Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 877: Cheng Yu is angry!

Looking at the nightmare standing between the two corners of the ice dragon, the cold eyes, the murderousness of Lingren, the hearts of everyone are tight, this is the real life and death battle!

"Teacher!" Xinhe and others saw this scene, and quickly prepared to fly to Cheng Yu's side to help him. Township·villa·暁·说·网

"Don't come over!" Cheng Yu saw their actions and quickly stopped them.

Cheng Yu was also shocked by the sudden change of the nightmare. If she was laughing with her before, she is definitely a real cold-faced killer, and she will definitely harvest her life.

With her strength, it is really easy to kill a few people, even if he doesn't have a little control on how long it takes, they will not help them. If the other party really wants to kill, they just increase their chances, even if they are going to die, it is much better to die than to die.

"Since you have to fight, I will fight with you, not for the opening of the mirror, just for my woman and my brothers and sisters. I hope that you can promise me, if I am killed, please let them go!" Know that you are not an opponent, just hope that the other party will not kill them, leaving others to live.

"Teacher...!" A few people in Xinhe saw that Cheng Yu wanted to change his life, and suddenly he was angry and anxious.

"That depends on your ability. I don't know how many years have passed. The geniuses who die in my hands don't know how many things. Since you want to get a mirror, then you have to be ready to fall. If you Can't satisfy me, I don't mind killing a few more people!" The nightmare is cold.

When I heard the nightmare saying this, Cheng Yu’s heart suddenly became cold. He knew that this time everyone was afraid that it would be fierce. After all, the strength of the two people is too great. With his current cultivation as the realm, he can't beat each other.

"You must leave here first!" Cheng Yu's face was dignified, and the god's awakening appeared on the right hand, and his back to the three said.

"How can this be done!" The three lost their voices. Cheng Yu is their younger brother. How can they let him stay alone to die?

"Go! Don't you want us all to die here together?" Cheng Yu yelled.

"We are brothers and brothers. We should have lived and died together. Since there is such a robbery today, even if we die in this battle, we will not marry our brothers." Xinhai shouted.

"Three brothers, I understand your feelings, but can't you see them? The person she wants to fight is me, and with her strength, even if we are together, it is just a death, what does this mean?" To the care of the three people, Cheng Yu was moved, but this is the case, he can not let these people die in vain.

"What about that? If you are defeated, we can't save them, and what are the three faces of us?" Xinluo said. Look at the fastest chapter on xiāngcūnxiǎoshuō.cóm

"Teacher, they both said it right. We have so many people coming in together, and now they are all in the hands of this woman. It is not just about our own life and death. Or, we will go back together, Either, they will die together here." Xinhe has always been calm, and Cheng Yu has indicated their decision.

"Good! If this is the case, then I will not say more. But now she is facing me, you are avoiding it for a while. Although the other party is strong, but how to fight it, it is better to live than to die!" Three people have sincere eyes, Cheng Yu knows that they can't change their thoughts if they say it again. If so, then fight and fight for everyone to live.

"It is really touching to see your brothers and sisters, but in front of me, except for the strength that can touch me, all of them are ants." The nightmare said faintly.

"You..." Xin Luo stepped forward, but was stopped by the heart.

Although the nightmare seems to be arrogant, the other party does have this strength.

"Senior brother, let's go back! Let me fight a happy game again!" Cheng Yu said to the three.

"Good! I know that we can't help anything, you should be careful!" Xinhe nodded, and with his heart and heart, he retreated to the distance.

In the battlefield, the nightmare stood on the top of the ice faucet. On the side of Cheng Yu, there was a golden gong and a fire feather on the left and right sides. The two sides were quiet and opposite, and the atmosphere cooled down instantly.

Hey! Suddenly, the nightmare flew out of the water on the ice dragon, and the huge ice dragon body slammed into Cheng Yu.

One person and two beasts quickly jumped in three directions, and there was a big pit in the place where they had stood, and the dust fluttered.

Cheng Yu jumped into the sky, and the whole person turned into a giant sword. It was a faint dream of a giant dragon entwined with a giant sword toward the nightmare above the ice dragon.

"Somewhat!" Seeing the change of Cheng Yu, the nightmare laughed, this little Xiaoying infant period really gave her a glimmer of hope, but this is not enough.

I saw the ice sword on the nightmare's hand, and the left-handed sword pointed up. The lake underneath was like a curtain that was lifted up in front of her and instantly frozen.

However, at this time, a fire dragon flew behind the nightmare, a nightmare, and the ice dragon evaded, the fire dragon directly smashed the past.

boom! The fire dragon did not hit the nightmare, but instantly incinerated the ice wall that the nightmare erected. Hey, at this time, the great sword of Cheng Yu’s incarnation just rushed past the incinerated ice wall.

Without the blocking of the ice wall, the giant sword pointed to the nightmare. The nightmare was a little surprised, this Warcraft and Cheng Yu turned out to be so connected.

However, at this time, she could not be allowed to think more. The ice sword on the right hand pushed forward and swung fast.

boom! The little ice sword and the giant sword of Cheng Yu’s incarnation are together, and no one can move.

Roar! However, the dragon shadow on the giant sword was directly wrapped around the past, wrapped around the nightmare ice sword, and finally rushed to the nightmare.

Although Cheng Yu has made many surprises, the nightmare is indeed bright, but in the face of absolute strength, these gorgeous tricks are just a dazzling fireworks.

The nightmare sword of the nightmare is unchanged, the left hand is in the palm of the hand, and the palm of the hand is shot, and the surrounding space is solidified. The dragon shadow that originally came to her was instantly turned into an ice sculpture by the power of the nightmare.

Hey! Then, the ice sculptures shattered into pieces and fell into the water. However, it is not only the dragon shadow that is frozen, but only between the two swords, the giant sword of Cheng Yu’s incarnation is gradually frozen.

"Rewind!" and the heart of the river and other people also felt the terrible cold air hit, pulling the two people back again hundreds of meters away.

"Senior brother, what is the realm of this woman! How do I feel like a bottomless pit. Under the singular trick of Yu Shidi, I still don't panic, one by one, what should I do?" Seeing Cheng Yu again Frozen, Xin Luo said anxiously.

"It's hard to say that this woman knows the whereabouts of the open mirror, and it must be the treasure guard of the open mirror. It can become a treasure guard, its strength will never be lower than the fit period. What's more, the fit period in this relic The immortal can't come in, this nightmare is invincible in the remains of this mirror." Xinhe said with some weakness.

I used to know that it is difficult to find a mirror in the mirror, but I don’t know that it is hard to find, and there is also a treasure guard.

“Does this woman really want to kill us all?” Xin Luo said in a complicated mood.

When I saw the nightmare of the heavenly man, I thought that my spring was coming. But never imagined that this woman's coming is a bit big, and quite mysterious, the strength is even more unfathomable. Now even the small life is in the hands of others, it is really helpless.

"Maybe you have to look at Yu Shidi." There is a bit of wisdom in the calm eyes of the heart.

"Senior brother, you have just said that this woman may be the invincible existence in the relics. Do you think that Yu Shidi can still win her?" Xinhai shook his head and felt that Cheng Yu would win the nightmare. This is simply not possible.

"This may not be as bad as we thought. I always feel that this nightmare seems to be testing us all the time, not really wanting to kill us." Heart River.

"Try us? What are you trying?" Xinluo and Xinhai are puzzled.

"I can't say it, but if she really wants to kill us, she doesn't need such trouble in her strength." There seems to be a bit of insight in the heart of the heart, but it can't be said.

what! At this time, Cheng Yu shouted loudly, and the giant eagle shot countless glare, and the ice sculpture was completely blown up. Cheng Yu, who had turned into a human form, stood in it.

Before everyone else saw it, Cheng Yu had once again launched an attack on the nightmare above the ice dragon. Looking at the dazzling swords of the two men, the hearts of the three people of Xinhe are all in the eyes of the blind.

Even though it is clear that the gap between the two sides is insurmountable, the three are full of expectations for Cheng Yu.

Hey! Obviously, such a hard hit, Cheng Yu is still not a nightmare opponent, defeated by a sword.

"Do you only have this strength?" The nightmare sneered.

"Either ~www.ltnovel.com~ you will kill me, why bother me so much!" Cheng Yu wiped the blood of his mouth with his right hand and said with anger.

The defense of the other side is really dripping, and with his current strength, it is impossible to break through. The other party obviously can kill him but not kill him. Cheng Yu feels that he is being humiliated.

"It’s not a good thing for young people to be so impulsive. Don’t you want your woman and open the mirror?” Nightmare laughed.

"I want you to give it?" Cheng Yu said with no anger.

"Win me! This is your last chance. If you can't satisfy me again, not only you, I will kill all your women, including your teachers and brothers."

"killing and killing light, okay! Come and kill!" Cheng Yu listened to the anger, the **** of the hand awakened with green light, as if to restore the owner's anger.

Hey! Cheng Yuhua rushed toward the nightmare as a green light, and the nightmare also turned into a blue light. Two rays of light burst into a loud noise on the surface of the lake.

The three people standing in the distance, only seeing the green mans continually bounced off, then wrapped up, and then repelled again.

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