Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 814: Shot!

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Cheng Yu’s words are not only to let his several women understand the sinister world of comprehension, but also an unforgettable lesson for several people in Xinhe.

Even if they were born in the world of cultivation, there is no such thing as Cheng Yu’s thoroughness. Cheng Yu knows that this is still to be done, and more is to let them understand this better.

It is said that good people are not long, and bad guys live for a thousand years. In this world of interests, the good people do not have bad people. Cheng Yu actually tried the law, only to let them understand this truth, as his brother and sister and his woman, everyone is moved, more is awkward!

At this moment, in their hearts, Cheng Yu's age is the youngest of them, but he has truly become the leader in their hearts! But what they don't know is that, Cheng Yu doesn't know how many rounds they are bigger than them.

"Teacher, you can rest assured that we will never let the fire feathers happen! From now on, we must take your horse to see!" said Xinhe solemnly.

"You don't have to be nervous. They want to play the idea of ​​fire feathers. It's not that simple!" Cheng Yu said calmly. He said this, not to let everyone listen to him, but to him, but to let They really see what the truth is in the world of cultivation and what is false!

For him, these people who are now around are his relatives, brothers, and brothers. As a monk, it is no exaggeration to be good to oneself, and those who treat the enemy, or who are not friends, cannot be too much benevolent and kind, that is to harm themselves!

He fears that their kindness will harm themselves, that is the real unworthy, so even if they are now letting the fire feathers risk, as long as they can understand the meaning, it is worth it.

On the battlefield, the fire feathers have been difficult to distinguish with the giant poisonous beasts. Although the overall strength of the poisonous eude beast is stronger than that of the fire feathers, it is very phoenix, which makes it completely unpredictable.

However, it is not easy for Huo Yu to defeat the poisonous illusion. Don't look at the poisonous animal. It is even bigger than the fire feather, but it is very flexible. It has not affected its body because of its big body. Degree and strength!

One is good at using poison, one is good at using fire, and no one can dare to approach two monsters! Although the overall strength of the fire feather is not comparable to the poisonous Eudemons, but the fire feather has a huge advantage, that is, it is a flying World of Warcraft, since there is no way to approach the other side, then it can only fight in the air.

I saw the fire feathers vacating, fluttering and moving, constantly spurting the poisonous beast!

Hey! The poisonous illusionary beast was screaming in the fire. Suddenly, the body sank and the legs slammed hard. It turned out to be like a huge shell, and it was straight into the fire feather!

The fire feathers could not escape, and it was actually knocked down to the ground, and a huge deep ditch was drawn on the ground! But the battle did not end there. The poisonous beast that jumped into the air was like a mountain, and it was pressed down quickly!

Cheng Yu also sees a tight heart. When he is preparing to shoot, he only sees a large mouth of the fire feather, squirting a sea of ​​fire, then the wings are swiftly fanned, and the body moves quickly!

boom! The poisonous illusionary animal pressed against the ground and suddenly moved to the mountain. Fortunately, the fire feather just moved out of the crushing range of the poisonous sacred beast, but the huge force was pressed down to form a strong airflow, or the fire feathers were again blasted out. !

However, the poisonous illusionary beast is not very good. Just now, the fire feather has turned the following into a sea of ​​phoenix. When it comes, it is suddenly wrapped in the sea of ​​fire, and the injury is not light!

"Good time, hurry to catch the fire giant king!" Just as the fire feathers were once again frustrated, Bai Yichen sighed and changed instantly, and it turned out to be rushing toward the fire feathers.

Originally, everyone saw Bai Yichen moving, thinking that it was to take this opportunity to eliminate the amnesty, but everyone did not think that his goal turned out to be the King of Fire Bird.

But those who know the value of the Fire King King have also reacted and rushed toward the fire feathers! Others have seen so many people chasing the giant king of the fire, they can only target the giant poisonous beast.

"Looking for death!" Cheng Yu, who had already prepared for it, saw that his guess was still alive, and he couldn’t help it anymore. He screamed and turned into a giant sword and rushed to the forefront of Bai Yichen.

At this time, Bai Yichen’s eyes were only the King of Fire Birds. It’s hard to take advantage of the two giant beasts. He has to hit the success and subdue the King of Fire. Where will I notice that a white light flashes from the side!

"Brothers are careful!" The three men in the back, Lu Yiyang, clearly saw this white light, and suddenly shouted and warned Bai Yichen!

Sure enough, Bai Yichen, who was wary of it, immediately noticed the danger brought by the side, quickly changed his body shape and concentrated his power in the direction of the side white light.

boom! One person and one sword suddenly slammed together, and a loud noise, then Bai Yichen was shot and flew out. And the giant sword suddenly turned into a human form, and everyone was shocked that this human form turned out to be Cheng Yu who was only in the late Yuan Ying!

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"What are you doing? Just don't shoot when you need to shoot, now you don't need to shoot, but you are behind the knife! You are not too wicked, too mean!" Several people supported Bai Yichen who was injured and shocked, and he was shocked and angry at Cheng Yu.

It was shocked that Cheng Yu was injured in the late part of the Yuan Ying, Bai Yichen, although Cheng Yu had a suspicion of a surprise attack, and Bai Yichen was in a hurry. However, the gap between the two is so large. It is reasonable to say that even if Bai Yichen is passive, he will not be injured, but the fact is not the case. It is really shocking!

Is this guy always hidden and cultivated as a realm? How else might this happen?

The anger is that these guys are a team with them. When they encounter difficulties, they don’t have the help. Now they have to subdue the precious fire giant king. This guy is still behind the knife, how not? angry!

"Hey! Deficiency? Despicable? Do you know how to write these words? On the lack of morality, despicableness, I can't beat you all! This fire giant king is kind enough to help you deal with strong enemies, but you are both defeated. When I don’t kill the poisonous Eudemons, I’m going to shoot the King of Fire King. You talk about it, who is better than the lack of virtue and despicableness?” Cheng Yuqiang endured the blood of his heart and looked coldly. The person who wants to play the fire feathers opposite.

Although everyone seems to be Cheng Yu’s sneak attack on Bai Yichen, he is victorious, but he knows his own affairs. After all, the realm of the two is there. He can be more orderly, but in the face of distraction, he still can't afford it!

"Hey! Who are we going to shoot, we don't need you to have a garbage in the Yuan Ying period here! You know, here is not what you have to say. You know, you apologize to my brother now, then go to the side. Otherwise, you don’t even know how to die!” Lu Yiyang’s eyes were full of killings, raising his long sword and pointing to Cheng Yu.

"Yes? It depends on whether you have this skill in the so-called master!" Cheng Yu sneered, and did not take the other party seriously!

"Looking for death!" Lu Yiyang screamed and shot directly to Cheng Yu!

Hey! Just when Shi Ji was in front of Cheng Yu and wanted to help him solve the other party, he was stopped by Cheng Yu. I saw him with both hands, and he suddenly appeared seven Yuan Ying around him, forming a thick golden defensive hood.

Hey! The defensive hood composed of seven yuan infants actually resisted a late attack! Everyone was shocked by the situation in front of me!

"Yuan Ying? Is that Yuan Ying? He actually has seven yuan infants? How is this possible?" The crowd reacted and watched the seven yuan infants around Cheng Yu with different expressions, hi, anger, and sadness. You are cute, but no one will think of these two words.

This is simply too horrible, a person actually has seven yuan infants! This kind of thing is simply unheard of! Completely broke their understanding of the cultivation of immortals!

Hey! But the shocking far is not over yet. I saw that there were four yuan infants around the fire feathers that had been frustrated. I saw the fire feathers recovering quickly, and its momentum is getting stronger. .

What is even more incredible is that Cheng Yu and the Fire Bird King have a blood red mark on their forehead!

"Blood contract? Is that a blood contract? So, this fire giant Wang Hao is not his magic pet?" Seeing the **** mark, someone has reacted.

At this time, everyone finally understands why Cheng Yu will be shot at this time. It turns out that this fire giant king is simply the magic pet of Cheng Yu! This is also a good explanation for why this Fire King King will appear here, and also help them fight against the big one.

Although Cheng Yu is only a late stage of Yuan Ying, but now his strength and momentum are not worse than any of them. www.ltnovel.com~ This makes everyone hesitate, I don't know what to do next?

Before they wanted to shoot the King of Fire Birds, they thought that this King of Fire Birds was just a beastless animal. If you can surrender and become your own magical pet, it must be a very worthy celebration.

But now they already know that Cheng Yu is the master of the Fire Bird King, and it is too strange to have Cheng Yu this kid. Even if he only has the Yuan Ying period, everyone will not dare to shoot Cheng Yu easily.

"Hey! Even if this fire giant king is your magic pet, what should you do? Don't think that you can scare me if you make a few yuan infants. Your Yuan Ying is more, but it is just a Yuan Ying period. Garbage, today I want you to die here, you will never go out again!" Lu Yiyang has just been shocked by Cheng Yu’s prestige, but he definitely does not believe that there are people in this world who really have seven Yuan Ying, this must be the illusion that this kid used to make a special method!

As long as he kills Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu’s **** relationship with the Fire King King will naturally disappear. At that time, he can also conquer the Fire Bird King!

"Ignorance, there must be its sadness, I will fulfill you!" Cheng Yu sneered, no fear that the other party is higher than him, so kill!

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