Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 841: I have more than enough strength!

Hey. Just when everyone gathered around Yuan Jing, suddenly felt the trembling under his feet, and a loud roar sounded. Everyone looked down and there was something moving.

"Be careful." A huge ray of light in the darkness struck the crowd, and the heart of the river shouted and flew away from the hills where Yuanjing was piled up.

Others were awakened by the heart of the river, and they saw this light, and they flew down from Yuanjing Hill.

Everyone looked at the huge monsters that seemed to emerge from the earth, and they were shocked. This turned out to be a giant scorpion king that was dozens of times larger than those who could not kill them.

Hey. Xinluo swallowed his throat unconsciously, and trembled: "Master brother. We are really in trouble now, what can we do now?"

As far as the surface of this giant python is concerned, at least the intermediate level is extremely high-end Warcraft, which is equivalent to the peak of the human distraction. How can we not worry?

"Now there is no way out before, there is no retreat after, we can only kill it." Xinhe said helplessly.

If possible, he doesn't want to fight this big scorpion. This guy is obviously much more powerful than him. It's not good for everyone to die here today.

"White Devil, we haven't had a fight for a long time, this first battle can not let the young master disappointed." The Dark Devil looked at the big blind man.

"Yes, we owe too much to the young master. This big scorpion is even the first gift we gave to the young master." The white devil nodded.

Since the two followed Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu has been letting them practice in the mountain river map and restore their strength. In order to enable them to restore their strength, Cheng Yu also made a lot of efforts, including sending them a lot of cultivation of medicinal herbs and recovery of medicinal herbs.

Although these medicinal herbs did not restore their strength, but these medicinal drugs are all worthy of the precious medicinal herbs, their value can not be estimated, and Cheng Yu never asked them anything, except that there is no practical point. The dead wood sacred thing.

Later, Cheng Yu helped them break the barriers of the heavens and completely broke the suppression of their realm by Tiandao, and then they were able to gradually recover their strength.

Both of them felt too grateful to Cheng Yu, and he was very glad that he chose to follow Cheng Yu. Cheng Yu said yes, he will not let them down.

Cheng Yu did so much for the two of them, the only thing they could do was to restore their strength as soon as possible, and then become Cheng Yu's arm, helping him to be the Supreme Supreme.

Now they have the strength of distraction, although not very strong, but not too weak, at least they are much stronger than their original Golden Year.

If the realm of the two people is not defeated, this giant can not enter their eyes, but now they have recovered to the late part of the distraction, and it is still worse than this giant.

But the two will never be afraid, they have to help Cheng Yu solve this first trouble.

"The konjac knives." The black magic did not say anything, and took the lead in attacking the head of this giant.

"Wind and Devil Shadow Knife." The White Devil followed closely, and turned into several afterimages and rushed up, constantly attacking on the head of the donkey.

"Good tyrants, sisters, who are the two of them." Xinhe saw this black and white two old people in front of this extreme World of Warcraft did not have the slightest fear, and the knife is very overbearing, this time forced this huge蝎 continually retreating, both shocked and curious.

"They are fifty years ago, the whole Xuan Tianzong sent people to chase them." Xin Yun said.

"You mean the dark magic white demon of the demon sect. But how can they be here. No, the black magic white devil is not a master of the Mahayana period. They are only after the distraction." Xinhe said with a surprised face, there is no heart in the heart. Less doubts.

Although they have never seen the black and white two demons, after all, the masters of the Mahayana period are not easily seen, but the two names of the black magic white magic are absolutely in the realm of comprehension. How many people's hearts were touched by Xuan Tianling, who was released by Xuantian Tianzong.

However, what everyone has speculated is what the two men did to Xuantian. Why Xuantianzong wants to make the order of the Heavenly Heaven Order to kill the two men. This has always been a mystery.

"In the past, they were indeed the black and white guardian of the demon sect, but they are all followers of Yu Shidi, as for them.

The realm seems to have been defeated by Xuan Tianzong during that escape. "The heart rhyme said.

"They are the followers of Yu Shidi. How have they never seen it, and have not heard him talk about it." Xinhe said with surprise.

Before the event of Xuantian Tianzong, the black and white magic is fierce, and with the strength of their Mahayana period, who dares to provoke. Now the two are chased by Xuantianzong, and the realm is defeated. The two strong men who were originally on the top have become the followers of their own younger brothers. I think that it is really a godsend, and I have to admire Cheng Yu’s means. It is certainly not a simple matter to make two people become his followers.

"Hey. The secrets of the kid will be less. They have been hidden in the mountains and rivers map, how can you know that they just broke through the realm in the mountains and rivers, we only know about this." There is no secret to let him say it, and the heart is very curious.

"They just recovered to the late part of the distraction." Xinhe said with surprise.

Looking at the two people who are killing gods, Xinhe’s heart is both shocked and embarrassed. These two people are not the masters of the Mahayana period. They did not expect to have such strength until they recovered to the distraction. Even now he I am afraid I can't do this.

"It is true." Although the rhyme is also very reluctant to believe in all this, she has to accept this fact.

"Sister, then you can know what happened to the two people at the beginning. The Xuantianzong who was provoked was so eager to chase down the two." Xinhe asked curiously.

"You ask me who to ask." The heart rhyme said without anger.

I believe that people who want to know the ins and outs of this are not only them, but they and Cheng Yu don’t say that they are never known.

"How. Yu Shidi did not tell you." Xinhe said. He thinks that Cheng Yu is so refreshing, he should tell them.

"I don't have this relationship with him, maybe he told you, you can ask him." The rhyme remembered Cheng Yu refused to tell her the secret, her heart was upset, perhaps like that sentence said The most painful thing in the world is that the secret answer is in front of you, but you don't know.

"Sisters look at what you said, to say that Yu Shidi is the most trusted person. If he doesn't even say it, then I will ask questions again." Xinhe said.

The heart rhyme stunned the heart of the river without a word, and the words of Xinhe could not be denied.

Booming. The giant cockroach suddenly violently appeared to be injured by two black and white figures.

"The two old men are really awkward characters. Even the extremely high-end World of Warcraft has been hurt by them. It seems that we have saved." Xinluo now admires the two old men.

"Where are you saying so simple, they are still the masters of the Mahayana period, such a very high-end Warcraft is naturally easy, but now they, although initially occupied the upper hand, will hurt it, but these injuries can not It’s fatal. And it will even irritate this giant king. It seems that we have to be in real danger.” Xin Yun shook his head and worried.

The black and white magic knife method is indeed overbearing, but their current realm is still quite different from this giant king. It is impossible for them to kill this giant king.

But to their gratitude, these blind people seem to know that their bosses shot, give them the opportunity to show their skills, they are far outside, not besieged them, or else they are so relaxed, perhaps this is Warcraft The majesty of the king, ordinary Warcraft is not afraid to offend.

Hey. I saw that the Dark Lord had inserted a knife into the back of the King of the Giants. The King of the Kings roared again and again, and the huge tail was back, and he shot directly toward the Dark Lord.

Boom. Just as the tail of the scorpion was about to approach the Dark Lord, a white figure suddenly popped out, and a big knife blocked the giant tail. The Dark Lord seized the opportunity and gave the big knife that was inserted into the scorpion. Pulled it out.

Hey. Hey. However, the King of the Kings was obviously not reconciled, and the tail of the scorpion continued to move back and forth, attacking the two people, leaving the two men without the offensive.

"It's time for us to shoot." Xin Yun said, now the giant king is almost crazy ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ black and white magic has no previous advantage, under their violent attack, they are already losing .


The river nodded and rushed straight up, and the others did not fall behind, causing the attack of their own hands and constantly attacking the giant king.

Hey. Seeing that so many people were attacking around the giant king, the scorpions who watched the war in the periphery suddenly moved and wanted to help them grow up.

Roar. However, at this time, the giant king yelled, and these scorpions actually retreated. It seems that this scorpion king does not admit defeat, it must defeat these small human beings with the pride of the king.

The two big pliers are sometimes opened to clamp these humans, and sometimes they squat down to the ground and want to kill them directly. However, although they are not as good as this giant king, but which one did not experience life and death in the battle, it will be so easily hit by it.

However, despite this, under the violent attack of Kings, they are also very difficult to find opportunities to hurt the giants. Besides, these giants are dozens of times larger than those who are huge. There is no difference between the person and the ant in front of this giant king. Even if the giant king is injured, it will not be able to kill it. It will bring more anger and more violent counterattacks.

"No, with our strength, it is not enough to kill this scorpion, unless Yu Shidi is there, he may have a chance to kill it with his magic weapon." Under the attack of the giant king, Xinluo is full. Head sweating, a little careless at any time may be hit by this big guy, but it is not dead to lose half life,

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