Godly Student

Chapter 5744: Rob!

Chapter 5744 Tribulation Dao!

, a god-level transfer student

On the one hand, five people competed for two tokens, and on the other hand, eleven people besieged the other three for the two tokens.

No matter which side it is, the current competition has reached its fiercest moment.

No one is willing to let go, and no one dares to overstep the threshold.

Especially those three people ran to the opposite side. After being besieged by eleven people, none of the five people here dared to go over.

Although their competition was so fierce, Cheng Yu and the others didn't plan to make a move.

Because now everyone is fighting for opportunities for their own benefit.

Some people may die because of these tokens, but they believe that these people know this very well.

But in order to go back to their own world, they obviously don't care so much anymore.

So there was no need for Cheng Yu and the others to stop them.

Because if they forcibly interfered with these people's acquisition of tokens, then those who did not get tokens would naturally not be willing, and they would even find a way to get tokens.

In the end, such a struggle cannot be avoided.

That being the case, it is better to let nature take its course.

And the person who can get the token under such circumstances, even if the strength is not necessarily the strongest, but the luck, strength and intelligence will not be low.

Maybe when the time comes, those strong people will come to grab the tokens, and they will be able to bring you some surprises.

But the reality is that if you don't have some strength, you really want to pick up the leaks, but it is actually very difficult.

It's like the eleven fighting against three here. Although the single combat strength of these three people is stronger than that of the eleven people here, this strength does not surpass the strength of these eleven people.

More importantly, the behavior of these three people has completely angered these eleven people.

Everyone's vital interests are involved, and no one can tolerate it.

So these eleven people really didn't show any mercy, they just beat them to death.

As a result, one of the three was the first to run away, but this escape dealt a fatal blow to the other two.

After all, if one person is missing, the pressure on the two people will be even greater, and when they want to escape, these eleven people will no longer give them such a chance.

So these two people finally paid their lives for the idea that they wanted to pick up the leak.

As for the person who escaped, he didn't go to the other side to grab the token.

Because he himself has been injured, even if he goes to the other side to grab it, it is doomed that it will be very difficult to get another chance.

And if he really got the token, he would no longer have the strength to resist other people's attacks.

Even so, if he really gave up fighting for tokens like this, he would definitely be very unwilling.

So he watched from afar, neither daring to get too close nor too far away.

Because if you are too close, people know that he may want to engage in a sneak attack. But if he is too far away, even if he really wants to sneak attack, it will be very difficult.

So he could only find a suitable distance by himself, not too far and not too close, and sit down first to recover from his injuries.

Without outsiders, the eleven fought each other again.

It's just that so many people are fighting for the token, everyone is more or less injured, and everyone who gets the token will face the siege of more people.

In addition, Cheng Yu has already set the rules, anyone who dares to leave his sight will have a dead end.

To be honest, this one is too much pressure for them.

No one dared to violate the rule set by Cheng Yu, so these people did not dare to escape after getting the tokens, and could only fight with other people.

But they couldn't hold on to the fight like this. In the end, in order to save their lives, they had no choice but to throw out the tokens they had snatched.

So everyone shifted the attack target to the person who just held the token in his hand.

After going back and forth like this, almost everyone got the token, but no one was able to persist until the end, and even a few people were killed before they came and handed over the token.

In the end, when the four of them barely held the tokens and stood tremblingly in the middle, the others had already fallen to the ground.

Some were killed, some were consumed too much, and some were seriously injured, and they were unable to stand up and continue to fight for tokens.

"You guys come and grab it! The token is in my hand, come and grab it if you have the ability!" One of the people holding the token stood there tremblingly, his face full of excitement.

Up to now, he has been seriously injured after grabbing the token, but he is proud of himself for persevering to the end and successfully getting the token.

"Hahaha, you've been snatching it for so long, didn't you still get it from me? If you have the ability, come and **** it!" After the man got the token, he was obviously in a state of madness, and yelled very arrogantly.

In order to grab this token, he knew it would be really difficult for him.

But at least for now, he is one of the winners, so he has the capital to be proud.


However, just when he was proud of his success, this person suddenly exploded into blood mist, and his token also flew out suddenly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

Everyone didn't react, why did this person explode suddenly when he was fine?

A few Taoists suddenly appeared in their line of sight, and the token that flew out happened to fall into the hand of the leading Taoist.

"Idiot, you are qualified to own a token with this level of strength?" the leader said with a smile while holding the token in his hand.

"Should you hand over the tokens by yourself, or let me take them by myself like that idiot just now?" The leader asked looking at the other three exhausted monks.

"I..." These three people were obviously frightened by these people.

For a moment I didn't know how to speak.

They were already exhausted in order to **** the token in their hands, how could they still have the ability to fight again?

Originally, they thought that they could take a good rest now, as long as they could recover early, basically no one could take away this token.

But these people suddenly appeared again, and there was a precedent before, they were directly beaten into a blood mist, how could the three of them not be afraid?

"Don't you understand? Tell you to bring the tokens here. Don't you want to be beaten into a blood mist and not be reborn?" Another Taoist shouted impatiently seeing these people so ignorant.

"This..." But these three people were afraid and unwilling.

This is what they have worked so hard for, and now it is about to be robbed by others halfway, how do they accept it?

After a long time, are they making wedding dresses for others?

If they knew this was the case, then why would they go to such an effort to grab it? Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter

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