Godly Student

Chapter 5476: It can't be such a coincidence, can it?

"Forget it, the spider king didn't show up. It would be too reckless to chase after him like this. I'm afraid something will happen!" Cheng Yu hesitated, but he still didn't catch up after all.

Although he also wanted to catch up and kill them without leaving any behind.

But when he thought that their spider king still hadn't appeared by this time, of course he didn't dare to catch up easily in this situation.

In case this is a pit, the spider king estimated that the purpose of burying the pit is to let him chase after it without knowing how deep it is, and then there may be no chance of retreating.

"But if you don't catch up now, they probably won't be able to come out on their own initiative, and you still have to go in by yourself.

And at that time they must have prepared an ambush, if you go in, it will be more dangerous! "Soul Soul was silent for a while, then said.

"Don't worry, they want to prepare, and I want to prepare too. Besides, I killed so many fairy tarantulas just now, but the spider king still hasn't come out. What does that mean?" Cheng Yu looked ahead with deep eyes. , Said lightly.

"It means that the fairy tarantulas here are not all their strength!" Soul Soul said after thinking for a while.

"That's right, the fairy tarantula has occupied the fairy veins here, and they must have bred a lot during the years they occupied it.

And relying on the extremely strong fairy veins here, a large number of fairy beasts have been cultivated.

Such a powerful population, to be honest, how could those fairy beasts outside be their opponents.

Even if other herd animals want to occupy this place again, it will be very difficult.

They have so many fairy tarantulas, even if so many died now, the spider king wouldn't care much, so it never appeared. "Cheng Yu analyzed.

"But if this is the case, wouldn't it be even more disadvantageous if you have to kill yourself later?" Soul Soul worried.

"That's no way, even if I chase in now, it's still very dangerous, and it may be even more disadvantageous.

After all, I wasn't ready myself, and the spider king might have already set up an ambush.

These fairy tarantulas are just the bait it released! "Cheng Yu said.

"Speaking of it this way, it shouldn't be possible for it to be a real fairy. If it were a real fairy, it would have killed itself a long time ago, and there is no need to use such small tricks to lure you."

"It's hard to say. Whether it's a human or a beast, the strong always need to play tricks on the weak. If it's a real fairy, it knows that I can't be its opponent.

Then I am actually a plaything in front of it, and it is very easy for it to kill me.

But it doesn't necessarily want to use this method to kill me, and I have killed so many of its groups, so it will not kill me easily, and will definitely find a way to torture me. "Cheng Yu said.

"But this is just your wishful thinking. The reality may not be like this. Maybe this spider king is really not a real fairy!"

"That's right, these are just my guesses, and I didn't say that it can only be a true immortal, it is indeed possible that it is a virtual immortal.

I can only say that before we see it, any situation is possible, so what we have to do is to maintain the highest vigilance at all times and plan for the worst, not to be blindly optimistic.

If we rush in in a daze, he is really a fairy, can I resist it?

I only have one life, and if I die, the game is really over, and you don't want or want me to just end the game like this! "

"Of course!"

"That's it. I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. If this spider king is already a real fairy, then we will rush in now and go in later, and we will all be dead ends.

But if it's not a real fairy, waiting for such a short time won't make it change from a virtual fairy to a real fairy, right? "Cheng Yu said.

"That's hard to say. Maybe it's just now in the stage of advancement? Maybe it's really a virtual fairy if you go in now, but when you go in later, it might really be a real fairy!"

"Is there such a coincidence?" Cheng Yu pouted!

"Isn't that what you said? Before seeing the spider king, anything is possible, so we have to prepare for the worst situation!"

"You can apply what you have learned. Although it is true that anything can happen, I really don't believe there is such a coincidence that it just advanced to a true immortal at this time!"

"Then don't regret it for a while, but what else do you have to prepare for now. No matter how prepared you are, is there still a way to deal with the real immortal?" Zhenhun asked.

"Of course not. If I want to have that ability, then I have nothing to be afraid of. I have already rushed in and wiped out its spider nest."

"In that case, what are you going to do?"

"Didn't I get so many corpses of fairy tarantulas? I want to see if I can make Jin Chan advance to Xu Xian!" Cheng Yu said.

"But if that spider king is a real fairy, even if Jin Chan has advanced to become a virtual fairy, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com can't help you kill that spider king!"

"Of course I know, but in case the Spider King is not a true immortal, wouldn't the Golden Toad be able to help me? So I always have to be prepared."

"That's true, but if you want Jin Chan to advance, you may have to delay at least a few days. You really don't have to worry about that guy. If that guy really advances within these days, then you may miss the last step." Great opportunity!" Zhenhun reminded.

"You really take it seriously. If there is such a coincidence, then I can only accept my fate." Cheng Yu said angrily.

"Then don't regret it. If you run in after a few days, it just happens to be a real fairy. You really don't even have a chance to regret it. You must be dead!"

"You really thought I was frightened, although the situation you said is indeed possible, but it is always only possible.

I'm not ready now, and I definitely won't go in. After Cheng Yu finished speaking, he went directly to the map of mountains and rivers.

As soon as he saw the golden toad, he threw a virtual fairy-level fairy tarantula in the past.

Although he didn't intend to enter the fairy tarantula's lair now, Cheng Yu felt a little restless seeing Jin Chan absorbing the power of the fairy core.

To be honest, after being mentioned by Zhenhun, he really thought about this aspect in his heart.

Is there really such a coincidence in this world?

In case it happened to be the time for the Spider King to advance, that would be the best time to kill it.

If it is advanced to become a true immortal, then he must be the one who will die.

But isn't this too ridiculous?

When did this spider king not advance to the next level, but he did it when he came?

But now Jin Chan did not succeed in advancing, which made him not so at ease in his heart, he shook his head and didn't want to think about it anymore.

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