Godly Student

Chapter 5434: This stuff is great!

In fact, the moment these Fire Wing Tigers appeared in front of him, his heart was actually moved.

However, he knew that the strength of these guys was comparable to the immortals, and there were as many as six, so they were not so easy to kill.

Moreover, he also fought against these six Fire Wing Tigers several times, and these guys all escaped easily.

So he knew that it was really difficult to kill them.

In addition, this place is a bit weird and there are many immortal beasts. I am afraid that it will attract more powerful immortal beasts, so I dare not spend it with these six guys.

But the reality is that Cheng Yu intentionally let them go, but these guys don't seem to want to let Cheng Yu go.

Therefore, Cheng Yu had no choice but to kill, to get rid of them completely.

Although he has only killed one now, it has already made him very excited, because this thing is too important to him now.

If those Night Immortal Wolves really had a lot of use value for Cheng Yu, then these Fire Wing Tigers were of great value.

Of course, it would be even more valuable if the remaining five could be killed together.

Although it is still a bit difficult to have the help of the divine tree now, the five fire-winged tigers did not escape directly. Seeing that Cheng Yu killed their companions, they bypassed the divine tree and rushed towards him directly. .

But the divine tree is really a good helper for Cheng Yu. The countless roots are like a big net, and they are directly blocked between them and Cheng Yu.


As a result, the five fire-winged tigers spit out the flames and burned the big net in front of them.

But even so, Cheng Yu was not afraid of the five Fire Winged Tigers. Originally, he had already fought the six Fire Wing Tigers alone, but there was no way to kill them, so Cheng Yu didn't want to entangle them too much.


Seeing that Cheng Yu was already in front of him, the five fire-winged tigers spewed out a thick immortal fire again, as if they wanted to annihilate Cheng Yu in the sea of ​​fire and avenge their comrades.

But they also underestimate Cheng Yu, and they are not the only ones who know how to play with fire.

When it comes to playing with fire, Cheng Yu is a master.


The dragon roar sounded on Cheng Yu's body, and Long Yan turned into a sea of ​​fire and rushed towards the opposite fairy fire.

But these fire-winged tigers obviously did not expect that this human being has an immortal fire that is not weaker than them.

And the flame of the other party is obviously not a fairy fire, but it is comparable to their fairy fire, and no one can take advantage of it and swallow the flame of the other party.

It's just that Cheng Yu is a little regretful, because his Long Yan can also evolve into a fairy fire, but because he has not reached the fairy rank now, there is no way for Long Yan to evolve into a fairy fire for the time being.

Otherwise, it depends on how the immortal fire of these five guys compares to his immortal fire.

However, although Long Yan is not an immortal fire, but forcibly holding these immortal fires is enough to prove the strength of his Long Yan.

At this moment, the divine tree made a sneak attack, and countless long branches were mixed into five huge braids, which were fiercely thrown towards the five fire-winged tigers.

But since this Fire-Winged Tiger is an immortal beast, its perception ability will naturally not be weak.

It's just that they didn't expect that the nine Cheng Yus flew down from the divine tree at the same time, and immediately blocked their way.


The five Fire Wings and the five Fire Wing Tigers opened their mouths and spit out flames again. The flames converged into a beam of light, like a volcanic eruption, and shot out towards the mountain.

However, these nine Cheng Yus also released Long Yan, like holding a blanket made of flames and covering them with the flames spraying upwards.


After the flames of the two sides came into contact, they exploded directly, and the five Fire Wing Tigers and the nine Cheng Yus were sent flying by the powerful explosion at the same time.

In any case, these five Fire-Winged Tigers are all close to the virtual immortals, and their strength is naturally leveraged.

However, they found Cheng Yu. Although Cheng Yu was just a mortal, his performance was completely irrelevant to mortals.

So these fire-winged tigers miscalculated from the beginning, thinking that they could eat this human being.

As a result, they found that they suffered a big loss. Seeing that they were rushed back down by the impact of the explosion, the body of Xia Fangyu suddenly rushed out and shot at one of the Fire Wing Tigers.

He knew that it was impossible for him to kill five Fire Wing Tigers at the same time.

In this case, there is no need for him to be too greedy. Anyway, he already has a Fire Wing Tiger's corpse in his hand, so even if he just kills one more now, he will make more money.

So at this moment, there is only the Fire Wing Tiger in his eyes.

Seeing the fire-winged tiger flapping its wings and trying to escape, Cheng Yu's speed increased several times again, no longer giving it a chance to escape, and pierced its body with a sword, and retracted at the fastest speed. In the fairy tower.

Cheng Yu always likes to make his shots neatly, but if he doesn't make a shot, he will die. Since he has made a shot, he will try his best to kill him with one hit, and not give the enemy a chance to escape.

But unfortunately, it is impossible for the remaining four Fire Winged Tigers to kill Cheng Yu anymore. uukanshu.com flew away without hesitation.

Only Cheng Yu's sad eyes remained.

It would be great if they could kill them all.

"I hope you will come back later!" Cheng Yu said that, but he didn't dare to stay for a long time at this time.

Withdrawing the divine tree and clone, he hurriedly continued to fly away toward the river.

It doesn't matter if these four fire-winged tigers just come back, and he is afraid that he will really attract some more terrifying fairy beasts, then he can't be so arrogant.

And now that he has two Fire Wing Tigers in his hands, he has one more important thing to do.

After flying for about a day, judging from the changes in this environment, those Fire Wing Tigers may not be able to find him even if they want revenge.

Cheng Yu first observed the surroundings and found that there were no terrifying beasts nearby, and then stopped.

Bu Chengyu entered the Mountains and Rivers map for the first time, and then took the bodies of the two Huo Yihus out of the Immortal Demon Pagoda.

"Master, what kind of beast is this? It has such a strong power of immortal essence?" As soon as Cheng Yu appeared in the mountains and rivers map, he instantly attracted black and white demons.

"This is a real fairy beast, how about it, haven't you seen it? Would you like to taste the meat of this thing? But it's very good!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Fairy beasts? Young master, where did you get the fairy beasts?" The black and white two demons were really shocked. I didn't expect Cheng Yu to kill even the fairy beasts. It was really amazing.

"You have also seen the outside world. It is normal to have fairy beasts where there is fairy spirit." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"I see, but the young master's strength is really amazing. I didn't expect that even immortal beasts could be killed!"

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