Godly Student

Chapter 5774: This friend can get along!

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Xu Jingshu helped the black and white demons obtain so many resources. The two admire Xu Jingshu very much now, so when the other party asked for wine, they took it out without saying a word.

Xu Jingshu opened the seal of the wine jar, and a very strong fragrance of peach blossom wine wafted in front of him.

Amidst the sound of everyone swallowing, Xu Jingshu poured himself a bowl and drank it down in one gulp, with an expression of enjoyment all over his face.

"This wine is made from peach blossoms. It has the unique fragrance of peach blossoms. It tastes extremely mellow and has an endless aftertaste." Xu Jingshu said with a face full of intoxication.

"We've had this wine before, and it's really the best!" Lu Jie said.

When they wanted Cheng Yu to cooperate with them before, Cheng Yu invited them to drink it, so they knew that the wine was really good.

What's more, everyone in this world has long run out of wine, so let alone such a good wine, even if there is no such good wine, it is just an ordinary wine, which is enough to attract everyone.

Seeing Xu Jingshu enjoy himself so much, Lu Jie was really moved again.

"Then let me taste it!" Hearing what they said, Jiang Chuan went forward and poured himself a bowl even if he could bear it!

"Wait! This wine is not something to be tasted casually. We have to discuss the value before tasting it." But Xu Jingshu hurriedly pressed down the wine jar and said to Jiang Chuan.

"You don't want to exchange this wine for resources again, do you?" Seeing Xu Jingshu like this, Jiang Chuan frowned and said.

"This is not called exchanging resources, I just want to tell you that these wines are brewed by Brother Cheng's own family, and the amount of alcohol is very limited, and few members of the family can get it.

And the jar of good wine for the two of them was only given to them by Brother Cheng, and they usually would not bear to drink it themselves.

If Brother Cheng brought out this wine, he would definitely not ask you to exchange resources for it.

But these two brothers are different, this wine is extremely precious to them, not only the value of the wine itself, but also the importance Cheng brothers attach to the two of them, this is a kind of emotion.

So if you want to drink this wine, if you don’t want to get something in exchange, would you tell me that you have the nerve to drink it for free? "Xu Jingshu said eloquently.

"It's enough to say these words once, and you can just say how much resources you want in exchange!" Lu Yuan said with a look of contempt.

The moment he saw Xu Jingshu asking the black and white demons to bring out the wine, he knew what this guy was planning again.

He even has to exchange resources for the seasonings given to the barbecue, and this wine is so superb, will Xu Jingshu let everyone drink it for free?

Obviously impossible!

"It seems that Brother Lu can't wait any longer. Brother Lu also drank this wine, so I won't say whether this wine is good or not, but I believe that Brother Lu knows what to buy. How much resources do you think this wine should be worth?" Xu Jingshu He didn't care about Lu Yuan's impatience, and continued to smile.

"One year's resources, is this enough?" Lu Yuan asked directly.

This guy would have to change half a year's resources even for such a little condiment, and this wine is really top-quality, this guy will definitely not change it cheaply.

Although he knew that Xu Jingshu was deliberately making trouble here, he really didn't want to offend the black and white demons, and he also hoped to suggest a better relationship with them.

Maybe it will be useful in the future.

Of course, the most important thing is that he still has a good taste of this wine, and he really wants to drink it again.

So even if he knew that Xu Jingshu was playing tricks here, he still had to get into the tricks, smelling the aroma of the wine, he really wanted to drool.

"I personally think that although this barbecue is delicious, it is far inferior to this fine wine!" Xu Jingshu did not answer him directly, but scooped out a bowl from the wine jar again, and then drank it with great enjoyment.

Obviously, this means that the price of wine must be higher than the price of barbecue.

"Then how much resources do I want? If you open your mouth like a lion, we can't afford this price!" Shen Da said.

Seeing Xu Jingshu's appearance, he knew that this guy wanted to kill everyone again.

Thinking about the seasoning now, he really felt that it was a big loss.

"I think, no matter which of your worlds, this kind of fine wine is a rare and top-quality fine wine.

If it were me, I would be willing to try new ones no matter how many resources I spent.

When I think that I will return to my own world in two months, and I will never be able to drink this kind of wine again, I feel a little sad. "Xu Jingshu didn't ask the price directly, but was sad alone.

"Two years of resources, this is my bottom line. If I can, I will use two years of resources for one pot." Lu Yuan said impatiently.

"That can't be done! As I said just now, this wine is limited, and their jar of wine was rewarded to them by Brother Cheng.

If you want to buy the whole jug of wine, two years of resources are definitely not enough. "Xu Jingshu shook his head and said.

"Then how much resources do you plan to exchange for this jug of wine?" Lu Yuan's face turned livid.

Two years of resources for a jug of wine is too little for this guy, it's really too much.

"How about this, because I just drank two bowls, if you want to buy the whole jug of wine, then I will give you a very reasonable price, how about ten years of resources?" Xu Jingshu said with a smile.

"What? Exchange ten years of resources for a jug of wine?" Everyone couldn't help it now, and said in shock.

If ten years of resources were exchanged for a jug of wine, none of them could afford the wine.

"Do you think this wine is cheap? You have to know, UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com This wine is in Brother Cheng's world, if it's not from their family, it can't be bought with any money.

Besides, do you know how long it took to brew this jar of wine? Twenty years, so I only need your resources for ten years, which is a 50% discount for you.

What's more, as I just said, the most important thing is that what you exchanged is not only the wine, but also the goodwill these two brothers have for you.

With their goodwill, you can spend this resource to get the opportunity for them to speak well of you in front of Brother Cheng in the future. If you think about it this way, isn't it worth spending this resource? "Xu Jingshu said as a matter of course.

"Hmph! Stop bluffing me with this. We made it very clear when we changed the barbecue just now. Two brothers, aren't we friends now?" Lu Yuan knew that he couldn't beat Xu Jingshu, so he looked at the The black and white demons asked.

"Of course...of course we are friends!" The black and white demons were clearly at a loss, and replied in embarrassment.

There is no way, Xu Jingshu made this a little too big, and it took ten years to sell a jar of wine, which scared them a little.

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