Godly Student

Vol 4 Chapter 895: The status of the open mirror!

"The nightmare's eyes are not very good, but since she has already handed the ice mirror to you, I have to give her some face. But, if I want my wooden mirror, it is not so white for you, If you can come out of my cage of mysterious vines, I can consider it!" Mu Ji's right hand waved, and a square box of cages made of rattan wood appeared in front of everyone.

“It’s that simple?” Cheng Yu went to the cage and looked at it. This thousand years old Xuan Teng seems to be harder than the one just.

"I know what abacus you play, you can't let your magic pet help, you can only rely on your own skills!" Mu Ji seems to see the disdain in Cheng Yu's eyes.

"Is it as long as I break out and you are willing to hand me the wooden mirror!" Cheng Yu said.

"I said, I can consider it!"

"Does this still need to be considered? I believe that you are similar to the nightmare situation. Do you really need a person who can inherit the wooden mirror? Now I have got the ice mirror, if I want to open the mirror You can only choose me in the world!" Cheng Yu said.

“Opening the mirror to reproduce the world? Is it possible?” Mu Ji looked awkward and awkward.

“Why not?” Cheng Yu said inexplicably.

"The open mirror was originally a great fairy. Nowadays, every part of the mirror is not even. Do you think that the open mirror may reproduce the world?" Mu Ji shook his head.

"Nothing is impossible. As long as I think, I will be able to restore it to the past!" Cheng Yu stunned, and then hesitantly said.

"Oh, a little distracted monk, what qualifications are so arrogant!" Mu Ji was completely scornful of Cheng Yu's words.

"I am just a little monk in distraction, but in the future I will pass through the fairy to become a fairy, even if the emperor can't stop me from advancing!" Cheng Yu seems to remember the years when he was in the fairyland, the whole person The sudden surge of momentum has given people a feeling of being in the world, making others stunned and boiled!

"The tone is not small! If so, why don't you try to break my Xuan Teng cage first?" Mu Ji said dismissively.

"This thousand years of mysterious vines is powerful, but I want to trap me, but you are too small to smack me. As long as I am willing, I can let it fly away!" Faced with the disdain of Mu Ji, Cheng Yu also Look down on her little trick.

"Haha! Let me squander my Wannian vines in the air. Even if you have this magical pet, it is impossible, let alone one by one!"

"Is it? You have lived for thousands of years, but your knowledge is also general. This thousand years of Xuan Teng may be really troublesome for others, but for me, it is indeed a breeze."

"Yes? Then you let me see and see!" Seeing Cheng Yu even looked down on himself, and said that his knowledge is general, it has already made her have some fire.

"Then we are waiting for you!" Cheng Yu did not say much, went straight into the cage and went in.

As soon as he entered the cage, Cheng Yu felt that he had entered the other world. The world was like a void, no light, and the whole world was only dark.

Hey! Suddenly, Cheng Yu felt that his body was entangled in vines, then his hands and feet.

"Cheng Yu!" And everyone outside was only seeing that Cheng Yu was instantly entangled by countless vines, and everyone was nervous.

"Hey, young people are arrogant, this Xuan Teng cage looks ordinary, but it is a space. Anyone in this space wants to come out is not a breeze, a small distraction period counts. What!! Seeing this scene, Mu Ji is very satisfied.

Cheng Yu felt that his whole body was stretched, and even his neck was strangled. At this time, Cheng Yu gritted his teeth, his eyes turned into flames, and then his body was wrapped in flames. His adult Xuan vines were all burned out.

"Cheng Yu!"

"Yu Shidi!" The crowd did not see the flame of Cheng Yu's whole body. He only saw that Xuan Teng, who had been wrapped up with him, was gone, and his face was very pleasant.

"How can this be? This flame!" Others can't see it, but it doesn't mean that Mu Ji can't see it. The flame that Cheng Yu has sent is just like his magic pet, and even hegemony. This is incredible.

Mu Ji does not intend to put the process so easily, and the seals on his hands are not limited. In the void space of the cage, Cheng Yu clearly saw through the flame that the entire space seemed to be filled with vines, and countless vines had once again wrapped around his hands and feet.

"Ah!" Cheng Yu screamed, countless Fengyan broke out from the body, and he rushed out around him. The whole space instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the vines were all burned out in an instant.

At this time, the cage was also broken open instantly!

"Hey!" Muji snorted, and was actually hurt by Cheng Yu. She looked incredulously at Cheng Yu who came out of the cage.

"What is this flame?" Muji asked in shock.

You must know that her vines are not ordinary grasses, even if it is a burning fire, it is so easy to destroy it.

However, this guy's flame is even more overbearing than the flamboyant Sancha real fire. It will destroy her Wannian Xuan Teng in an instant, which is hard to believe!

"I took it as Fengyan, how? Didn't let you down!" Cheng Yu smiled.

"I really look down on you!" Mu Ji said to the other side.

"Then you are willing to let me pass on your wooden mirror now?" Cheng Yu laughed.

“Is this day finally coming?” Mu Ji glanced at Cheng Yu. “Do you really want to restore the mirror?”

"Isn't this also your wish?" Cheng Yu nodded.

"Really! But even if you are the best person to get a mirror - www.ltnovel.com~ you may not be able to do so."


"Since the master blamed, the open mirror has existed in name only, and it is a blessing that every part can be preserved. Moreover, the various parts of the open mirror are not harmonious, and they may not be willing to hand over the mirror to you!"

"What is the composition of the opening mirror?" Cheng Yu asked.

"The beginning of the world is yin and yang, and the five elements are bounded. There are seven components in the open mirror. They are the yin and yang five lines and seven fairy mirrors! The most important thing is that the Yin Kong mirror and the Yang Kong mirror have long been gone, even if you can Qi Wuxing empty mirror, it is impossible to reunite the mirror!" Mu Ji said.

"The dark mirror and the sun mirror don't know where to go? You are all part of the open mirror. You should have the induction between you. How can you not know where to go?" Cheng Yu said with surprise.

"We don't know, maybe they have already fallen, we naturally can't perceive it." Mu Ji shook his head.

"Who are you talking about?" Cheng Yu said again. Reading network

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