Godly Student

Chapter 5480: 0 once in a lifetime!

"Although I said this before, it can't be such a coincidence!" Zhen Hun was stunned, he didn't expect Cheng Yu to still think about it.

But he just said it was possible, not really.

"Who knows? There's no telling what's going on in this world. You've said it before, so it might really be such a coincidence." Cheng Yu said.

"That's what I said, but if I really want to think this way, I really don't think it's very reliable.

I think this strong man may be more reliable as the guardian of the Spider King. "The soul of the town said.

"Since it hasn't moved, let's go over and have a look. Anyway, you said that its aura is not very strong, so its strength should be that of a virtual fairy." Cheng Yu thought for a while and said.

"Are you sure? What if it hides the breath?"

"Under normal circumstances, not everyone has this strength. Moreover, there is a big difference between human monks and beasts. Human monks hide their cultivation to keep a low profile.

But beasts just need a strong aura to deter other beasts, so under normal circumstances, they would not do this. "Cheng Yu is quite familiar with this point.

Although this is not 100% accurate, beasts really don't like to use such methods.

"Then be careful yourself, don't fall into its ways." Zhenhun didn't say anything more.

Although Cheng Yu wanted to see if this guy was the spider king, he didn't rush over in a hurry, but approached slowly.

He stopped even more after he himself sensed that powerful aura.

"If you look at this breath alone, it seems to be only at the level of Xuxian. But it seems to be advancing!" Cheng Yu felt it for a while, frowned, and was indeed a little confused.

"Is it really advancing?" Soul Soul said in surprise.

"It's too far away, I'm not sure. But judging from the breath, its breath is much stronger than the breath of other virtual immortals.

So it is indeed very likely to be the spider king, and I sense that its breath is gradually getting stronger. "Cheng Yu explained.

"If that's the case, then now is the best time for you to kill it. And you must be quick, if it successfully advances to the level of a true immortal, then you will not be able to fight it." said happily.

"That's true! I'll take a closer look to see if it's the Spider King!" Cheng Yu saw that the guy was still motionless and had no intention of attacking him, so he continued to move forward.

"Those fairy tarantulas seem to be guarding it, it may really be the spider king!" As it got closer, Zhenhun's sense of the front became more and more clear.

"I also sensed it. I hope it is really in the process of advancing. This is an excellent opportunity for me to make a move!" Cheng Yu's heart also began to become excited.

Although there is no way to see the situation ahead with the naked eye, but judging from the induction between him and Zhenhun, it is more and more likely that this guy is the Spider King.

As long as this guy is not a true immortal now, then he doesn't have to worry so much.

But this guy's aura is really strong, although he killed so many Xuxians, he even killed the giant sand king scorpion.

But compared to the giant sand king scorpion, this guy's aura is much stronger.

This means that although this guy is only a virtual immortal, his strength is probably already at the top among the virtual immortals.

And thinking that it is very likely to be able to break through to the real immortal now, it is reasonable and reasonable that its strength is so much stronger than other virtual immortals.

If the strength is not strong, how can it be possible to advance!

So he also faced Xu Xian, but this time he didn't dare to be careless.

In the past, he could kill other Xuxians, but now, this Xuxian can completely kill him, so naturally he should be more cautious.

Even if it is advancing now, he has to figure out the situation first.

If he knew that it really couldn't move at this time, then he would naturally kill this guy without hesitation. It is absolutely impossible for him to advance to a true immortal.

Even the aura of the virtual immortal is so powerful, and when he really reaches the real immortal, it will be even more heaven and earth, and he will have no chance to attack at all.

No matter how close he was, not only the powerful fairy tarantula did not move, even the other fairy tarantulas also did not move.

That being the case, Cheng Yu moved forward much faster.

Not long after, Cheng Yu was able to see the situation ahead with his naked eyes, and his heart was pounding.

To be honest, although he now thinks that this guy is really just a virtual fairy, he is still very nervous in his heart, for fear of accidents.

"Look, it is absorbing a large amount of fairy energy, it seems that it is really breaking through!" Zhenhun immediately reminded.

"I saw it, it seems that God helped me too. As long as this guy hasn't become a real fairy, I won't give it another chance." Seeing that this guy is much bigger than all other fairy tarantulas , he can be sure that this is the Spider King. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

And just as Zhenhun said, at this moment it is crazily absorbing the energy of the heavenly spirit, and its energy is indeed constantly getting stronger.

Having said all that, it is really in the process of breaking through.

For such a situation, Cheng Yu was really happy, which was easier to deal with than if he was not an advanced Xuxian.

Because the spider king at this time can't move at all, once the process of advancing is interrupted, even if it survives, it may no longer be able to advance to a true immortal.

And judging by the aura of this spider king, if it is not advanced, it is a very difficult virtual fairy.

So at this moment, this is simply the most beneficial time for Cheng Yu.

No matter so much, Cheng Yu flew out suddenly, and then slashed at the spider king with a sword.

However, the fairy tarantulas around the Spider King also moved. Although a few fairy tarantulas of Xuxian level were knocked over, they completely blocked Cheng Yu's blow.

Obviously, they had a very strong sense of protecting the Lord, and they all rushed in front of the Spider King, and they didn't intend to let Cheng Yu take half a step forward.

Cheng Yu had a lot of worries before, so he has been protecting his strength.

But now that he has come to the fairy tarantula's lair and seen all of them, it doesn't have to worry so much anymore.

All of a sudden, he released his nine clones, as well as Jin Chan and the Divine Tree.

As for Huoyu and Hongyu, their mortal strength is still weaker, after all, there are too many virtual immortals here.

If it's just dealing with Fanxian, they can still help.

But with so many virtual immortals around, their danger was too great, so he still didn't dare to let the two of them take risks.

But now, what he can dispatch is the most powerful one.

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