Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 839: Who is breaking!

"My exquisite Ding can't hold it. It hurts my soul. I need you to go out and help me to meet." Cheng Yu said a little trembling.

Cheng Yu opened the situation outside for them. Everyone took a sigh of relief. Because even Cheng Yu let them see the situation outside. They also can't see anything. I saw a piece of black pressure outside. Countless remnants of the moon blasted on the exquisite tripod. Let everyone be trembled.

"Yu Shidi. We really want to go out. So many scorpions. Let's go out. We won't be cut into pieces directly." Look at these scorpions and don't want to die. Xinluo feels that every attack on them is on his own. From the inside out. No place doesn't hurt. How dare he go out at this moment.

"Hey. Look at your guts and fortune." Cheng Yu spurted another blood. His face is a bit whitish. He already felt that the defense of the exquisite Ding was about to be broken. I also don't care if my soul is hurt. Quickly print with both hands.

I saw the exquisite Ding outside suddenly hangs. The distance from the ground half feet began to spin at a rapid speed.

Boom. Linglong trip suddenly ran out. A group of donkeys flew out. Open a long passage. But these gaps are only a moment. Once again, it was added by other nephews.

However. Linglong Ding is a chaos with no direction. Don't let it sit still. Let these scorpions attack. Although this is very stressful for him. Because there is no time to recover for him. But he can only say that.

Linglong Ding is like crazy. It’s not that you’re hitting everywhere, you’re dying into the group of scorpions. However, such a result has little effect.

"Teacher. I and Xin Yao's younger brother. And Shi Ji, Jin Yu first go out." See the situation outside. In addition, Cheng Yu is under increasing pressure. Heart River finally couldn't help it. Said the opening.

"Yeah. You are careful." Cheng Yu nodded. This time is not the time for him to be able to. Now he urgently needs a rest. Someone needs someone to help him open his eyes. What's more, the three of them are all part of the distraction. There is still a strong advantage in this battle. And Kim Min. It is a high-end medium-class Warcraft. More powerful than the three of them. There will be a loss.

Mindful thoughts. Let Xinhe, Shi Ji and Jin Yu go out. Cheng Yu will follow the exquisite Dinghua to follow Shi Ji.

"Now the mountain river map and the Linglong trip are open to you. If you want to go out or come in, just communicate your thoughts with them. I have to rest." Cheng Yu said to the rest. To prevent accidents. Cheng Yu let go of all the permissions. Now they are free to enter and exit his magic weapon. And he closed his eyes.

"Sister. It is really uncomfortable to see him like this. I thought that as long as we work hard to cultivate, we can fight with him. Help him solve problems. But finally found. We can only become his bottle of flowers." Yang Ruoxue Cheng Yu's face is white. The status is not very good. I am very sad in my heart. It’s even more useless for yourself.

"You care more. You can protect you. It is a pleasure for Cheng Yu. Because it can protect the people you like. It is a kind of happiness. It is like you. Not wanting to protect Cheng Yu." Said a few women. Said with a smile. They solved their knots.

"But we can't keep up with his footsteps anyway. In the end, I will only find that the gap with him is getting farther and farther." Lan Ya said with a depressed face.

"Oh. I think this confusion is not only for you. We all face the same problem. We are two or three hundred years old. But in this real world. Such age is very young. But we also I have seen a lot of comprehension geniuses.

But like Cheng Yu. We really saw it for the first time. Or there have never been such a person in thousands of years of comprehension. At least in the documentation I have seen. I have never heard of the Yuan Ying period with such a cow.

From the current situation. Although his realm is the Yuan Ying period. But the strength has reached the strength of the late distraction. The whole is a big higher than his realm. This makes us the people who have reached the distraction period is really shame. "He Yun Yun looked at Cheng Yu who closed his eyes and raised his spirit. The depression in his heart could not be described in words. This is simply a metamorphosis. It is a monster.

Before they came to the world to help him. Although her is also in the middle of distraction. However, her strength is stronger than Cheng Yu. But this is how long it took. Although Cheng Yu’s realm has not improved. But his strength is constantly improving. Such a heterogeneous. They are not only envious of hatred. I can't afford other emotions either.

"Sister. You don't have to be arrogant. Your talent is also obvious to all of us. I believe that it will take a long time. You will be able to enter the late stage of distraction. At that time, it will definitely not be worse than Cheng Yu." Yang Ruoxue saw the heart in his eyes. Lost. Hurry and say.

However, her words are not for the sake of heart rhythm. It is sincere and sincere. Although the rhyme is only in the middle of distraction. But her strength is indeed able to fight the ordinary distraction later. This talent will definitely not be worse than the heart of the river. Even more powerful.

It was only in the beginning that Xinhe was forced to use the medicinal herbs to carry the realm. The heart rhyme is to hope to complete the advancement through their own strength.

"Well. I already feel that I am close to the bottleneck. I believe that as soon as the time comes, I will be able to reach the end of distraction." For his talent. The heart is still very confident. Although it can't be compared with a different kind of Cheng Yu.

I think that I am only one step away from the end of my distraction. I am still very much looking forward to it. Partial distraction. She has been waiting for this for too long.

"Sister. Are you going to break through?" Xin Luo and Xin Hai, who stood next to each other, heard that the rhyme was about to break through. Said with a look of envy.

"It should be faster. Now it is a chance." The heart nodded.

"Hey. I really admire the sister. We don't know when we can break through. It doesn't matter if we have to go through a hundred years." Xinhai looked helplessly and sighed.

The same is the late part of the distraction. Their strength with the rhyme is still too far. People are not afraid of the late part of God. And he. Even the strongest in the middle of the distraction can't beat. The rhyme in front of you is one of them.

"When will you be able to sink your heart to practice? You will be faster." The rhyme looked at the two men.

"Oh." The two men were speechless. They are a very embarrassing character. Where is it that you can sink your heart and sink your heart. It seems that I want to break through to the late part of the distraction. I really have to wait a hundred years later.

"Two brothers. Since you want to break through. Why don't you let Cheng Yu help you." Han Xue said.

"Hey. We also think. And we have already asked Yu Shidi. Not all distractions can forcibly break through the realm in the middle of the disappointment. It is necessary to reach the peak of the mid-divided period. We are now at the peak of our strength. The situation is still far away. The heart rhythm sister and the heart-sister can definitely be. But how can they bother to use the medicinal herbs to improve?" Xin Luo said with disappointment.

"For the monk, the realm is important. But the realm does not represent the whole strength. Yu Shidi is your best example. He is still only in the Yuan Ying period. But when have you seen him for the realm?" The rhyme is against the two younger brothers, but it is unceremonious criticism.

"Sister. This is what I said. But the realm of Yu Shidi can kill the late part of the distraction. Of course he does not worry about improving the realm. But we can't do it. In addition to improving the realm, we can't do such crazy things." The heart of the sea is bitter.

If you have the ability to kill the late part of the distraction. Will not be anxious to enhance the realm. The problem is that they don't have the ability. In addition to relying on the realm to pull up the strength. Is there any way?

"Yes. Yu's strength and talent are really not what we can compare. But apart from this. Yu Shidi has a little you can learn. That is the state of mind. Although he is not as good as you. But in the state of mind, you are far from good." He. This is why he can always improve his strength. And you can only rely on the realm to improve the strength.

No matter how dangerous the situation is. When did you see that he was lost? He will always be able to calm down and face everything ~www.ltnovel.com~ to talk about Cheng Yu's state of mind. Even the rhyme is envious.

Cheng Yu is not old. In his own words. He is only twenty years old. However, Cheng Yu gave her the same feeling as the older masters in the martial art. This state of mind. It is simply the accelerator of Xiuxian. This also makes Cheng Yu's strength like a rocket.

"Hey." Xinluo and Xinhai can only shake their heads and smile.

"Hey. I tell you. Don't think that you will bring the realm up. Your strength will be improved by a leap. With your state of mind. Even if it really breaks into the late part of the distraction. It is just an ordinary one." In the late period of distraction, the monk has gone. And the breakthrough with the remedy itself has great flaws. If you can't overcome this defect, your Xiuxian Road can't go far." Xin Yun saw that these two guys couldn't help the mud. wall. The heart is even more annoyed.

"Sister. Don't be angry. We will listen to you. I will try my best to calm down and practice. I will try to break through to the distraction as soon as possible." I saw my heart angry. The two did not dare to anger her tiger.

"Hey. You can do it yourself." The rhythm of the heart is not iron. Turned around. Ignore them anymore.

Boom. But at this time. The two hills in the distant mountains and rivers suddenly made two loud noises. And the spirit of heaven suddenly flows. Aura, like two ribbons, flows to two hills.

"Breakthrough." Cheng Yu suddenly opened his eyes. Looking at the two hills ahead, excitedly said.

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