Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 889: I am sorry!

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"I know that you can hardly understand my words now, but after you and I merge, you will naturally understand what I mean! I said, I will give you a big surprise, and you will understand it by then!" More explanation, she will know this after she has merged with her.

"Oh, then after you merge with me, have you disappeared since then!" Lin Yuqi asked.

"Yes!" The nightmare nodded, and it seemed that the mood was not fluctuating.

Looking at the back of the nightmare, Lin Yuxi suddenly had a sense of sorrow and grief in his heart, which is uncomfortable!

"Why don't you talk?" asked the nightmare.

Lin Yuqi shook his head and did not speak.

"Are you sad for me?" asked the nightmare again.

"I don't know! Although we didn't know for a long time, but I think that you will disappear because of my disappearance in this world, my heart will be very difficult!" Lin Yuxi said.

"You are not afraid of me hurting you? Your man seems to be afraid that I will eat you!" The nightmare laughed.

"I believe you won't!"

"Oh? Why? Is it because I am not bad enough?"

"Maybe! Although you always look cold, but the eyes are the windows of the soul, I can see kindness and sincerity from your eyes, and even helplessness and expectation! I believe that people who can express so many feelings are not It will be a bad person!" Lin Yuxi said seriously.

"Oh, the people who died in my hands are already ignorant. The first time I heard someone commenting on me, maybe I really didn't misread you. You may be the best person to become an ice mirror!" I laughed and said.

"But I still believe that I saw it!" Lin Yuxi said that he was silent again.

"It's a stubborn and kind woman!" The nightmare smiled softly, and neither of them spoke again, just step by step!

"Are you still sad for me?" After a while, the nightmare spoke again.

"" Lin Yuqi nodded and did not speak.

"Actually, I am not a person. I am not a person you see. This is just an illusion. You don't have to be sad for my disappearance, just like the stones and trees on the ground." The nightmare said.

"But now you are in front of me, in my opinion, it is a real person, I can't treat you like a stone!" Lin Yuxi said.

"Maybe this is why I can't be a human. I don't have the feelings like you. I don't know when I was aware of it, but you made me feel warm for the first time. Thank you, I will help you." Always guarding your loved ones!" Nightmare laughed.

"We are here!" When the two walked through the steps of the first floor, a huge stone door appeared.

The nightmare stretched out his right hand to face the giant door, the giant door slowly opened, and the two entered the giant door, and the giant door was closed.

In front of Lin Yuxi is a huge secret room. The lights are bright and the magical ice lamps are everywhere. It is like a crystal world. Lin Yuxi feels a strong aura here.

What surprised her even more is that she saw a familiar and strange thing here. It turned out to be the Lingjing vein of Cheng Yu’s mountain river map, but it was a bit different. This Lingjing vein is the same as the blue crystal. There is no variegated color, unlike Cheng Yu's close to the white spirit vein.

"Here is the place where the ice mirror absorbs energy. These huge pure ice crystal veins can continuously condense the aura of water properties. However, because the ice mirror is damaged, its agglutination speed has been much slower. You can make it recover!"

"Yeah!" Lin Yuxi nodded.

"I used to be born here, and now I have to go back here! Your qualifications are general. After we merge, you must recognize the ice mirror, so that you can make up for your shortcomings and borrow the contract. Force to grow with his strength, you will not worry about your disparity with his strength!" Nightmare looked at everything in front of me, reminded again.

"What about my life?" Lin Yuxi is most concerned about whether he can stay with Cheng Yu forever.

"After you and I merge, you become a spirit. As long as the ice mirror no longer has major damage, the life of the spirit is eternal, just like me. But you are different from me, as long as you can make the ice empty. When the mirror is restored to the fairy, then your body will naturally be blessed to become a fairy. Even if the ice mirror is damaged again, you will not fall like me, because you have a flesh!" Nightmare explained.

"I understand!" Lin Yuxi nodded!


At this time, the Cheng Yu people at the lake, as time passed, and the lake is still calm, all people's faces are anxious.

Cheng Yu came back from the lake and watched the lake from time to time. He saw that there was no movement and walked back and forth. When he saw it, his mood was very annoying!

"Cheng Yu! Don't worry, Xiao Yan will be fine!" Yao Na went to Cheng Yu to comfort her.

"Hey! I know, but I just can't let go of it. If she really does something, I will regret it for a lifetime. I don't even know how to face her mother!" Cheng Yuman said with concern.

"But it’s useless to rush to it like this. The nightmare doesn’t really look like a bad person. Maybe this is really the path of Xiaoyan’s luck?”

"I hope so! But they have been going down for two hours. Now there is no movement at all. I really want to drill down and see!" Cheng Yu said helplessly.

"You don't want to be impulsive. Didn't the nightmare say anything, let us wait on it, in case of your impulse, what really happened, then you have to really regret it, we are patiently waiting for one." Wait!" Yao Na said anxiously, it seems that she was really afraid that Cheng Yu was impulsive and went into the water.

"The nightmare is best to let you come back safely, or else, even if I really can't fight her, I won't let her suffer!" Cheng Yu said firmly.

Yao Na helpless, can only sit quietly next to Cheng Yu, gently leaning his head on Cheng Yu's shoulder, staring at the lake!

"Nana, do you regret it?" Suddenly, Cheng Yu came up with a sentence.

"Are you regretting it?" Yao Na asked.

"A bit! I am too selfish, maybe the secular is your paradise, I should not bring you to this cruel world!" Cheng Yu stared at the lake.

"Yes, you are not only selfish, but also very greedy!" Yao Na said.

"I'm sorry!" Cheng Yu thought that the other party was still worried about his own affairs ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ very sorry to say.

When I first came to the world, it was really ridiculous. I didn't think so much at the time. I just felt that I had a chance to be born again. I just wanted to play the world.

But who knows the more women who provoke, the burden on the shoulders is getting heavier and heavier, and finally he has to embark on this old road!

"You know our world, but you don't want to share your world with us. You are too selfish and too greedy!" Yao Na ignored Cheng Yu's apology and said.


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