Godly Student

Chapter 5402: A rare opportunity!

It's not that Jiang Kang didn't want to kill the 10,000-strong army of the Holy City, but he felt that since the other party chose to retreat voluntarily, then there was no need to pursue them.

After all, there are only so many of them now, although the current situation is indeed favorable to them, if they really catch up, they can indeed kill a lot of people.

But now these people in the holy city have not all used up the power of immortal essence, and there are still a large number of people who have the power of immortal essence.

But what about them here?

Although Wu Qi and Shang Feng are resting to restore the power of immortal essence, Shang Feng has just rested, and there is basically no immortal essence in his body.

And Wu Qi's recovery time is not very long, although there is recovery, it will not be much.

Therefore, the seventeen of them now are actually only a few broken immortal energy left on their bodies.

If they catch up like this, will they be able to wipe out the opponent and kill them all?

Certainly not possible.

Besides, as long as these guys still have the power of immortal essence, then their ultimate move may kill them.

So it is risky for them to catch up, and the risk is not small.

That being the case, it doesn't make much sense to do so.

Because the 10,000-strong army in this holy city is very likely to be just the vanguard of the holy city. It really wouldn't be worth it if they had to risk their own death just to kill a vanguard in the Holy City.

If they were really beheaded by the other party after catching up, then they themselves would be too worthless, and they would be killed by people who have been leading the way.

But if they don't be so impulsive now and let the other party leave, they just need to wait here for more immortal army to come.

When they have more immortals, they will have more confidence. Even if the holy city sends more elite teachers, they can actually not be afraid at all.

So there is no need for them to take this risk now for these people.

Although I feel a little pity, I finally pushed them to this point, but now I have to watch them leave, and I really feel unhappy.

But I am not happy, and I should focus on the overall situation, let alone put myself in danger at will.

In fact, having said that, they were actually quite passive for so long, and even quite dangerous.

Now that these people in the holy city have withdrawn themselves, it is also a relief for them, so why should they seek their own death.

"Such a good opportunity, if we don't pursue it now, they may bring more enemies next time, don't we have to fight them?" Yu Jie said.

He also knew that this was dangerous, but now that he had the opportunity to kill them, he had to return the tiger to the mountain.

In the future, when they restore the power of immortal essence, and bring more people, then they have finally achieved this step, doesn't it become meaningless, consumes so much immortal essence power in vain, and also Are you tossing yourself to death?

So even if he knew it was risky, he was willing to give it a try.

Killing one is one, and it's better than letting them all go.

"Forget it, it's really too risky. You don't have too much immortal energy right now. Even if we kill some people for a while, but we exhaust our immortal energy, it will be It might be us who killed it.

And now, only a few of us have a little more power of immortal essence, and others have less power of immortal essence, so the risk is even greater.

Now our main purpose is to guard the passage. If something happens to us, they have already left, but they can come back and destroy the passage, then it will not be worth it. "Wu Zhiyu shook his head and did not agree with Yu Jie's proposal.

Originally, they had all left, but it turned out that they had killed a few immortals, and the sudden defeat turned the situation around again, and there was a chance to destroy the passage. They would definitely come back and destroy the passage. That's true. It is self-inflicted suffering.

So no matter from which point of view, if they chase after them just to kill some people, but if they can't kill them all, it is of no value, and it is not cost-effective, and the risk is too great.

"How can you be a woman who has achieved great things? If you say this, you will return the tiger to the mountain, and you will definitely regret it in the future!" Yu Jie said very unhappily.

Seeing that they were all about to go down the mountain, he was so anxious.

Although he is catching up now, he is not stupid. If he is the only one, he will definitely die.

So he still hopes to persuade everyone to work together and take advantage of these opportunities to kill all these people here as much as possible.

"It's something to regret later, but if we catch up now, maybe we'll regret it right away.

We have few people now, so don't take any more risks. Since they took the initiative to withdraw, let them leave.

Our mission this time itself is to destroy the Holy City, but this mission is not just a few of us to complete.

So why should we be in a hurry?

In just a while, we'll have more helpers coming, wouldn't we be safer then?

This is just a vanguard of the Holy City, so what if you kill them all?

Maybe they will have another army in the Holy Dynasty after a while, but we have sacrificed a few people because of chasing them. Wouldn't we use fewer people to face more enemies?

So don't be so impulsive, everything is about the bigger picture.

As long as this passage is still there, we will surely destroy the holy city successfully, there is no need to greedily advance! Jiang Kang reminded again.

This guy has always been the most impulsive, and if he is willing to catch up, it is his own business.

But he didn't want everyone to be hot for a while, and ran after the murderer regardless of the overall situation. It didn't do them any good.

In the future, some enemies in the holy city will kill them, so why should they rush to kill so many people?

"Yu Jie, don't say it anymore, it's really not suitable for us to chase at this time. Waiting for more companions to come here, we should take this opportunity to recover well.

If this is just one of their tricks, and they come back with a carbine after a while, we will be fooled by them instead! "Wu Zhiyu also persuaded again.

"If they really dare to kill the carbine, they are courting death. Now their strength is obviously not enough, we don't need all of them to fight to stop them, at least two people can take this opportunity to restore the power of Xianyuan. .

So if they go back to the carbine, they will be the only ones who will be unlucky. We have the upper hand, so what's there to worry about? "Yu Jie obviously still refuses to give up!

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