Godly Student

Chapter 5441: Formidable opponent!

The soul-suppressing reminder really made Cheng Yu feel more and more oppressed. It is true that Nei Chao is only a fairy from the fairy world.

But if there are demons from the demon world coming over, then he will be really stressed.

Looking at the vast desert, he also had a headache.

When will I be able to get out of this ghost place?

"Let's go to the desert first to have a look, maybe the exit is really there?" Zhen Hun also knew that Cheng Yu was really helpless at this time, and he just wanted to remind him that the situation outside is not right now. Very good, I just hope that he will not be decadent and can find an exit to leave this place sooner.

Cheng Yu nodded and flew forward quickly!


"Be careful!" But not long after Cheng Yufei, Zhenhun suddenly heard a sound.

At this moment, Cheng Yu also felt that there was danger coming from behind him. Although he didn't have time to look back, his whole body flashed hundreds of meters away.


And Cheng Yu turned his head to look at the place he was just now, and saw an explosion. Even in a dim environment, he could see that the whole front of his eyes was filled with yellow sand.

Because simply taking a breath, the nose is full of yellow sand.

But he didn't know what it was, because apart from Huang Sha, he didn't see any attackers.


"I only observed a hook, the speed was too fast, I didn't see it clearly!" Zhenhun said.

"Hook? Are there really humans here?" Cheng Yu wondered.

"It's not impossible, it's probably a survivor who broke into this world like you!"

"People who can survive in this environment are not weak, but I don't seem to feel the breath of human beings!" Cheng Yu frowned.

"Be careful yourself, whether it's a human or a ghost, the other party will never just disappear, and will definitely attack you again!" Zhenhun reminded.

"I know!" Cheng Yu nodded, and naturally understood that the other party could not just leave like this, and would definitely attack him, otherwise the attack just now would be meaningless.

However, Cheng Yu never liked to be passive, but in this desert, he could not sense the enemy's breath at all.

But Cheng Yu is not helpless, he has always used the ability of Mu Kongjing in the past, and now it is time to use the ability of Tukong Mirror.

At this moment, Cheng Yu's face changed, and he immediately rose into the air, stabbing down with a sword.

At the same time, sure enough, a black hook protruded from under the yellow sand and flung it towards Cheng Yu.


The sword qi collided with the hook, and there was a sudden explosion, and a huge air flow gushed out, flying Cheng Yu directly into the yellow sand.

"What a powerful force!" Cheng Yu was also horrified, he did not expect the enemy's power to be so great.

This kind of power is at least at the level of Xuxian, and it is a very strong kind of Xuxian.

"It's coming again!" Cheng Yu immediately used the power of the earth empty mirror, and sensed that the thing was rushing towards him from under the yellow sand, so he condensed the yellow sand and formed a solid sand wall under the sand. To prevent the other party from coming.

However, such a method was insignificant in front of the enemy's strength, as if there was no obstacle, that guy directly broke through the sand wall.

At the same time, Cheng Yu felt that the yellow sand under him was constantly flowing down, and even he himself began to be trapped in the quicksand, as if the yellow sand was swallowing him.

He knew that the thing was under the yellow sand, and he was already sure that it was not a human being, but a very huge thing.

No matter how much, Cheng Yu directly slapped Long Yan under the yellow sand.

Whatever it is, let's burn it to death first.


It's just that Cheng Yu's current Long Yan is only Fanhuo, but the strength of the things below him is higher than that of Xuxian, and this Long Yan's incineration ability has been greatly reduced.

However, Cheng Yu didn't feel that he was being sucked under the yellow sand again. Instead, he felt that a huge force rushed out from under the yellow sand, and directly rushed him into the sky.

Cheng Yu took this opportunity to stand in the air, and quickly slashed down with his sword.


The huge sword shadow seemed to split the entire desert in half, and a huge sand ditch appeared in front of Cheng Yu.

But at this time, the things below slowly revealed their true bodies.

A gigantic black scorpion!

It is really huge, because compared with its huge size, Cheng Yu can only be described as an ant.

"Giant Sand King Scorpion!" Cheng Yu's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help being a little startled when he saw such a huge scorpion.

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It's not that he has never seen the giant sand king scorpion, but even in the fairy world, he has never seen such a big sand king giant scorpion.

"This scorpion is very powerful. You may find it difficult to kill it. You should hurry up!" Zhenhun reminded.

"The giant sand king scorpion is a poisonous beast, I can't leave!" Cheng Yu said calmly, staring at the huge scorpion that had already revealed more than half of its body.

"You don't want to kill it to advance for Jin Chan, do you?" Soul Soul said in surprise. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

This sand king giant scorpion is obviously not an ordinary Xuxian, and Cheng Yu is still thinking of joining the team for Jin Chan, which is really too crazy.

"The opportunity is rare, I thought it would be difficult to meet a poisonous fairy beast, but I didn't expect that I would actually meet it.

It's fine if you haven't encountered it, but since I have, I naturally want to give it a try!

If crossing this desert is really an exit, this may be the last chance! "Cheng Yu seemed to calm down instead.

"But scorpions live in groups. I'm afraid there are more giant scorpions lurking around here. This one alone is scary enough. If there are another group, your little life will really be in danger." Zhenhun reminded again.

"Don't worry, the giant sand king scorpions do not live in groups, and where there are giant sand king scorpions, there will be no other scorpions around.

Therefore, in the desert in this area, it is impossible to have a second giant sand king scorpion. "Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

"Then you have tens of thousands of chances to kill it. The strength of this thing is obviously much stronger than the Xu Xian you met before." Zhenhun asked.

"At present, it should be 50-50, it depends on whether the next battle can help me increase my chances of winning."

"Perhaps the Divine Tree can help you increase your odds!"

"No need, if there are a lot of opponents, I might ask the sacred tree to come out to help. Since there is only one opponent, I would rather kill him with my own strength." Cheng Yu said.

If he had to ask the Divine Tree to help every time he made a move, would he still practice like this in the future?

Now it was just one-to-one, and he believed that there would be no other beasts around. After all, the Sand King Scorpion was not a vegetarian, so how could it allow other beasts to appear on its territory?

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