Godly Student

Chapter 5331: Who will bear?

"How is this possible! Although he is a descendant of the Holy City, he is still a mortal after all. How could he be so strong?" Everyone obviously did not believe such a thing.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask him." Shang Feng pointed to the Lord and said.

"This... It's true. He is a descendant of the Holy City, has nine clones, and his strength seems to be more than nine times that of ordinary people.

In particular, the strength of each clone seems to be as strong as the main body.

Therefore, compared to the Sacred Emperor Slash of these people, the Sacred Emperor Slash of the descendants of the Holy City can easily kill high immortal characters.

That's how the two High Immortals were beheaded at that time. "The Lord thought about it and replied truthfully.

He knew that Uzi and the others were helping the dynasty at this time, and what he said now was indeed the truth.

If he doesn't say anything at this time, there will be no chance after that.

What's more, how many disciples' lives can be saved for him. These are all monks in the tribulation period. They are the elites of their inner court, but let the holy dynasty kill them in this way. How can he bear it?

"In this case, I will not force you to consume their immortal energy, you can find a way to deal with them yourself.

But I want to remind you that these people mainly practiced a special exercise, and they have a lot of medicinal pills that can restore spiritual power in a short period of time.

So you want to consume their spiritual power first, which is a bit laborious.

If you can consume their immortal energy first, we can naturally help you kill them better. "Wu Zhiyu seems to be no longer stubborn, and finally said a compromise.

"Thank you Wu Shangxian for the reminder, I also know that if I can consume their immortal energy, I can really solve them faster.

But this must be achieved on the premise of a lot of sacrifices from our inward direction.

Over the years, we have fought with the Holy City many times, and we don't even know anything about the Holy City.

As a result, I lost nearly 10 million to my inner court. Such a loss has even shaken the foundation of my introversion.

That's why I had to ask Immortal Realm for help.

Now I also understand that in terms of strength, our Inner Dynasty is indeed inferior to the Holy City.

But plus they have always been mysterious, we know too little about him. That's why I hope that the Immortals can help us find out where this mysterious holy city nest is.

This way I may have a chance to turn around! "The Lord also spoke to everyone for the first time in his heart.

Because he didn't want to be a pure sacrifice in the hands of these immortals, even if he really wanted to sacrifice, it wouldn't be meaningless to sacrifice like this.

"If they deliberately want to hide, it is impossible for us to find their nest! Don't you really have no clues for so many years? Then you also failed! After a long time, you don't even know who your enemies are. "Yu Jie felt a little incredible.

Wu Qi and the others didn't let the Lord say about the living puppet technique, so Wu Zhiyu and the others didn't know about it at all.

After all, the living puppet technique is very important, and the current living puppet is in their hands. If they don't take it out, Wu Zhiyu and the others will not know.

Moreover, the living puppet technique can find out the caster behind it. Now they also know that the descendants of the holy city are the casters, so through the living puppet, the old nest of the holy city can indeed be found out.

But the premise is that Cheng Yu has to contact these living puppets.

Bu Chengyu had obviously discovered this problem, so he naturally couldn't take the initiative to contact those living puppets.

Therefore, even if this method is said now, it is actually meaningless.

But they knew that if these people knew that there was a living puppet technique here, they would definitely want to get a piece of the pie.

But how could they let these nasty guys get the living puppet technique!

"That's not true. We once discovered that there is a very special family in the cultivation world. It is said that their head has nine golden cores.

So I have always wondered whether this person is the same person as the descendant of the holy city we saw.

But because this family is also quite strong now, and my dynasty has suffered extremely heavy losses in recent years.

I am afraid that if they are not the same person, this means that I have to deal with two extraordinary forces at the same time.

But how can the current dynasty still be able to fight on two fronts? "The Lord explained.

"Oh? Nine golden pills? Isn't this something that everyone can cultivate? As far as I know, there are many records of practitioners with golden pills in the Holy City.

But even the lord of the holy city seems to have only cultivated six golden pills. The owner of this family can actually cultivate nine golden pills?

This is indeed somewhat unusual. "Wu Zhiyu suddenly became interested.

Such interesting things are not found everywhere.

In fact, the appearance of multiple golden pills is not even in the fairy world, and it only appeared in the holy city.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the Immortal Realm will unite with the Demon Realm to get rid of the Holy City.

Perhaps Immortal Realm is actually a cultivation method for obtaining multiple golden pills.

However, although they are the main force participating in the action, they are only minor minions after all, so it is impossible for them to know the real reason.

"That person has nine golden pills, and the descendants of the holy city have nine clones, isn't it too coincidental?" Yu Jie said.

"It is indeed a coincidence, maybe we can go to this place to have a look." Yu Wei said.

"How can this work! Now we are short of manpower. If we go to this family to check now, what if our passage is attacked?

And now there are 10,000 people in the holy city, do we dare to leave this place? "Uzzi was the first to stand up and object.

"I didn't say that I would go now. We can wait until these people are dealt with first before going to see it!" Yu Wei said.

"That's right, we can't always be so passive, otherwise, we'll just get more and more tired.

Even the transmission speed of this channel can't keep up with their rhythm. "Wu Zhiyu said.

"If it really doesn't work, then we can only continue to speed up the transmission. Send more people over as soon as possible, otherwise we may not be able to stop it." Yu Jie said.

"No, it's too risky. If we don't do it right, the passage will collapse. If it really happens, then we won't have any way out.

And it is estimated that he will die here! "Shang Feng immediately refused.

"There are only four people now, don't you think that the channel is quite stable? This means that we can still try it." Yu Jie said in dissatisfaction.

"Then if it really collapses, who can take this responsibility?" Shang Feng asked.

This is not a joke, no one here can take this responsibility, so how can they just increase the number of transmissions unless they have to!

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