Godly Student

Chapter 5414: Immortals can't be trusted!

"Lord, we understand what you said, these immortals are not so reliable, everyone is just for their own interests!" said the second elder.

"Yes, that's the truth. The reason why they are willing to come to the human world to get rid of the holy city is not necessarily to help us, even if there is no us, they will come.

So you must not think that they will do something to protect the inner court. "The Lord thought for a while and didn't want to tell them about this, but in the end he felt that they should be made to understand that immortals are not as beautiful as they thought.

On the contrary, the immortals are selfish, at least the immortals he sees now.

"Their purpose is not to help us, but to destroy the Holy City. But why?

No matter how strong the holy city is, it is only a force in the human world. Why do they send people from the immortal world to come to the human world to destroy the holy city? "But the five elders on the side were puzzled.

Although he also thought of countless possibilities, he had never thought of it this way.

So hearing the Lord's words really shocked him.

The human world and the immortal world are two different worlds. Logically speaking, the two worlds should be well water and not river water.

But this Immortal Realm specially sent people to the Human Realm to destroy the Holy City, which is really hard to understand.

"Could it be that even the Immortal Realm is afraid of the power of the Holy City? But this is too exaggerated, right? The Holy City does have Immortal Slaying Techniques, but there are so many masters in the Immortal Realm, and Lord, you are not saying that the real masters in the Immortal Realm cannot pass Come this way?

Although this holy city is indeed powerful, it is only in the human world. Even if they are indeed able to kill immortals, they are only beheading these ordinary immortals that the Lord said!

No matter how strong the holy city is, it is impossible to affect the immortals living in the fairyland. Why do they bother to do such a thankless thing? "The second elder also wondered.

"I'm not very clear about this, but I can be sure that these immortals did not come to the human world to help us, but they did come to destroy the holy city.

Because in this war, if these immortals really care about our inner court, it is impossible for so many people to die.

So these people actually died for the benefit of these immortals.

As for why they care so much about the Holy City, there must be secrets that we don't know, not necessarily because of their power.

After all, those immortals are in the fairyland, and no matter how powerful the holy city is, it is indeed impossible to affect the life of the fairyland. ' said the Lord.

"So, if the Holy City sends an army over next time, won't we have to sacrifice more people from the Inner Dynasty?" Hearing that the people who died in the Inner Dynasty actually died because of the interests of these immortals, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. Not so pretty.

Originally, they had just heard the Lord's reminder that they did not have as much affection for these immortals as before.

But now I heard that they actually killed so many people from the Inner Dynasty. At this time, it is not a matter of unfavorable feelings, and even a little disgusted with these immortals.

"It's not like that, their purpose is indeed to destroy the Holy City, but we still have some use value for them.

So they don't completely ignore our inner feelings.

If they really want to sacrifice the entire inner court to your holy city, how could the Lord agree? "The Lord said coldly.

When he remembered what the immortals had done before, and then looked at the corpses full of mountains, his heart was very unhappy.

In any case, these people were cultivated by his inner court with countless energy, resources and time.

Even if they are indeed not the opponents of the Holy City Immortal Slaying Army, they should not die so worthless.

He had endured a lot of grievances in front of these immortals before, but now, he will not endure like this anymore.

As long as they don't go too far, he can also cooperate.

But if they still want the inner court to fulfill them by sacrificing themselves, then they have miscalculated.

Even if he really broke with these immortals, he would not hesitate, because he had already guessed that the purpose of these people was to destroy the holy city.

If so, they certainly don't want him to stab them in the back!

"It's just that they are immortals after all, and their strength is far superior to us. If they really want to sacrifice the inner court, how can we stop them?" The fourth elder said worriedly.

Before, he wanted to see what those immortals looked like, but now, he didn't want to see those immortals at all.

I just hope that these guys can destroy the holy city as soon as possible, and then go back to their fairyland.

I'm afraid that things won't be so simple then. The Holy City is so powerful now, and the number of immortals on their side is not much. If they really force the Nei Dynasty to be cannon fodder, what ability will the Nei Dynasty have to resist?

At this moment, he finally understood why the Lord was so disgusted with those immortals.

"Don't worry, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Although our inner court is indeed weaker, but in this human world, our inner court is indispensable.

Their immortals also know this, so they don't dare to really put our inner court to death.

It's just that, don't think too much of them.

From what they could hear in just a few words, in fact, the fairy world is not as beautiful as we imagined, and it may be even more cruel than the human world.

So you just have to remember that only we ourselves care about the interests of the inner court.

As for those immortals, at most they are just partners who share common interests with us.

But when it comes to life and death, partners like us may also become their victims. ' said the Lord.

"We understand!" Everyone nodded, and the Lord had said it clearly enough.

Since these immortals didn't take their inner court seriously, there is no need for them to take these immortals too seriously.

Everyone is just a cooperative relationship, and now they want to destroy the holy city, they must also rely on the power of immortals.

"Now that you understand, then go down the mountain and appease all the disciples. After all, this world belongs to our inner court. Whether it is these immortals or the holy city, it must be just the past!" The Lord reminded them and lifted the sound insulation. barrier.

"Yes! This subordinate is waiting to say goodbye!" Everyone nodded, saluted and went down the mountain again.

But this time down the mountain, their pressure was even greater.

Before, they thought that these immortals were really so kind, because they saw the danger of the inner court, so they came to help them at the request of the Lord.

But now they finally understand that the relationship is not like this at all.

These immortals are not credible, and they are not reliable!

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