Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 868: A rare joy!

"You don't go back, then I don't go back. The life here is very dangerous, but it is also very exciting, and I have to wait to fight with you?" Han Xue said. ╪╪┢╪.[[. c"o

"I don't return! Anyway, I handed over the worldly affairs to others. I just want to stay with you and ask for it!" Yang Ruoxue also said.

She can see it. Cheng Yu actually hopes that they can stay with her all the time, but he also cares about them, so he is helpless and does not want them to be unhappy.

The days of coming to the world of comprehension are not short. Although I have not had a few days of peace, she has been able to understand the world of Cheng Yu.

As his woman, this time, she should encourage him and support him!

"I have to stay! Anyway, I am already yours. You don't think you want to hit me so easily!" Yang Ruoxue said, and Lanya, who has always refused to accept her in front of her, is not willing to show her weakness.

"I want to stay too!"

"I want to stay too..." Someone started, and the other women also showed their attitudes, leaving only the youngest Lin Yuxi.

"Hey, what about you?" Cheng Yu whispered Lin Yuxi's hand.

"I... I don't want to be separated from you, but I want my mother!" Lin Yu squinted and hugged Cheng Yu's waist, and shrank in his arms and said wronged.

"Hey, don't be sad, give me some time. I will never let your mother and daughter separate again! We will always be happy together, okay?" Cheng Yu holds Lin Yuqi gently caressing Her back, my heart is very distressed.

He knew Lin Yuxi, and he lived with his mother since childhood. He relied on a hard food stall to work for her. She never left her mother for so long.

Coupled with the embarrassing days of this time, she is likely to lose her life at any time. She is very scared in her heart, afraid that she will never see her dear mother again. ╪┠.([.c{o[m{

"Yeah!" Lin Yuxi nodded gently in Cheng Yu's arms.

Seeing Lin Yuxi’s appearance, several other women are also very emotional, although they are very unwilling, but this time they get along with each other, coupled with their re-recognition of the world, although they occasionally eat some vinegar, but in my heart I have already treated each other as sisters.

Especially Lin Yuxi, in their hearts, Lin Yuxi is their sister, now seeing her like this, my heart is indeed a bit more sad, I remembered the people in my family.

"I swear, this life will not disappoint you, believe me, good days will not be too far, no one can stop me from advancing!" Cheng Yu took a few women's hands firmly and domineering.

"Well! We believe in you, no matter what, we will always support you!" Several women said affectionately.

"Rely, why is Yu Shidi always so confident? Is it because he has so many women?" Xin Luo looked at Cheng Yu's domineering domineering, and he said inexplicably.

It is said that the confident man is the most attractive. Looking at the attitude of Cheng Yu who is who I am, everyone feels the inner blood. Young people should be like this, have ideals, and strive for ideals.

"If you are envious, you can also go find a few brothers and sisters back!" Xinhe glanced at the heart of the river, said.

"Hey, I think, but I don't have this ability!" Xinluo laughed, watching Cheng Yu every day is surrounded by flowers, my heart is really envious, but this kind of thing is really envious.

"Then you say a fart, hey, think about it is really a failure. On identity, we are his brother, but on strength, as a distraction, we don't necessarily beat him. On the relationship, it is a beautiful wife. I am a group of people, I really feel that this world is unfair!" Xinhe helplessly sighed.

At this time, a enchanting shadow appeared in front of three men, and the three men could guess what they were behind without looking. ┢╞╪┞╪╪.?[. c

"Do you know? The most hated thing in my life is that those men who are not specific to love, such as the ruined love concept of Yu Shidi, are simply shameful. I have always been loyal to love. Like to be a charming teacher, I can say without hesitation, I

In my life, except for her, she will never accept a second woman! "The heart of the river trembled, and then filled the shoulders of the two brothers who were calmly patted with the heart of the heart."

"My brother said it is good. In fact, we have always been very optimistic about you, especially when the charming teacher is standing by your side. I dare say that the world can no longer find a second loyalty to love than you." Man!" Xin Luo nodded, but also said to the heart of the river.

"It makes sense, brother, anyway, now that the teacher is not in the heart, do you want to say that you want to have three wives and four sisters? I am really curious?" Xinhai also pretended not to know, and asked curiously.

"Hey...you..." I saw that the two boys didn't cooperate with him at all, and they took the opportunity to deliberately give him a set of suits. The heart was overwhelmed, but he didn't dare to swear because he was behind him. Standing with a tigress.

"Ask your question! I also want to know if your brothers really want to marry a wife and a wife. If you want to, I can help him find a few, and then come to the door with a generous banquet to say goodbye!" Come to a voice.

Although this is very tempting, but the heart of listening is full of sweat.

"Yeah, how can you be here?" Just now we just talked about it, you should never go to the heart. In addition to you, the brothers will not let others else!" Xin Luo heard the voice turned around, pretending Very surprised to say.

But anyone can see it. This product is really a material for acting. I am afraid that others will not hear how many words he has. It is a pity that he does not make a movie.

When Xinhe heard Xinluo’s words, his face was green, and the goods were really not afraid of fellow people!

"Is it?"

"Sister, I can also testify, in addition to the teacher and sister in the heart of the brothers, really can not accommodate a bunch of women!" Xinhai also jumped out and said.

"Hey, your heart is really big, still want to accommodate a bunch of women?" Xinmei looked at the smile of Xinhe, but whoever saw this smile felt that the body was frozen to a few degrees below zero.

"Hey, Sister, how can you believe the words of both of them?" Xinhe said to the heart and smiled, then turned to the heart and the heart of the sea: "Do you both look for death! Framed me!"

"Haha, Sister, the brother is now a prototype, he just wants to marry his wife and his wife, and his wife and sisters are in groups. He just told us that!" Xin Luohaha smiled, ran and ran, and said all the truth.

"You stinky boy, your good day is over!" Xinhe was furious and chased after pulling out his legs.

"It’s you who are good at the end of the day! Seeing that I don’t want to pack you up, I still want to marry my wife and my wife!" The heart was cold and cold, and chased the heart of the river.

"Sister, help! Brothers want to kill people!" Xinluo shouted in front.

"Bad boy, you stand for me, see if I don't lick your skin!" Xinhe shouted at the back.

"Bastard, you stand for me, see that I don't interrupt your third leg, let you have three wives!" Xinmei threatened at the end.

Three people chasing me, the scene is not lively, everyone watching it, and the decadence of the past has been swept away.

"Cheng Yu, do you think we are bullying?" Looking at the scene of joy, Yang Ruoxue suddenly looked at Cheng Yu.

"Where do you say this, how can I be willing to bully you?" Cheng Yu said inexplicably.

"Hey, when you saw that we couldn’t beat you, if we had the strength of the sisters, we would dare to go back and forth between us, and we’ve been looking for your teeth all over the place.” Yang Ruoxue .

"Hey, how come? I have exchanged your feelings with you, how can you bully you. Besides, you are so gentle and virtuous, even if you have the strength of your sister, how can you use force against me? Right!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Let's wear a high hat for us. I knew you were so greedy. I should have cut it at the beginning!" Han Xue glanced at Cheng Yu's lower body and let Cheng Yu shrink and shrink. A touch of coolness.

"That is, if we have the strength of the teacher, you have the opportunity to have three wives and four sisters, and you have already become an eunuch!" Lan Ya also intentionally or unintentionally smashed the lower body of Cheng Chengyu.

"Nana, it's still your best. They are too **** and too violent. I don't like them very much. Come, let's go to the woods to talk about poetry and songs~www.ltnovel.com~ talk about philosophy of life. Speaking of it, I haven’t listened to Teacher Yao for a long time. Let’s go to the homework again. I think I’m a little rusty!” Cheng Yu said that the best temper Yao Na said.

"Oh, shameless, I shouldn’t have taken care of you in the first place. I have so many sisters and sisters come to provoke me, hate you, when I am so bullied?" Yao Na was originally a thin and traditional woman. By Cheng Yu in front of so many people, the face turned red, hot and hot, and Cheng Yu was a bit of a twist.

"Wow! Teacher Yao, you have to be responsible for your speech. But when you were born, you were forced to go to your home to review your homework. I remember that I was rather dying, but I am not going to go!" Cheng Yu said.

"Then you will go to bed again?" Han Xue said very awkwardly, and Yao Na was even more blatant and shameful.

"Hey, listen to Xiaoxue saying this, now I think it's a bit embarrassing, saying, Teacher Yao, are you yelling at me in the morning!" Cheng Yu pointed at Yao Na with a blank face.

"You stink, I killed you!" Yao Na can be ruined by Cheng Yu. Today, Yao Na is not the original Yao Na. Now she is a master of Jin Dan. It is not good to be punched. Cheng Yu certainly won't let her hit, and she will run away when she gets up.

"Ha ha! Teacher Yao is trying to murder the husband and wife!" Cheng Yu laughed.

With the addition of Cheng Yu, the scene is even more lively, and laughter and laughter come out!


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