Godly Student

Chapter 5446: Long-term investment!

"But this world doesn't look small. If only the young master is looking for it, it will definitely be difficult to find the exit!" Bai Mo said.

"It's just a matter of fate. To be honest, let alone you, even letting the three of them go out to help me find the exit is very dangerous.

Because many fairy beasts here have reached the virtual fairy level, and many fairy beasts live in groups, so if they encounter them, it will be difficult for the three of them to escape.

So I can only act on this matter alone, and if I encounter it, I can leave directly.

If you are asked to go out and search, the environment of this ghost place is changing all the time. Even if you find the exit and come back to me, when we go back to find the exit, we probably don't know where it has changed! "Cheng Yu explained.

"That's true, this place is so weird, if you find the exit and can't leave immediately, maybe you will really go to another place!" Bai Mo nodded, thinking that Cheng Yu's words made sense.

Although they spent a short time outside, they also saw how bad the environment outside was.

And Cheng Yu also explained the situation outside to them clearly.

In such a strange and changeable situation outside, it is very difficult to find the exit, but it is very difficult to find someone and return to that position, because the environment has already changed.

I believe that the exit will not wait for them all the time.

What's more, Cheng Yu also said that the biggest threat to them in this world is immortal beasts, and both of them are just monks in the tribulation period.

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Originally, this kind of strength can completely walk sideways in the human world. Although it is not 100% safe, at least they still have the ability to protect themselves.

But in front of fairy beasts, they have no ability to protect themselves at all.

They don't have Cheng Yu's powerful ability to leapfrog fighting. Although they have also learned the skills of killing immortals and have the strength to kill immortals, they may not necessarily be able to kill these immortal beasts.

In particular, some immortal beasts either live in groups or have reached the level of virtual immortals. With the strength of the two of them, it is very difficult to protect themselves, let alone help Cheng Yu find the exit, and come back to take them to find the exit up.

So this method is really not realistic.

"Master, we are really useless. Every time you need help, the two of us can't help at all. We are really ashamed of how you have cultivated us for so many years!" Hei Mo was ashamed Said.

Since becoming Cheng Yu's followers, they have been receiving Cheng Yu's help.

If Cheng Yu hadn't spent so many years on them with resources and given them such a good cultivation environment, the two of them wouldn't have reached the tribulation stage so quickly.

So the two of them owe Cheng Yu too much, and they also hope that they can repay Cheng Yu's kindness.

But as Cheng Yu's strength grew stronger, so did the enemies he faced.

Although their strength is growing fast, they are far behind Cheng Yu's growth rate, nor can they keep up with the growing strength of his enemies.

So it was very difficult for the two of them to help Cheng Yu, which made them always feel that it was a pity in their hearts.

Because they owe Cheng Yu more and more!

"Why do we have to talk about this after so many years of friendship? Besides, it is most suitable for me to do this alone. Whenever I encounter an exit, I can leave immediately.

If you dare to delay some time, then the exit will definitely run away.

As for if you want to repay me, in fact, you don't have to worry. If I ascend to the Immortal Realm before you, then it will be my greatest repayment for you to help me take care of the Cheng family in the Human Realm!

If you ascend to the Immortal Realm first, maybe I will have to rely on you in the future. "Cheng Yu said with a smile.

He never cared about this.

Because he is not short of resources himself, he has enough resources to cultivate them.

Moreover, he was cultivating these people to form a good relationship. If he ascended to the fairy world first, then these people would become the guardians of the Cheng family in the future.

He believed that these people would not betray the Cheng family.

With their protection, at least the Cheng family will not decline so quickly.

So this is also a long-term investment for him.

Of course, it doesn't matter if these people ascended to the fairy world before him.

After these people arrive in the fairy world, they will definitely have their own fairy fate. Maybe by the time he ascends to the fairy world, these people will already be doing well in the fairy world.

It will be the same when they come to repay him at that time.

So he uses these extra resources to train these people, it is definitely not a simple act of charity, nor is it a meaningless waste of resources, it is just an investment.

"The young master was joking, even if we can really ascend to the fairyland in front of the young master, with the young master's aptitude and strength, even if we have just arrived in the fairyland, our strength will definitely surpass us.

So how can the young master use us!

But if the young master ascends to the fairy world with us first, UU reading www.uukanshu. It is reasonable for com to let us two old guys guard the Cheng family.

We will definitely not let the young master down, and we will definitely protect the Cheng family, unless both of us die!

Otherwise, the Cheng family will be fine! "The black and white two demons said seriously.

"Well, I naturally believe in you. So don't always feel that you owe me anything in the future. Even if you don't pay me back now, you will always have a chance to repay me in the future!

So you just work hard to cultivate now, no matter who comes to the fairy world first, at least we all have an extra help! "Cheng Yu said.

"We understand!" The second elder nodded, feeling much relieved.

Because no matter what, they always have a chance to repay Cheng Yu.

Especially if Cheng Yu ascended to the fairy world first, they could completely protect the Cheng family.

As for them ascending to the fairy world first, they felt that the possibility of this was relatively small, after all, Cheng Yu's talent and cultivation speed were much faster than theirs.

Therefore, Cheng Yu's chances of ascending to the fairy world must be much greater than theirs.

"Golden Toad seems to be successfully advancing to a fairy beast!" At this time, all the toxins that had diffused from the Golden Toad began to be sucked back by it, revealing its golden body again, and everyone was very excited.

Looking at the golden toad's shining appearance, the power of immortality on his body also began to flow, this breath is indeed much stronger than that of ordinary fairy beasts.

When Huo Yu and Hong Yu saw this scene, they were also very happy beside them.

The three partners are all fairy beasts now, and everyone can finally fight side by side again, and they must be looking forward to it very much.

Even Cheng Yu was looking forward to it, and really wished he could take the three of them to the Inner Court to set fire to a wave of immortals!

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