Godly Student

Chapter 5328: Don't do this!

Disciple of the Cheng family!

"It seems that we are still underestimating them. If we continue to fight like this, we may end up in a protracted battle, but this is definitely not good for us." Mu Heng saw that although they still released such a large-scale Holy Emperor Slash, the effect achieved It was getting worse and worse, and suddenly I started to worry a little.

"But if we don't get rid of these people, it will be difficult for us to completely let go of the immortals in front of us. That way we will be even more constrained.

And with these people holding us back, there is no way for us to cooperate as planned. "Marven Ye also knew that it would be very unfavorable for them to continue like this, but they still have an absolute advantage in numbers. They only have ten thousand people, and it is a miracle that one person can survive until now.

Or simply relying on their Holy Emperor Slash and enough spiritual power and immortal energy to withstand it.

But after all, these things are exhausted, and once they are exhausted, they are very dangerous.

Therefore, he hopes that the battle with these monks in the tribulation period from the inner dynasty will be resolved quickly, and then he will go to those immortals wholeheartedly.

After all, the number of immortals itself has more than doubled than expected. If they can't devote themselves to the battle with immortals, they will be dragged by a group of people from the inner court and cannot participate in the battle with those immortals. The pressure on them is enormous.

But now those people in the inner dynasty seem to have mastered some rhythm, no longer fighting with them quickly, but fighting a protracted war, which makes them very anxious.

This is not the result they want.

"But there are too many of them, and it is difficult for us to kill them all. Now they are indeed a little afraid of us, otherwise they will not delay time and fight a protracted battle.

Apparently they were afraid of being killed by us too, but it would cost me too much to fight like this.

Those immortals must also be staring at us, and they want to wait for us to use up before shooting. If that is the case, we will be easily killed by them. " said Sun Qiao.

"It's true, but we don't seem to have any better way now, because there are more of them." Marven Ye said helplessly.

"Why don't we quit the Inner Dynasty first? Find a chance to kill a carbine again? Don't give them any chance, go directly to those immortals to fight, as long as those immortals are killed, we have nothing to worry about.

After all, it takes more than a month for that channel to pass through! It is impossible for us to delay for so long. If there are immortals coming again, it is not easy for us to kill one immortal. ' Sun Qiao suggested.

"How is this possible! If we withdraw from the Inner Dynasty now, do you think we have a chance to come in again? It is difficult to replicate the second time using the same method once.

And after we go out, the inner court will definitely strengthen the prevention, and it is impossible for us to find so many people to change their faces and come in pretending to be their identities. " Marven Ye shook his head and retorted.

"And even if we succeed in coming in again, we will still have to go to the Tianqiong Peak. As long as we go up the mountain, don't we still have to continue to face the current situation?

You don't even think about why those immortals haven't dealt with us until now. We have already sensed their existence. Do you think they still don't know our existence? "Mu Heng also retorted.

"Do you mean that the immortals still want to consume us first, and only when we are exhausted will they attack us?" Sun Qiao also seemed to want to understand.

"Let's not say whether we have to wait until we are all exhausted, or we may just want us to use up the power of immortal essence first.

After all, without the blessing of the power of immortal essence, we are unlikely to kill immortals, unless the immortal himself has been seriously injured, in this case, we may be able to kill them without the power of immortal essence.

But the question is, if we don't have enough power of immortal essence, how can we seriously injure an immortal?

Therefore, if we want to deal with those immortals, the power of immortal essence is our foundation. We must not consume all the power of immortal essence before fighting them. "Muheng continued to explain.

"That's true, it's just that these guys are going to consume our immortal energy right now, we have to find a way to solve it.

Hundreds of thousands of calamity-transcending attacks are no joke. If we didn't use Saint Emperor Slash, we wouldn't be able to resist the attacks of so many people. " Sun Qiao said worriedly.

Some of the people in their team are recovering their strength, and some are helping to set up barriers to resist the enemy's attack.

But there are still hundreds of thousands of people attacking the other side. Are so many attacks not lethal?

of course not.

It's just that most of them were blocked back with the Sacred Emperor Slash.

Therefore, attack is the best defense, but the consumption of such defense itself is definitely greater than the consumption of pure defense.

In addition, now that these guys are prepared, they don't dare to get too close to them, and they also maintain a certain distance between people, which leaves them many opportunities.

Even if they saw that they had used the Sacred Emperor Slash, they would have fled as soon as possible.

Of course, even if they are prepared, they also know the horror of this Holy Emperor Slash, but not everyone can escape. After all, the range of power and lethality is there.

Those who can really escape are those who are far away and who are well prepared.

For those introverted masters who want to fight against the holy men, their ideas are basically impossible to succeed, so they are destined to be killed.

But with hundreds of thousands of troops, there will always be some people who have their own ideas.

No one would want to die. If they didn't find a way to kill these people from the Holy Dynasty, they might not have escaped with the endless release of the other party's big move.

Of course, what is more important is that the Lord does not allow them to do nothing like this, and has been watching from afar.

So many people can only go up if they don't want to. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

However, they found that many people began to procrastinate, neither approaching nor running away, but when the Lord did not embarrass them, more and more people began to procrastinate.

Everyone has only one life, not to mention that this time the enemy is indeed a little crazy.

The other party is not willing to fight with them normally. As long as they step forward, it will be the Sacred Emperor Slash, who will suffer.

So they don't want to die, so let's spend it together.

It's just that if they only dare to attack from a distance, the power of such an attack is very limited, so in the end, all the people of the Holy Dynasty have put up a defensive barrier, and they don't want to waste the power of Xianyuan.

The two sides officially entered a protracted war, and neither of them took the initiative to attack, but they were worried about those immortals.

"Don't let your people delay time like this, do you want them to recover more and more as they fight?" Wu Zhiyu said suddenly unwillingly.


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