Godly Student

Chapter 5428: still alive!

"Then what exactly is this place? You said that if we are really in the Immortal Realm, can you use the communication jade slip to contact people in the Human Realm?" Zhenhun suddenly opened his mind and asked.

"It should be impossible to get in touch, right? You mean" Cheng Yu's eyes lit up, and Zhenhun's words reminded him.

"That's right, if the immortal world can't contact the people in the human world, then you have contacted the Cheng family in that secret room before.

In this case, it proves that this is indeed not the fairyland. "Soul Soul thought backwards.

"It seems so, and I haven't contacted them for a long time now. They are afraid that they are worried, so it's time to tell them!" Cheng Yu quickly took out the jade slip and passed it to several women in the Cheng family. message.

Chengjiayun's first peak backyard!

Several women sat in the yard and chatted in a daze every day.

Cheng Yu has been away from Cheng's house for more than a year. Although Cheng Yu has messages from time to time, they are still very worried about Cheng Yu's safety now.

Because the last Cheng Yu mission failed, the Cheng family was arranged to select a group of disciples to go to the Inner Dynasty to carry out the mission.

But for so long, the disciples of the Cheng family never came back.

Although Cheng Yu said every time that he was safe now, they didn't quite believe what Cheng Yu said.

After all, if Cheng Yu was safe, why didn't he come back after such a long time?

Because it has been more than half a year since Cheng Yu's mission failed. So much time is definitely enough for Cheng Yu to return to Cheng's house.

Because Cheng Yu kept telling them not to take the initiative to send messages to him, because the transmission of messages would cause large fluctuations in spiritual power, which would sometimes bring him danger.

Therefore, although they were very worried about Cheng Yu, they never dared to take the initiative to send a message to Cheng Yu.

Because they felt that Cheng Yu had not returned to Cheng's house for so long, maybe it was because of some problems, so they were even more afraid to take the initiative to send messages to Cheng Yu, for fear that they would really put Cheng Yu in danger because of them. That would be troublesome.

It's just that they haven't received a message from Cheng Yu for several months now, which makes them even more worried.

And the disciples of the Cheng family didn't come back, which made them always feel that the tasks of these disciples were not so smooth.

So all kinds of worries make them more and more uneasy.

"It's been so long, and Cheng Yu has no news at all. Are we going to send him a message to ask?" Han Xue couldn't help asking.

"Forget it, Cheng Yu doesn't send us news now, it means he is inconvenient now. Maybe he is really being hunted by those immortals now?

So if we suddenly have news to pass, we may let those immortals discover Cheng Yu's location.

If Cheng Yu is really out of danger, he will definitely send us news that he is safe! "Xin Yao reminded.

"But it's been so long, if he hasn't gotten out of danger, then it won't happen?" Han Xue asked worriedly.

"It shouldn't be, Cheng Yu has so many means, even if he really can't beat him, he should be able to save his life!" Xin Yao said affirmatively.

&But sometimes she doesn't believe her words in her own heart, but she knows that she can't let a few sisters lose confidence at such a time.

So they can only wait now!

Waiting for Cheng Yu to deliver a message to them.

"But if he is really being hunted down by immortals, it's really hard to say after such a long time!"

"Didn't you just say the message that Cheng Yu passed on to the Great Elder? At that time, there were only five immortals in the Inner Dynasty.

At that time, even if there were immortals who dared to chase and kill Cheng Yu, it is estimated that there would not be many. After all, those immortals still have to guard the passage, right? "Xin Yao said.

"I wonder if the disciples of our Cheng family have successfully destroyed the passage now? If there are really a few immortals going after Cheng Yu, then logically, there will be fewer immortals guarding this passage.

And only one immortal can be sent over a month. When our Cheng family disciples arrive at the Inner Dynasty, they should not have more than ten immortals.

Ten thousand Cheng family disciples should have a good chance of winning against ten immortals, right? "Lin Yuhan said.

"It's hard to say, we haven't seen immortals before, if immortals are really easy to kill, then Cheng Yu might be able to kill them all by himself.

And it's been so long now, if our Cheng family disciples' actions are really smooth, they must be coming back to the Cheng family soon.

But now the Cheng family has not received any news, and they don't know what the result will be. "Yang Ruoxue also said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I believe everything will be fine. There are so many disciples in our Cheng family who have the power to kill immortals, but Cheng Yu has only arranged ten thousand disciples, which shows that the situation in the inner court is indeed true. won't be great.

Therefore, we should trust Cheng Yu, he will definitely return safely, and our disciples of the Cheng family will also complete their tasks and return smoothly! "Xinyao reassured the sisters.

"Huh?" But as soon as Xinyao's voice fell, she suddenly felt that the communication jade slip on her body had responded.

"Is it Cheng Yu's news?" Seeing Xinyao take out the communication jade slip, several women were immediately excited.

"Yes, Cheng Yu is fine, he reassured us, but he seems to be trapped in one place and can't get out. It may take some time before he can return to Cheng's house!" Seeing the contents of the jade slip, although there are only a few A few words, but Xin Yao's eyes couldn't help but get wet all of a sudden.

As the eldest sister of several women, she was under too much pressure.

Every time these women began to be negative, she had to endure her inner worry, and constantly encouraged and comforted several sisters.

But sometimes even she herself can't stand it, because sometimes she even wonders if Cheng Yu is still alive in this world.

At this moment, seeing that Cheng Yuzhen's message came back, her dangling heart was finally relieved.

Because Cheng Yu is really still alive.

"Is he trapped? Where is he trapped? Can he come out by himself? Shall we go and rescue him?" Several women were also tearful and asked excitedly and worriedly.

The excitement is that Cheng Yu is really alive, and the worry is that Cheng Yu is trapped now and doesn't know if he can come back.

"I'll ask him now, but now that he can deliver the message, it means that his situation is not very dangerous!" Xin Yao once again appeased the sisters and replied a message to Cheng Yu.

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