Godly Student

Chapter 5448: My lucky star?

"It's a pity that I don't have the strength to catch the giant sand king scorpion alive. Otherwise, maybe I can let it take me out of this area!" Cheng Yu said while flying forward.

"That guy has already been killed by you. Even if you have the strength, it's too late now. So now only you can help you get out of this place!"

"Actually, that guy doesn't have to be able to take me out, maybe as long as I meet another fairy beast here, I can also be taken out!"

"But how many days have you been here, apart from that giant scorpion, it seems that there is no living thing in this desert anymore.

As you said yourself, everything alive here has been killed by that guy. "

"That's not necessarily the case, it was because of that guy before, so other fairy beasts naturally didn't dare to enter this desert again.

But now that guy is gone, and other immortal beasts have not sensed its breath, or they will enter this desert again.

If I can meet a few immortal beasts with average strength, maybe I can take us out smoothly! "Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

"This method may be feasible, but this desert is so big, and you only killed it in a few days.

Those fairy beasts must also know that there is a very scary guy in this desert.

So even if those fairy beasts didn't sense its breath for the time being, they would only feel that this guy was not in this place for the time being, and they would definitely not dare to step into the desert easily.

Perhaps after a period of time, there will be one after another fairy beasts entering this desert, but I'm afraid we don't have that much time to wait here.

What's more, this is just a guess. If those fairy beasts know that this giant scorpion is too scary, even if that guy doesn't show up for a few years, it is not impossible that they may not dare to step into this area. "The soul of the town said.

"That's true! I still have to find the exit myself!" Cheng Yu also had a headache.

Although he regained his strength, the problem is that he still doesn't have any clues.

Even the previous time, he walked out unintentionally.

It's just that although he left that area, he walked into another complex desert, so he didn't actually get out of the predicament, he just changed to a new environment.

"That's right, no one can help you now except yourself!"

"But it may not be all luck that will let me go out!" Cheng Yu said with a frown.

"Then what can you do?"

Zhenhun also knew that this method was a bit too passive, and everything depended on luck. If Cheng Yu went in the wrong direction, to be honest, it would be impossible to get out, so this method was really unreliable.

However, it seems that they can only use this low-level method now. If there is a better method, they may have already gone out.

"Let me think about it first, sharpening a knife is not the same as chopping firewood!" Cheng Yu suddenly stopped flying, fell directly under the yellow sand, and started meditating directly.

Seeing this situation, Zhenhun didn't say anything.

Although he was also very anxious in his heart, he hoped that Cheng Yu could go out as soon as possible. In this case, taking advantage of the strength of the Nei Dynasty not completely out of their capabilities, he might be able to catch up with them and destroy them.

But he also knew that it was too difficult to leave here, so no matter how anxious he was, it was useless.


If Cheng Yu can really think of a better way, maybe it will save more time, and he might be able to leave here directly after a while.

So he could only be patient and wait for Cheng Yu, hoping that he could really think of a better way.

But not long after, Cheng Yu released the black and white demon again.

"Master, have you figured it out? Do you need us to help you find the exit?" Seeing Cheng Yu, Hei Mo said with a smile.

"The last time I asked you to come out for a drink, it woke me up, but this time I have no solution, so I want to ask you to come out, maybe you will give me some new inspiration!" Cheng Yu said.

"But last time there was good food and wine, this time the young master let us just sit and chat like this, it's hard to have good ideas without wine!" Hei Mo joked.

"Didn't I leave you a bunch of fine wine and fairy meat? Why? Every time I invite you, can't you invite me once?"

"The young master wants us to treat us, of course we will not refuse. It's just that we have been staying in the map of mountains and rivers, and we can't eat fairy beast meat all the time.

What's more, the fairy beast is something you can kill, young master. We still want to eat that little fairy beast meat for a few more days! "Hei Mo said in a dignified manner.

"It's just your little layout, here, you can do it yourself!" Cheng Yu didn't really care about them, and generously took out the fairy beast meat he had stored.

If it was just a mortal-level fairy beast, it would be easier for him to kill it, so this time he really saved a lot of fairy beast meat, and he planned to give everyone a taste of it when he returned to the Cheng family.

After all, under normal circumstances, UU reading www. It is impossible for uukanshu.com human monks to eat this stuff.

I am very lucky to have such an opportunity now.

More importantly, immortal beast meat is indeed of great benefit to monks' cultivation, and it contains a lot of immortal energy.

The disciples of the Cheng family will definitely gain something from eating this stuff, it just depends on whether it is more or less.

"It's still the young master!" The two elders have learned the barbecue skills from Cheng Yu these years, so they have prepared all the barbecue ingredients that Cheng Yu has.

The two were familiar with the road, and soon a fire was raised, and the meat of the fairy beast was roasted on the grill. It didn't take long for the three of them to smell the aroma.

"Master, you said that you want to find a way to leave here through other fairy beasts, so now we have lit a bonfire and started a barbecue here. I wonder if those fairy beasts outside this desert can sense it?

If they can also smell these fragrances, they should come to this desert, right? "The black devil said while roasting the meat.

"Unless we are on the edge of the desert, otherwise, this will definitely be impossible!" Cheng Yu shook his head.

They don't know where they are in the desert now, so how can they be sure to attract the fairy beasts from outside the desert?

If they were really on the edge of the desert, but they lost their way without knowing it, perhaps these scents could really attract some fairy beasts.

But where is such a coincidence, they are really on the edge of the desert!

"But the things in this world are not clear at all. What if we are really on the edge?"

"If this is the case, then you two are really my lucky stars, and you helped me find a way to leave as soon as I came out.

But how likely do you think this is? "Cheng Yu said with a smile.

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