Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 829: Not at all! retreat!

"Kill." Cheng Yu knows that this earthen rhinoceros is already the end of the strong, but this does not mean that they will be able to kill each other. The strength of this guy has been seen, and it will not steal the chicken. .

The fairy tower flew out of the body of Cheng Yu, and instantly turned into a mountain like a forest of magical rhinoceros. I saw a few purple runes flying in the tower.

嗞拉.嗞拉. A total of 18 purple runes, after flying out, they were instantly put into the array, and the power of lightning was quickly intertwined into the power grid. The power was huge and it looked very scary.

The wind and thunder have been completed, and the purple lightning has begun to come down together.

Roar. Speed ​​is not the strength of the earth and the rhinoceros, not to mention the fact that it is still seriously injured, and there is no way to face the enemies of the fairy tower.

Even the thunder and lightning on the top of the head can only be hardened, but fortunately, Cheng Yu’s realm is not high. These thunders have limited power and cannot kill it.

The thunder was on its golden defensive hood, just letting its defensive hood flash a few times and disappeared directly, and did not cause too much damage, which gave its heart some comfort.

However, no matter whether the Thunder can make it hurt again, it is always unacceptable to be attacked by a human being, and the ants can still bite like it. So many Thunder bombards, that is, its defensive cover will be stronger. Exhausted.

Now it is seriously injured. If you can't find a chance to escape, its life is really threatened. You know, there is a big cockroach that is not far from it.

The reason why they can't change themselves now is because its defensive cover is still there, but if this layer of protection disappears, even if it is a high-end mid-range, Warcraft will die here.

Roar. So it can't stand it, exploding the little remaining power in his body, and gravity appears again. I saw that the eighteen purple runes that had been formed into a formation method began to shake at this time.

"Not good. The wind and thunder array is affected by gravity." Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu was nervous.

Others may not feel it, but this fairy tower is his, he can clearly perceive that the eighteen runes are pressed down by a powerful force.

What he can do is that these runes cannot be pulled by gravity anyway. Otherwise, the formation has been broken, and they will not be able to break the defensive cover of this earthen rhinoceros.

On the other side, Shi Ji and Xin Yao replaced the golden eagle to enclose the double-headed eagle. Obviously, this double-headed eagle is heavier than the earthen rhinoceros.

The double-headed eagle belongs to the attacking type of Warcraft, so the defense is weak, and the rhinoceros horn of the one-meter long of the earth magic rhinoceros is inserted into the abdomen, which brings too much damage to it.

Just now, it used its little remaining power to scare the earthen rhinoceros. I didn't expect to really scare the earth and the rhinoceros. Originally thought that it retired, he could live, but it did not think that at such a critical moment, this group of small humans also played their ideas.

However, it does not have the strong defense of the earth and the rhinoceros. These two small human beings have already threatened its life. However, both Xinyao and Shiji did not shoot, not that they did not dare, but that the two-headed eagle became more and more languid, and they did not have to take risks to fight with it, but let them fall.

They have time, but the time of this double-headed eagle is not much, let it be self-defeating. However, the double-headed eagle did not give up, nor did it know whether it was a return to light or a fear of death. The wings of the double-headed eagle swayed again.

The look of Shi Ji and Xin Yao is somewhat dignified. No one of these extreme Warcraft is provoked. In the face of death, they will not easily compromise.

This time, the double-headed eagle did not gather the giant wind blade again. It may be that the real power was exhausted, and all the released ones were small wind blades. However, these small wind blades were not able to be stopped casually. Shi Ji and Xin Yao hurriedly jumped away. The trees behind them were instantly cut into powder, and with a strong explosion, the power could not be underestimated.

However, the double-headed eagle is also fighting. Maybe it knows that it is going to die here today, and it is no longer reserved. It is not the only way to release the wind blade against Shi Ji and Xin Yao.

However, under the intensive wind blade attack, the two

I have to avoid the wind blade.

Booming. Both of them are also in the late stage of distraction. Although the defense can not match the earthen rhinoceros, it is still good, but even if it is so strong, they can barely block the first few, and they can’t stop it. The wind blade flew.

Hey. The two men squirted blood, but they could not get close to the body of the double-headed eagle.

"Soft glass ring. Out." Shi Ji did his best to avoid the wind blade, and then took out his own forbidden jade ring, the nephrite circle flew out from Shi Ji's hand, avoiding the wind blade, hanging After the double-headed eagle's head became bigger, it was directly covered.

I saw the soft glass ring shrinking, and the two wings of the double-headed eagle were stuck, and Shi Ji wanted to use the soft glass ring to directly expel the other party, but I could not do it.

It turns out that this banned soft glass circle can't play its special ability to Warcraft, because Warcraft does not use Reiki, and they have no aura in the body, only the heaven and earth energy.

This kind of thing is not the first time. The last time Shi Ji used it to deal with Jin Hao was directly swallowed by the other party. That is because Jin Jin is a different animal, and it is not using aura.

But even then, the soft glass circle at least stuck the other party, unable to let it flap the wings, the wind blade naturally disappeared.

Grab this opportunity, Xinyao will not let go, holding a sword in his hand and stabbing one of the heads of the double-headed eagle.

Hey. Double-headed, I saw the other head of the double-headed eagle making a scream, but Xinyao was not soft, and the sword was drawn. There was a blue crystal body inside, which was caught by Xinyao. on.

At this time, Shi Ji’s long sword was also shot, piercing another head of the double-headed eagle and flying out another blue crystal nucleus, which is Yuan Jing.

Losing his head and Yuan Jing, the double-headed eagle can only be instinctively struggling and there is no movement. The two looked at the Yuan Jing in their hands, and they were happy in their hearts. Although the battle between the two of them also experienced some twists and turns, after all, they were the two crystals.

This Yuanshi of Warcraft is not ordinary, even if it is held in the hand, you can feel the amazing ability inside, but now they can not attract this energy.

Xinyao has never seen Yuanjing of the World of Warcraft, watching this crystal clear Yuanjing shine like a diamond, and some of them love it.

Yuan Jing of the World of Warcraft is also very rare in the major auctions of the real world. Even if you see it, it is generally the ordinary element of the first-class Chinese.

This time, if it was not the same as the same level of the earth and the rhinoceros, she could not imagine that she could get rid of a high-end Chinese-class Warcraft and remove its Yuanjing.

Although she was excited, she did not last long, because Cheng Yu was still fighting. Shi Ji and Xin Yao both killed the double-headed eagle, and Cheng Yu so many people did not kill the earth and the rhinoceros, and even fell into a hard battle, not their strength is not good.

But these two kinds of Warcraft properties are not the same, although the World of Warcraft is slightly weaker, but the victory is strong, they are not able to kill each other even if they are strong, if it is against the double-headed eagle, in this case, it is early Even the **** is not left.

Cheng Yu has already been sweating, not only because the 18 purple runes in the fairy tower have been affected by gravity, even the fairy tower and himself have been affected by gravity, which makes it bear The pressure is three times bigger than others. How can it not be bitter?

Snapped. Finally, Cheng Yu couldn't bear it anymore. He directly collected the eighteen runes into the fairy tower, gave up the wind and thunder, and then collected the fairy tower into the body.

With the demon tower protector, Cheng Yu not only has to bear the pressure of the 18 runes and the fairy tower, but even the pressure on his own is much smaller.

There is no magic tower in the process, but several other people are not so good. The influence of gravity makes it difficult for them to attack. As a result, except for Cheng Yu, the impact is small, and the rest is only golden, and even the fire feathers bear I can't afford it, I can't get close to the soil.

"Everyone will withdraw quickly." Cheng Yu knows that now is the strongest defense of the earth and the rhinoceros, even if Jin Hao can resist this gravity ~www.ltnovel.com~ but want to break the other's defensive cover is very difficult.

And Cheng Yu is quite, such a powerful force, this is a serious injury to the soil

It won't be long before the show, so I will retreat for the time being.

When I heard Cheng Yu’s words, everyone couldn’t manage that much, and when I thought about it, I sneaked into Cheng Yu’s mountain river map. Under such a powerful gravity, let alone fight, even if it is difficult to protect itself, but also a fart.

Cheng Yu took everyone and the two beasts into the picture of the mountains and rivers, then quickly slid out.

Roar. Although the earth and the rhinoceros couldn't understand how Cheng Yu took these people away, but they saw that these greedy guys ran away, it was also a sigh of relief, but fortunately their defense is strong enough, even if they are seriously injured, these are not these The younger generation can be provoked.

But now it does reach a very weak point. The most important thing is the injury on the head. The break of the rhino horn also makes its strength suffer a lot. It has to leave here to find a safe place to hide and recover. .

"It's a pity. I didn't expect the defense of this earthen rhinoceros to be so powerful. Even if it couldn't kill it, if it wasn't hurt, we wouldn't even have a chance to escape." In the mountain river map, the pale face is somewhat After fear, there are some pity.

"Oh, if it is normal, we certainly don't dare to attack its idea, but this time, it can't escape death." Cheng Yu sneered, and the tentative battle just made him consume a lot, but he didn't plan to do it. So let go of this earthen rhinoceros.

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