Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 873: Fantasy Ice Palace!

"What happened? What about them?" The heart was shocked, so many people disappeared in an instant, how this is not shocking.

"It won't be to let the tree demon take it away!" This time, the exhaustion of their faces was swept away, and suddenly they panicked.

"This is impossible. The nightmare girl said that the former tree demon is also the leader of the tree to the realm of the fit period. The others are just distracted. Although this strength is strong, it is not so silent. Let's go." Xinhe said with a dignified face, this fact is incredible.

Although most of these women are not high, but the strength of Xinyao, Xinmei and Xinyun are distracted. Although the realm of heart and heart is still in the middle of distraction, their true combat power is not weaker than the ordinary distraction.

Even if the enemy is stronger, they also have enough time to send their help messages, but now these people disappear silently, which makes them more fearful than the feeling of the enemy.

“Did you have a master of the Mahayana period?” After listening to the analysis of Xinhe, Xinhai thought about it.

"The Mahayana period?" When you heard these three words, everyone was shuddering.

The Mahayana period is definitely a realm that everyone's comprehension dreams of. Even though they can't fly into the fairy world during the Mahayana period, as long as they can enter the robbery period and the robbery succeeds, they will surely be able to fly into a fairy.

The elders of their Promise Palace have basically reached the Mahayana period, and the monks in the fit period are already very powerful for them. However, in the face of the Mahayana period, the fit period is as fragile as an ant, showing how powerful the Mahayana period is. If there are really masters of the Mahayana period, where are they still living?

"You don't want to think about it, this thing will definitely not be done by the masters of the Mahayana period." Cheng Yu said.

Although Cheng Yu seems to be calm now, but his heart is very anxious, most of these women are his women, the other two are his sister, to say that he is not in a hurry that is a fake.

But this time is not anxious to solve, but should find ways to find clues and find them. If there is really a master of the Mahayana period, why did you only take a few women?

The Mahayana period is too far away for them. In the eyes of the masters of the Mahayana period, they are like ants. He can't think of a master of the Mahayana period. What are they doing?

"Yu Shidi, how do you know that it is impossible to be a master of the Mahayana period? Although it is said that the masters of the human body can not enter the remains of the mirror, but we can not guarantee that there are some lucky and powerful people who want to open the ruins in the mirror. It’s a chance to try your luck!” Xinluo saw Cheng Yu so sure, and felt too arbitrary.

There have been a lot of strong people who have been in the same period of time to find the celestial remains in the mirror to find the open mirror. There are even no shortage of the Mahayana period, but in the end they all ended in failure. They could not break through the enchantment.

Even if there are really strong people who have been lucky enough to enter it, but in the end they have not heard that they have come out.

But now there are signs of opening the ruins in the mirror. Some peerless people are definitely not willing to miss this opportunity. It is not necessary to try their luck again.

"The strong also have the pride of the strong, the repairs like us, can not afford the interest of others, let alone we camp together here, why only a few of them were taken away, which is obviously unreasonable. Of course This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is this!" Cheng Yu said suddenly took out a small grass.

"What is this?" The crowd saw the blue grass in Cheng Yu's hand and asked curiously.

"This grass is called the blue soul grass, it is a very powerful grass, but the monk of the monk instantly numbs the monk, and the monk loses consciousness." Cheng Yu said thoughtfully.

"So, is it that some people use this blue soul grass to faint their sisters, and then take them away? But who can quietly enter their tents and then faint them?" Said.

"Yeah, to say someone, then there is only the nightmare girl who just arrived today, the girl who dreams! Isn't it...!" Xinluo nodded, suddenly thinking of the nightmare that suddenly appeared today, suddenly shocked. Lost color.

"How is this possible? The nightmare girl is so pitiful, how could it be her? Besides, she is a monk in the early days of her distraction. What good is this for her?" Think of the dreamy girl's lovable appearance, no matter what the heart is. I believe it will be all she has done.

"Yeah, younger brother, you can't guess, this nightmare girl's life is already pitiful. How can she do this kind of thing? And where can she bring so many people alone?" Luo was also shocked by his own thoughts. This is his dream lover. When he heard the words of his heart, he suddenly felt that this thing could not be a nightmare.

"Teacher, are you still discovering something?" Xinhe was not as excited as Xinluo and Xinhai, but he was very worried about the safety of his heart, watching Cheng Yu said.

"Actually, I am not sure if she is her, but if there is a suspicious person, then she is alone. Although this blue soul grass has a strong ability, it also has a fatal weakness. Once If you are picked, you have to freeze it, otherwise you will lose the effect. So you see, this blue tobacco is still a bit cold, and there are water drops!" Cheng Yu took the blue soul grass to give Everyone can see that there is still a little bit of cold on the top, and the whole grass is still a little moist.

"But this does not mean that the nightmare girl did it?" Xinluo said inexplicably.

"I don't know if you have noticed that there is an unusual chill in the nightmare girl. Although she hides very well, I can still feel a trace!" Cheng Yu said.

When I remembered eating, the nightmare gave me a thank-you to toast to them. He accidentally noticed that there was a sign of condensation on the wine, but it was not too much attention at the time. It is really suspicious to think of it now.

"Listening to Yu’s younger brother said that I really felt a trace. When I handed Shenshui to her for healing, I accidentally touched her finger. It really had a cold feeling, but I thought she was being Scared, so it will be like that." Xinhai recalled.

"But even if this is the case, how did she take so many people away without a word? Is she also a space magic weapon?" Xinluo still does not believe.

"Then I only know when I tried it!" Cheng Yu suddenly walked toward the lake.

"Yu Shidi, do you think they are hiding in this lake? But isn't it already found in the daytime? Is there anything unusual?" The three followed Cheng Yu to the lakeside that had been studied for a long time during the day. Asked for the solution.

Cheng Yu does not believe that so many people can really disappear so silently, and these people are still in a coma. If the other party really uses the space magic, then he will certainly be aware.

Then the only explanation is that this lake has always been a doubt for him. He has absolute confidence in his own perception, but he does not know how to crack this mystery.

哗~哗~哗, Cheng Yu went to the lake, kneeling down and gently swiping the lake, watching the lake pondering.

"Yu Shidi, I have really checked it out. This is really nothing underwater!" Looking at Cheng Yu, he said nothing, Xin Luo said.

"Yes? I can't see it, there is no abnormality in the water, but it does not mean that there is no abnormality on the water!" Cheng Yu's heavy face suddenly smiled.

"Yu Shidi, what do you mean by this? Do you find anything?" Xinhai said excitedly.

"Look at your head, such a big moon, there is no reflection in this lake, don't you feel strange?" Cheng Yu looked up at the big moon in the sky and smiled.

"Sure! But what does this mean?" The people looked up at the moon and looked at the lake again. It didn't reflect, which was unreasonable.

"Brother, you must retreat first!" Cheng Yu did not know what would happen next, let everyone retreat to the side, and his right hand, the awakening of God has appeared.

The three stood quietly behind, curiously watching Cheng Yu, only to see that his body suddenly floated up, and the refreshing of the gods gave off a green light, then lifted up high.

drink! Cheng Yu shouted, and a huge green sword shadow smashed toward the lake.

boom! Under the shadow of the sword, there was no imaginary splash of water, but a white light flashed across the lake, and then a sound like broken glass was heard.

"This lake really has a hidden mystery!" Seeing this reaction, several people were overjoyed, indicating that there is indeed a strange in this lake.

However, at this time ~www.ltnovel.com~ the lake surface changed again, and the originally calm lake suddenly turned and formed a huge vortex.

"Look, there is something out!" The heart of the sea has been facing the lake, and suddenly shouted.

I saw a few sharp corners began to pop up, slowly rising up, looking a bit like a roof, followed by the roof, and when all came out of the water, everyone was completely shocked.

No one thought that there was a gorgeous ice palace in the lake. Under the illumination of the moonlight, it was so crystal-clear, radiant, and dreamlike.

"This...this...this is too unbelievable. I obviously found it under the water for a long time. Except for the fish, shrimp and water, there is nothing at all. Now I have an ice from below. Palace, if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I can't believe it!" Xinluo was surprised and couldn't believe it was true.

"We want to go in and see, maybe they are here!" The heart of the sea came back, very much expecting.

Hey! However, when the sea was ready to board the ice palace, suddenly a lot of ice vectors came out from it!

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