Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 827: Painful pains!

"Hey, don't be excited, I just talk about it, just talk about it. I don't know what to do, they are so powerful, how can I do this stupid thing." Cheng Yu said with a smile, but in his heart It is not like this.

These two monsters can be extremely World of Warcraft, the Yuanjing in the body has a strong world of energy, for those who practice the same system of the monk is absolutely very precious baby.

And several of his women practiced the illusion of the Thousand Magic Doors. However, their cultivation is too low, and the illusion effect exerted by them is limited. Those who are high-ranking and even the more powerful masters can easily find their bodies. However, if they can raise their own speed, then the illusion they exerted will increase their natural power. Even if they are really seen by the other side, they can't keep up with their speed.

Therefore, Cheng Yu hopes to use this blasted double-headed eagle to help them improve their strength. Besides, in addition to this blasted double-headed eagle, the crystal of the iron armor is also very precious, because it can be used to enhance the defense ability of the monk.

You know, the strength of these two World of Warcraft is not lost to Jin Hao, if you get these two Yuan Jing, you can make a big profit. Therefore, Cheng Yu did not say it on his mouth, but he thought so in his heart. He had to find a way to get these two crystals.

"Yu Shidi, we are serious. The pressure that Jin Hao gave us before is big enough. Fortunately, it didn't shoot us, or we will be in danger. But the strength of either of these two Warcrafts is against gold. If you want to fight them, this is simply to find death." Xinhe knows that Cheng Yu is such a person who will not be targeted. Since Cheng Yu has opened up, it must have such an idea.

If these two World of Warcraft strength is weaker, but these two World of Warcraft are in the middle of the World of Warcraft, that is how many of them can play the idea.

Although he can give his life to Cheng Yu, but what should be seen, knowing that it can't be done, isn't it purely looking for death? This is meaningless death, of course he is not willing.

"Oh, how come? I don't even say that I just talked about it." Cheng Yu laughed again.

My heart is also figuring out whether or not I want to take the shot. If it is normal, he naturally does not dare to hit their ideas, but now two World of Warcraft are dead, if the shot is right, not the opportunity to get these two crystals.

But he did not dare to take it out, because now they are like Bai Yichen before them. When the fire feathers were injured, they shot. If it were not because of themselves, the fire feathers were quite dangerous. In the end, Kim Min Jong became his ally.

Now if he is also in an inappropriate time, the two World of Warcraft are also likely to form an ally to deal with them, then it is really worth the loss.

In this case, Cheng Yu only waited, waiting for this right time to appear.

In the battlefield, the two World of Warcraft strength is quite, one speed is very fast, one defense is super strong, this battle is difficult and wonderful.

The blast double-headed eagle is fast, and it flies in the air, the wings are fierce, and countless wind blades rush toward the iron armor. However, the iron mantle rhinoceros is the kind of dish that anyone can slaughter.

The body glowed with earthy yellow light, forming a shell-like defensive hood that completely wrapped it. These wind blades hit the hood and only heard the sound of ping-pong, those seemingly cut iron blades. It was easily blocked by this earthen rhinoceros.

"A good and powerful defensive ability, the power of this wind blade is afraid that our Yuanli hood can't stand for a long time, but this earthen rhinoceros is so easily blocked, if we can have such a defensive cover, then 岂It’s not the following attacks that can be ignored.” Looking at the sorcerer’s head, he snorted at the double-headed eagle flying around it, seeming to express his contempt for himself and his own pride. , Xinluo and others are both surprised and envious.

You must know that this kind of attack of the World of Warcraft is not even easy to follow in the late stage of the distraction, especially the violent and continuous attack. Perhaps the human monk can only be the strongest in the late invincible. Resist it down.

But how many such masters can be, I am afraid that even the masters of the late perfection of the distraction can only barely block.

Oh~. Call ~. It seems that this double-headed eagle is also

When the gas was reached, the two heads rang at the same time, and the wings spread more quickly, but the wind blade did not fly out, but the surrounding wind whistled, forming a strong wind suction, all toward the two-headed bird. Gathering away, this time, a huge wind blade is slowly forming in front of it.

Roar. The earth rhinoceros also seems to feel that this powerful turbulent force is too strong, and the khaki defensive hood outside the body is slowly turning into golden yellow, and everything around a few kilometers feels a huge downward Pulling the power, slamming them down hard.

Cheng Yu and others have opened the defensive hoods, resisting the gale that they are trying to **** their eagle to the double-headed eagle. However, the strong sense of gravity made them very uncomfortable. They only felt that the guilt in their body had to fall to the ground.

Puff puff. Cheng Yu’s several women were only repaired by Jin Dan. Where did they resist the two powerful forces, if they were blocked by Cheng Yu and others, they were directly sucked by the double-headed eagle.

However, this powerful gravity, even Cheng Yu, they can not afford to eat, not to mention his several women, and can no longer resist the pain in his heart, a blood spurted out.

"Receive." Cheng Yu saw the situation, where there are so many, directly put them into the seven layers of the fairy tower, let the formation help them recover.

"You can't hold it. Do you want to hide in it too." Cheng Yu's face was deformed by the wind, shouting at several brothers and sisters.

"I can still bear it. You put them in." Xinhe's face has already changed shape, but still insisting on his teeth.

Because he knows very well, such pressure is very helpful to his cultivation. Although it is very difficult, the oppression brought by such a strong person is the best to help him exercise his body and the gods.

Now he is already in the late stage of distraction, but his realm is Cheng Yu’s forcible breakthrough with the drug, which means that his own strength did not reach the critical point of the breakthrough. Although it took so long to run, he did It is indeed a late stage of distraction, but it is even more difficult for him to break through to the fit period.

Therefore, if you want to become stronger, you must be able to withstand the power that others cannot afford. You know, this opportunity is not there everywhere. Now these two extreme World of Warcraft are in battle, like the people of Xinhe, even if they have discovered their existence, they will not pay attention to them.

In the eyes of others, the distraction may be very powerful in the late stage, but in their eyes, the late part of the distraction is not the most powerful existence of the distraction period, and there is a great consummation in the later stage of the distraction, but there are those that are equivalent to invincible or close behind the big consummation. The peerless strong in the fit period.

And these two extreme World of Warcraft are not close to the fit period, it will certainly not be lower than the distraction of the late perfection, and will care about an ordinary human monk in the late distraction. Such a human being, it can kill a large kill.

And Cheng Yu, a late Yuan Ying, can only let them sneer at it. Such a person can sneeze a group of people by sneezing, so they even know Cheng Yu’s existence and they are not interested in them.

It is precisely because of this that they don't care about them, so now these pressures they are not suffering are not released by these extremely World of Warcraft in order to kill them. They don't have to worry about the other party killing them, they can try their best to sharpen themselves and improve. Yourself.

Xinhe understands this, so even if he is suffering a lot now, he must hold on. Because there is not a strong person who is full of distraction, he will give you such cultivation. He will thank you without killing you.

"I can also bear it, I don't need Yushi to help me." Although Xinluo only had a distraction, his face looked pale and his body was shaking, but he also chose to suffer.

Look at a few other people, including the two women in the middle of the distraction, and they are all sticking their teeth. Because this reason, almost all the monks understand ~www.ltnovel.com~ can only see which step you insist on. It is.

Don't look at this group of people, Cheng Yu has the lowest realm, but he has the fairy tower protector. Although this power is strong, it is still within his acceptable range.

Cheng Yu saw that they all insisted on this, and did not persuade them, because this is for themselves, this is indeed a rare way to experience.

Strong gravity does not only affect Cheng Yu, they

Although the double-headed eagle is still violently flapping its wings and gathering the gale, its speed of fanning is obviously slower.

Cheng Yu can also feel that the pulling force of the gale is getting smaller, but the influence of gravity is getting bigger and bigger. Under the influence of gravity, the double-headed eagle not only slows the frequency of the wings, but even the body begins to sink. It is only how powerful the earthcraft's gravity is.

Looking at the double-headed eagle getting closer and closer to the ground, Earth Warcraft seems to be a little excited, and the golden defensive cover wrapped around the body is getting brighter and brighter, which shows that gravity has once again increased.

Puff puff. Xinluo, Xinluo and Xinmei were the first to stand up, and a blood spurted out. The whole person was pressed down by a mountain and instantly fell to the ground.

"Let go of my rebellion against me." Cheng Yu shouted, and then directly sucked in the three.

"You also go in." Cheng Yu looked at the heart of the heart and heart Yao, still shouting loudly. Nowadays, even Cheng Yu has a fairy tower that can't afford it. When this power is so large, there is no meaning of cultivation, and only harm is brought.

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