inner Dynasty.

Of course, for these chief elders, it is a good thing in itself.

Because they don't need to bear too much pressure, most of the pressure is borne by Tian Qiong Peak, and Tian Qiong Peak is also the strongest.

So they felt that if even Tian Qiong Peak couldn't support it, then their houses would be even more unable to support it.

If this Holy Dynasty really wants to use them first, it is estimated that it will not be possible to survive until now. If 10,000 people are killed in the mountains, their house will basically be abolished.

But now even Tian Qiong Peak can't hold it any longer, and they want to borrow troops from these houses. This problem is indeed very serious.

"This also reflects from the side that the power of the Holy Dynasty seems to have far exceeded our expectations. It seems that our inner court is really going to encounter a catastrophe this time.

People only came here for 10,000 people, and they made our inner court fools, and our losses are expanding rapidly, and I don't know how much their losses are! "The fifth elder Hong Yuansong sighed.

"It is estimated that there will not be many, otherwise, it is impossible for the Lord to ask all the inner court to go to the back mountain to kill the enemy during the tribulation period.

It can be seen that the situation on the mountain has even exceeded the Lord's expectations, so we have to borrow troops from us! "The elder said worriedly.


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