Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 857: The battle is getting worse!

When everyone thinks that the rock will be swallowed by the swallow. I saw that the rock suddenly appeared on the top of the swallowing hunter in a way that no one could imagine.

Take the 扼天符 in your hand. A palm sticks to the forehead of the swallowing genius.扼天符白光 flashes. Directly immersed in the head of the swallowing mysterious crow.

Successful. See this situation. Everyone is excited. Finally, the talent of this big guy was once again suppressed.

However, the situation from the rock at this time can not be as good as imagined. The swallowing hunter naturally knows that he has been counted again by humans. A glimpse of the head. Will be picked up from the rock. Change your body quickly. Use your own claws to grab the rock that will be thrown away.

Although the repair from the rock is not bad. It is already a very powerful master in the late part of the distraction. But caught by a strong person in the fit period. That is not what he wants to escape.

I saw the claws of the swallowing crows getting tighter and tighter. The force from the rock is getting heavier and heavier. His face has changed.

"Fast. Must be saved from the rock." The young son saw the success of the rock and the scorpion into the brain of the swallowing hunter was originally a happy thing. But now the situation from the rock is not good now. Something is anxious in my heart.

But this is not an easy task. Because even if the swallowing genius is now losing its ability to swallow. But now there are countless devours of the crows in front of them.

But fortunately, because the talent of swallowing the genius is cursed. The huge black vortex has also disappeared. They want to save the rock. Unless they kill all the swallowing blackjacks surrounded by them.

But in a short time. They obviously did not have the ability to save the rock. In particular, they are only the talent of swallowing the sky. These devours of the genital **** did not curb them.

Boom ~ bang ~ bang ~. But they can't take care of that much. A burst of bursts was thrown at the front of the swallowing blackjack. Everyone moved towards the swallowing scorpion.

"Yu Shidi. These guys are really prepared. There are so many bursts on the body. If it is used on us. I am afraid that there will be no **** left by the bomb." Rude killing mode. Xinhe and others all feel cold and sweat in their hearts. Fortunately, their current enemy is the black ravens.

"Since Situ family is a Danfu family. It is not surprising that there are so many characters on the body. What I am worried about now is whether they have the ability to solve these geniuses." Cheng Yu said with some concern.

"You are not saying that you want them to exhaust the bursts and say it. We will help us when we go down. I must have solved too many problems with these jabs," said Xinluo.

"But I am afraid that the fairy tower can't last for so long." Cheng Yu looked at the fairy tower hanging over his head and had already shaken very sharply. However, the devour of the genius who came to attack them did not decrease. It is possible for them to break through the defense at any time.

"Hey. Don't think that if we lose both of you, you can profit. If we lose, you can't escape here. If you know each other, you will quickly get out of the turtle shell. Let's solve the crisis in front of you." Young People are now full of anger.

The burst of the body is almost exhausted. But there are so many black ravens in front of them. Especially from the rock is still struggling in the claws of the swallowing mysterious crow.

And Cheng Yu these guys actually huddled in that extraordinary magic weapon. A pair of appearances look like they are fighting. How is your heart not angry?

But he seems to have completely forgotten. There is no such thing as Cheng Yu. It was his own hard to pull Cheng Yu into them. Speaking of fire. Cheng Yu has a bigger fire in their hearts. I was completely dragged down by the scum of these Stuart family.

"You are also very embarrassed to say this. If it is not because of your scum. We have already passed through this forest. I will be trapped here. I also said that I am a family of nine. It is simply for the nine family. Smudged." The heart of the sea has long been unhappy with each other. Said with a look of anger.

"You'd better expect me to die here. Or else. It's you guys who die." The young man looked at Cheng Yu a group of people with a sullen look.

"How. I want to threaten us. I tell you. Xiaoye, I live so much. I am afraid of anything. I am not afraid of threats. But you are right. You still

Is to find ways to save your companions. Be able to live and talk about it. "The heart of the sea is not weaker than the young son. Although it is repaired. The heart is still a level with others. But at this moment. He is looking at the other party can not be how to treat him."

Anyway, they are not the same kind of people. Even if he is a nine-generation family. If he died here. Who knows that he is the nine family? He wants to get himself. Why don’t you want to kill him?

"Okay. Ok. Ok. You will pay for your stupidity." The young man was really ruined by the heart. I even said three good words. The murder on the face is on the scene. If I don’t want to open myself now. I must have already raised the sword to the heart of my heart.

"Then we will wait and see." Xinhai said indifferently.

The young man did not pay any attention to him. Instead, I pulled out a few bursts again. Turn all the anger into the swallowing of the crow.

"Heart. You shouldn't irritate him so much. Since the other is a family of nine great families, they are absolutely not as simple as we think. If he really has the ability to survive. Then we have added a new one to the Promise." Big trouble." Heart rhyme said to the heart of the sea.

"Sister. This is not what I want to anger him. Say it again. Even if I don't irritate him. With his despicable character. If he really survives, he will let us go." Xinhai is not in favor Rhyme this weak idea.

The "you" rhyme still wants to say it again but was interrupted by Cheng Yu.

"Sister. That's it. It's already like this. We have no choice. And the heart of the sea is not unreasonable. These people are not good people at first glance. Even if we want to live in peace with them. They are not." I will think so. Big deal, we will kill these people. At that time, the Nine Great Family will know that we are the people of the Promise Palace." Cheng Yu said.

Cheng Yu’s principle of being a man is that people don’t commit me. I am not guilty. If anyone commits me. I must be a prisoner. Whether or not these people are really jealous of his magic weapon. Still really want to kill them to vent their anger. He can't sit still. Anyone slaughtered.

As long as the time is ripe. He will naturally choose to start with a strong hand. Will not give the other side any chance to fight back.

"It is best. Otherwise, how can we return to the Promise Palace in the future." Xin Yun also knows that Cheng Yu said it makes sense. However, she has never agreed to erect too many enemies outside. Especially the nine family that suddenly popped up.

I have never heard of it before. But until now. Their understanding of the nine great families is unfathomable. Get into such a family. Not a good thing. She does not want to leave a bane to the Promise.

But in her heart. Still feel that if you can reconcile it is better. Kill the other side and remove the roots. Not the top choice.

"Now, for whatever reason, or to save our own lives. We all have to shoot. The defense of the fairy tower is about to break. But you must be careful about the people of the Situ family. You must not rely on them. Too close.

The worry of the sister is not without reason. As one of the nine major families. Especially a Danfu family. We must be careful. If there is no absolute certainty. It is best not to create conflicts that are good.

So once there is a chance. We still have to find a way to leave. Instead of really fighting them. That is not in our interest. Moreover, they do not know our identity. Don't worry about the identity of our Promise Palace leaking. Everyone must focus on the overall situation. Don't be tempted. Cheng Yu looked at the crumbling fairy tower. He was ready to fight. He gave the final explanation to everyone.

"Do not worry. Yu Shidi. We will focus on the overall situation." Xinhe and others nodded. The weapons were held in their hands. Ready to fight to kill the enemy.

"Everyone is ready. Kill." Cheng Yu nodded. Receive the fairy tower. Everyone suddenly fought with the swallowing of the black ravens.

And on the side of the rock. The power of the fit period prevented him from breaking the claws of the swallowing crow. And with the constant force of swallowing the sky. He already felt that he was about to be flattened by the other party.

"Ma's. I would like to see how strong the body is in the fit period~www.ltnovel.com~burst. Explosion." The face of the rock is white. Cold sweats. The bones are about to be crushed. Tightly biting your teeth and taking out a few bursts. Use up the last force

The gas smashed the burst into the abdomen thigh of the swallowing crow.

Boom ~ bang ~ bang ~. Several bursts were suddenly detonated at once.

呜~呜~呜. The swallowing genius of the talents that have been possessed by the scorpion scorpion is still the cultivation of the fit period in the realm. However, the attack and defense have obviously dropped a lot.

Facing the direct bombing of so many bursts. Still brought a lot of damage to it. Especially surprising is that. This claw that was only holding the rock was directly blown up.

And the claws that fall off the rock directly fall off the ground. But at this time he is not very good. In order to blow up this claw. The burst is exploding in the abdomen not far from it. Although there is preparation. Still can't stand the explosive power of such a few bursts. So when you swallow the sacred crows. I am also hurt myself.

Sudden changes have made everyone surprised. However, the people of the Situ family saw the success of self-rescue from the rock. Still very happy. Throw out a few bursts. Explode a passage. I rushed past the rock.

But the situation they are facing now has not improved because of the injury to the swallow. It is even more difficult. The swallowing of the mysterious crows sighed with sorrow. Let those who swallow the blackjack attack more crazy.

But this time. The people of the Situ family have already encountered big troubles. The bursts on them have all been exhausted.

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