Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 803: Cooperation!

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In the main hall of Anyang Wangfu.

Anyang Wang sat in the main hall, while Cheng Yu and others were sitting on both sides of the hall. The atmosphere in the hall was a bit quiet, and it was completely different from the door of the city government.

Anyang Wang did not speak. He scanned people at the place, especially the eyes that fell on Cheng Yu. People could not understand what he was thinking. Although Cheng Yu was very puzzled, but did not show it, and did not speak, just slowly picked up the tea on the coffee table, gently sighed, and drank leisurely.

As for the rest of the people, Cheng Yuwei is in the heart. Seeing Cheng Yu does not speak, they don't talk. It's just that a few women are not used to this atmosphere, and it feels unnatural. It was a very sly look of Xinluo, tilting his legs and screaming at the tea.

Seeing Cheng Yu so calm and calm, Anyang Wang has a new understanding of Cheng Yu, or the evaluation of Cheng Yu has once again reached a height. A very deep young man, originally he wanted to come, Cheng Yu should have a lot of questions in his heart.

But he doesn't seem to care at all, or he seems to have an insight into everything. He has mastered everything and doesn't need to speak.

It is precisely because of this that Anyang Wang, who should have taken the initiative, has become passive now, so he has to take the initiative.

"Cough! The city owner invites you to be a friend of Anyang. Do you want to know why?" Anyang Wang was the first to bear it.

"Since Anyang Wang invited us to your house, it will naturally tell us why, why should we ask more?" Cheng Yu put down the teacup and smiled lightly.

"Haha! Cheng Gongzi really is quick and quick, so if this is the case, then the city owner will not turn around! In fact, at this time, you are here in Anyang City, presumably you are also coming for this. And my purpose is only to hope to cooperate with you. "Anyang Wang looked at everyone and smiled.

Hearing the other party's words, Cheng Yu was puzzled in his heart, squinting at the heart of the river, and then said to Anyang Wang: "How does Anyang Wang want to cooperate?"

"Oh, you should be very confused why I will appear in the city seat of a second-tier city?" Anyang Wang did not immediately tell Cheng Yu and others to cooperate, but changed a topic.

"Is it for this purpose?" Cheng Yu is of course wondering how the strength of Anyang Wang will appear here, although he does not know what is going to happen here, but he also knows that Anyang Wang thought they knew this. And it was a special trip for this matter, so it didn't break, but followed the other's words.

He didn't want to let the other party know that they didn't know anything at all, because now the other party is putting them on the same level to discuss cooperation. If you let the other party know that you don't know anything, then the next cooperation is very bad for them.

"Yes, but not all! It is well known that Anyang City is the closest place to the remains of the mirror in the mirror, and the monks who want to find the remains of the mirror in the mirror every year do not know how many. And the city owner as the owner of Anyang City, naturally there are more The advantage is to understand and find the legendary relics in the mirror. Nowadays, the news of the relics in the mirror has been known by many forces, and everyone hopes to get the magic weapon left by the mirror." Sure enough, in the process Under the quiet voice of Yu, Anyang Wang put all the reasons for the matter out.

Remains in the mirror! Cheng Yu didn't know it, but Xinhe and others were very shocked, and there was still a little excitement. There are many relics left by the ancient powers in the realm of comprehension. Nowadays, the land where these relics are located is not a dangerous place.

Although these dangers are simply a lifelong death, I still don't know how many people are willing to take risks. Because everyone knows that these ancient ruins not only have innumerable wealth, but also a unique magic weapon. No one is not jealous. No one wants to take it for themselves, so even if this ruin is in danger, they Also take your life and fight together.

In the history of the Promise Palace, Xinhe once saw the depiction of the relics of the mirror in the mirror, which was the palace left after the fall of the peerless powerhouse.

And this peerless powerhouse has an extremely horrible magic weapon - open the mirror, so this peerless power is known as the mirror fairy! It is rumored that this mirror is just like Pangu’s opening up, and it’s amazing! This is why everyone knows that the relics in the mirror are still in danger.

More importantly, however, this mirror is not really standing there, you have the ability to go in. But it is nothing but ethereal, and later generations only know that this mirror is in this dangerous place, but it has never been seen before.

If the news of the birth of the celestial celestial being is true, then they are likely to see the real ruins of the mirror, and it is even possible to enter the ruins and get the legendary open mirror, so listen To this news, Xinhe, how are they not excited.

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However, Cheng Yu did not know all of this, but at this time it was not easy to ask, but he was still able to get some information from the Anyang Wangkou, so he said: "Listen to the meaning of Anyang Wang, it seems to have known this mirror. Where is the site of the fairy ruins?"

"No, this mirror remains in the dangerous land, but no one has seen its true body. How can the city master know the location of the relics in this mirror?" Anyang Wang smiled and shook his head.

"What does Anyang Wang mean?" Cheng Yu asked.

"The city owner does not know the location of the ruins in this mirror, but I know how to pass this dangerous way. As long as this mirror is born, we will be able to find the remains of this mirror in this way!" Anyang Wang said with a smile.

"It turned out to be the case, but listening to Anyang Wang's words, but it made me wonder. Since Anyang Wang already knows this method, with the strength of Anyang Wang, one can break into this dangerous place to find the remains of the mirror, and why? Let us give us the benefits of this day?" Cheng Yu never believed in the good things in the sky. He didn't want to be sold and helped people count the money.

However, since ancient times, dangerous places must have their own special places. In the world where Cheng Yu used to be, every danger will have strong power. These forces limit the qualifications of many masters to seize the treasures.

Imagine that the world's strongest is the soaring masters and the scattered immortals. These dangerous treasures are countless, that is, these strong people will be jealous, but why don't they take it? It is because these forces cannot even compete with them. Presumably this is the law of heaven. If there are no such restrictions, how many people can grab these peerless powers?

Therefore, Heaven is fair. No matter what strength you are in, the opportunities that everyone can get are the same. If possible, it is absolutely impossible for Anyang to give these good things to them in vain.

"Oh, why does Cheng Gongzi know what to ask? It is well known that there is a barrier at the center of the dangerous land where the ruins of the celestial beings are located. There is no way to enter during the fit period. However, it is not the center of the dangerous period to reach this dangerous center. An easy task, and I can easily take you in!" Anyang Wang said with a smile.

"In this case, what does Anyang Wang want to get from us?" Cheng Yu is not stupid. In this world full of killings, there will be no good people for no reason.

"I want to use this strength to break this barrier!" said Anyang Wang.

"Oh, Anyang Wang is joking. You can't break this barrier with your strength during the fit period. How can we break this barrier with our little shrimp?" Cheng Yu smiled and shook his head.

"Haha, if I am someone else, I don't believe it, but Cheng Gongzi is different. If I guess it is correct, then the limit of the death forest is to be broken by the son. I believe that there is no way for anyone in this world. Break this barrier." Anyang Wang laughed.

"Anyang Wang really sees me, and I don't know if the restriction of the dead forest is broken by me. Even if it is, it is just a coincidence!" Cheng Yu shook his head.

The death forest was originally limited. There was no way to enter the central area during the Jindan period. However, after Cheng Yuyu entered, the five major palaces were looted. All the bans were all broken, but it was just an accidental coincidence. As for the barriers in other places, he is absolutely impossible to break.

"In this case, then I can't force the Chenggongzi, but I have another way to get rid of this barrier. I don't know if Cheng Gongzi is willing to help me?" Anyang Wang looked at Cheng Yu deeply and thought that he did not Lying, this is the way to open again~www.ltnovel.com~ The repairing world has long been able to take down all the treasures of the dead forest by itself, and since then, the dead forest does not have a barrier.

Therefore, Anyang Wang did not say the second intention at the beginning, just want to confirm whether Cheng Yu really has a way to break the barrier.

If this is the case, then there is no limit to the practice of Cheng Yu. He can completely rely on Cheng Yu’s relationship to ignore all restrictions and enter all the dangerous places to remove all the treasures.

But now he also knows that even if Cheng Yu really has such a method, it is impossible to say it so easily. For the time being, he can only retreat to the next level, and then advanced the mirror in the remains of the immortal.

"Yes? Are you sure that the strength of our people can help you break the barrier?" Hearing the other party, Cheng Yu once again revealed a doubtful look.

If you only need a few distractions, you can help him. With the identity of his city owner and the strength of the fit period, it is a simple matter to find a few distractions in this city. If you don't say it far, you can say that the butler's Anfu itself is a monk in the late part of the distraction, not to mention the other people in the city's main government. Why is it so troublesome to find outsiders?

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