Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 820: He is too tired!

"Yi Lin! Yi Xuan! Quick withdrawal!" Seeing the situation is wrong, Bai Yichen has no heart to fight, Lu Yichen's enemies can only find opportunities to report later.

Because! If you don't leave, there is no chance!

I saw Bai Yichen waving on the long sword, and a sword would take Shi Ji to retreat for dozens of meters, then turned and rushed toward Ke Yixuan. Although Xinyao is very talented, Cheng Yu helped again and rushed to the realm of distraction. However, after all, the time is not long, it is very good to be able to fight with Ke Yixuan for so long without losing.

Now Bai Yichen suddenly rushed over here, where he lived and was knocked back by the two. Fortunately, Bai Yichen is not trying to kill Xin Yao, but let Ke Yixuan get out.

"Yi Lin! Go!" Bai Yichen shouted at Gu Yilin and flew away with Ke Yixuan.

On the other hand, Gu Yilin did not dare to fight again. Although the strength of the heart is not as good as himself, it is impossible for him to kill the other party, and Bai Yichen has ordered him to retreat. The sword is stabbed in the chest of the heart. Xinhe rushed to attack and defended his heart, giving the other side a gap to evacuate!

Gu Yilin no longer hesitated, turned into a white mans and flew out behind Bai Yichen!

"Hey!" Shi Ji obviously felt dissatisfied because he was tricked by the other side, and he was willing to let them go.

With a left hand turn, the forbidden soft glass circle appeared on the hand, and then smashed out toward the back of the three! The ancient Yilin followed behind, only to escape, did not notice the golden light coming from behind, the result was suddenly covered by the golden light.

Just as he was ready to run the aura and wanted to shake the golden circle, he found that he could not use the aura, and he was slowly retracing back by the **** golden circle, suddenly screaming!

"Brother! Save me!" Gu Yilin shouted.

Bai Yichen and Ke Yixuan heard a shout and looked back. They saw that Gu Yilin was pulled back and would return to save him. However, Shi Ji has already let Bai Yichen run, and he can let Gu Yilin run again. When he pulls him back, he also rushes up!

"Don't!" Gu Yilin has never been so feared for more than two hundred years. He watched Shi Ji rushing to his front and raised his sword, but he didn't have the ability to fight back!

"You dare!" Bai Yichen has not saved the hope of Gu Yilin, and suddenly roared!

Boom! In the face of Bai Yichen and Ke Yixuan, Shi Ji’s long sword did not stop any more, and directly penetrated into the purple house of Gu Yilin, and smashed its gods together!

"I am fighting with you!" Seeing another brother's body, Ke Yixuan face crazy, returning to kill, but was pulled by Bai Yichen.

"Go! Come to Japan, the two smiles, we will come back sooner or later!" Bai Yichen's face is gloomy and terrible, although he now wants to kill back to revenge, but his mind is sober, and reason makes him suppress the anger in his heart. At this time, go back and they will be here today.

I dare not hesitate any more, and Ke Yixuan, who is wearing red eyes, quickly left because he knows that the woman’s strength is not under him. If you are wrapped up by her, it is not so easy to get out.

Shi Ji took back the golden circle and looked at Bai Yichen and Ke Yixuan, who had no traces. At this time, Xinhe and Xinyao also followed up!

"Unfortunately let them run, and left two scourges!" Xinhe said with a worried face.

"I blame me for being too big. If I can just drag it for a while, they can't run!" Xinyao said with some annoyance.

The most taboo in the world of comprehension is that weeding can't remove the roots. It is always a shameful thing to think that someone is going to have their own life. It may be the key to ruining their lives. So Bai Yichen and Ke Yixuan are really not running. one little thing.

"There is no wind and wave that they can't afford. They will die again next time!" Shi Ji said with a calm face.

"But these people are not easy to see at a glance. I am worried about their background. If they have strong power behind them, then it will be troublesome! I don't know which force they came from?" Xinhe said with no worries.

He knows the strength of Shi Ji and knows that her thoughts are only embarrassing and unscrupulous. As for the consequences, she will not consider too much. The age of these people

Light but strength is not weaker than them, even stronger than them, these people can not come from the ordinary small martial art.

But what puzzles him is that in this world of cultivation, what other sects have such outstanding young disciples? The Fahong Temple is a monk, Xuan Tianzong and Tian Mo Zong, one evil and one demon. The two men’s exercises are not like the demon two factions. Is there a more powerful sect than the four hidden sects? This makes Xinhe very puzzled!

"Sister, you know that this world of comprehension, in addition to our four hidden sects, can there be other top forces?" Xinhe noticed the thoughtful expression of Xin Yao, and asked.

"In this world of cultivation, apart from our four hidden sects, there are indeed some top forces that are more powerful than the four hidden sects!" Xinyao said with some concern.

"What? Top powers that are better than the four hidden sects? Where are they? I never heard of it?" Xinhe said with amazement.

All along, in his heart, the four hidden sects are the most powerful martial art in the world, but I did not think that his casual question, there are really more powerful sects, how can this not be shocked?

"In addition to our Promise Palace, Fa Hong Temple, Xuan Tianzong and Tian Mo Zong, there are more mysterious nine-day comprehension families, but I have only heard of it from my father's mouth, I don't understand them!" Said.

"Nine major revisionists? There are still nine more powerful forces than the Promise Palace?" Xinhe was shocked again. He thought that one or two more was already shocking, but I did not expect nine. And he only knows now that this is too horrible!

"Now is not the time to say this, Cheng Yu still waiting for us!" Shi Ji was dissatisfied with the fact that the two men were still considering what the sects were, and said coldly, they took the lead and folded back!

"Is it right, and the enemy is waiting for us to kill? Let's go! After these battles are over, the sisters will tell us again!" Xinhe was also stimulated by Xinyao's words, and almost forgot Cheng Yu. Still holding on!

Xinyao nodded and went back with the heart of the river!

However, when the three people returned to Shi Ji, the situation was not as difficult as they thought, and the entire battlefield had already turned into a sea of ​​fire. I saw that Cheng Yu controlled the Xian Mota to suppress several strong men of distraction, and there was an early stage of distraction, a mid-distraction, and even a late distraction.

And under the fairy tower is the thunder rolling, screaming constantly! Those distracted and constantly hit the wall and want to break out. At the beginning of the thirty-sixth peak, Cheng Yu used this wind and thunder to trap eight peaks in the middle of the distraction.

There are also eight people in this battle, and they are all distracted, but the realm is different. Those who are in the late stage of distraction are rushed out with their own powerful strength.

However, the fate of waiting for them has not changed, because the rhyme and the heart are already in the law, and when someone rushes out, they will be killed! If you usually let them kill the late part of the distraction, they can't even think about it, but now they can almost rush out of the wind and thunder, and even if they have the power of the first battle, how long can they last? What? Just two of the distractions have been killed by the two of them!

However, these people are already good, and the worst is the other seven or eight distracted powers who are pegged by the fire feathers and giant poisonous animals. The phoenix of the fire feather can not only restrain the poisonous illusion, but it is also not the normal monk can resist. It must be known that this is the real best of the fire. Most of the matter between the heavens and the earth can be refining, let alone people.

If it’s not that the fire feathers will not be alchemy, these people are afraid that they will be refining adult dan! But what annoyed Firebird was that every time he trapped the enemy, he was swallowed by the tongue of the poisonous animal, and swallowed the enemy directly into the stomach. He also looked at the fire feather and looked up. It was simply not giving Fire feather face.

Then the fire feathers sighed, a big mouth, toward the poisonous beast is a sea of ​​fire, burning poisonous illusionous beasts everywhere. Although their two beasts are also fighting, but with their cooperation, it is very unambiguous to kill the enemy, one is responsible for the enemy, one is responsible for swallowing the enemy, it is a perfect partner!

The three people who have just returned from the heart of the river are stupid. The three of them and the two beasts have been trapped in this disappointment for more than a dozen distractions. I can’t imagine it!

"Teacher ~www.ltnovel.com~ let them go let us come!"

It was very difficult to see Cheng Yu trapping several distracted periods with the fairy tower. His face was pale and sweaty, and Xinhe shouted.

Because they have seen too many times, Cheng Yu forced the use of the power of the fairy tower to be countered. Even if the situation is already controlled, they can no longer let Cheng Yu overdraw!

Cheng Yu had long wanted to let go, but at that time they did not have reinforcements. Now they saw that the three of them had returned. Naturally, they did not say that they directly collected the fairy tower. The whole person sat on the ground like a mud!

"Cheng Yu! Cheng Yu! You are fine!" Xin Yao did not help in the past, there are Shi Ji and Xin He, plus they have already been injured by the fairy tower, there will be no suspense, and hurry I rushed to Cheng Yu and held it in my arms. I was worried.

"There is something, but there is a lot of feelings about holding you, you have to hug!" Cheng Yu reluctantly grinned and even fell asleep slowly.

Xin Yao looked at Cheng Yu's pale face and calmed her breath. She knew that along the way, Cheng Yu was too tired. He suffered too much. At this moment, even if she is not far away, there are people fighting, constantly making screams, but she can't hear anything. The whole world seems to have only her and Cheng Yu, only to hear Cheng Yu. Breathing, holding him tightly, let him sleep quietly! God level transfer student


The eighth chapter of the text is too tired for him!

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